Bus Adventure

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Ashtons POV: "Ash! Ash! Wake up! We have to go! We packed you stuff, now get ready!" "5 more minuets!" I begged. "You can sleep on the bus! Now get you lazy ass up and get ready!" Calum demanded. I groaned but soon got up. I sleepily grabbed some random clothes and slumped into the bathroom. I feel like sh*t because I barely slept at all last night. After Katie said she would forgive me, I still knew she would remember what I did forever. I mean, I punched my best friend, practically brother, because I was being overprotective and horrible in general. "ASH, IF YOU DONT GET OUT HERE NOW WE'RE GONNA LEAVE YOU BEHIND AND GET A NEW DRUMMER! LET'S GO!" Someone shouted through the bathroom. I pulled on my jeans rapidly, slipped my shirt on, and roughly combed my horribly messy hair with my fingers. I sprinted out of the bathroom and grabbed my stuff for the ride. What am I forgetting? I blinked my eyes to clear my vision. Ugh mornings. "Forgetting something?" Luke asked as he waved my glasses at me. "Thanks." I said as I tried to grab my glasses from his hands but he lifted them out of my reach. Being the shortest in the band sucks. I jumped and jumped but I just couldn't reach them. Then my glasses were snatched from Luke's hand by....Katie. I think. I can't see very well right now. "Hey. Can't I have a little fun." Luke complained to Katie. "You're just upset because I'm close to your height. The perks of being Luke height. Everything." Katie replied with a little giggle. It sucks that she's so damn tall. She tried to put on my glasses for me but failed miserably. She gave up and handed them to me and I could finally see. Then we walked out to the elevator and brought all of our stuff down to the lobby. I could hear the screams of teenage girls before the elevator door even opened. When we walked out of the doors to the bus, we went to sign some things that our fans had brought and we took some pictures as well. "OH MY GOD! IT'S THAT STUPID GIRL THAT'S ALWAYS WITH THEM! THEY PROBABLY DONT EVEN LIKE HER! I MEAN LOOK AT HER!" A random girl shouted from the other side of the crowd. I dropped the pen I had and whipped my whole body to the place where the girl was standing. I walked over to the girl but in the process I grabbed Katie's hand. I looked at her and she was trying to act like it didn't bother her but she was on the verge of tears. The whole crowd went quiet as we reached the girl who shouted all of those b*tchy comments. "HOW DARE YOU EVER SAY THAT! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT KIND OF THING! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF IT WAS THE OTHER WAY AROUND?" I shouted at the girl. "It wouldn't bother me because I'm not I baby about it." The girl replied with a smirk. I swear my face turned red like a tomato and steam came out of my ears. "LISTEN HERE AND YOU LISTEN WELL! YOU WOULDN'T KNOWS HOW IT FELT BECAUSE IT HASN'T OF EVER WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!" I shouted as loud as I could. She didn't seem fazed by my loudness. "Why the hell are you so defensive over her?" The girl b*tchy girl asked. I looked at Katie to see if she was okay with telling everyone our secret. She nodded in approval as a few tears came our of her eyes. "THAT'S BECAUSE SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND AND I LOVE HER! I DONT CARE WHO KNOWS! KATIE LARSON IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" I screamed so everyone could hear me. I honestly don't care who knows. If they don't like it then too bad. Katie looked at me with and adorable smile and I pulled her in for a hug but she wanted more than a hug. She kissed me with so much love and passion that it felt like no one was there but us. We got a few 'AWWW's before we both pulled away. We both smiled like the dorks we are and we walked onto the bus holding hands as swaying of arms back and forth. We ignored the looks Calum, Michael, and Luke gave us like we just killed someone. Their eyes were practically popping out of their heads. Once we got onto the bus we crawled into my bunk and cuddled until we both were dead asleep.




"Michael, shut up. You'll wake them up." Calum hissed as I opened my eyes slightly. Katie was still asleep but Calum and Michael were walking down the eisle, stumbling on blankets, bags, or their own two feet. "Too late guys." I said quietly so I wouldn't wake Katie up. They whipped their heads around just as Calum tripped and knocked into Michael who stumbled to the floor. I held in my laughter until I was out of the bunk area and I shit the door. I burst into a fit of laughter as I fell onto the floor because it hurt to laugh so hard. "This is you're fault. It was you stuff." Calum pouted. "So your clutsyness is my fault?" I asked sarcastically. Calum stuck his tounge out at me as he went to the back room. "Oh, Ash, the people we were writing with only had one day open but we're booked that day....." Luke explained. "And........" I gestured for him to continue. "Were going to Minnesota next." Luke explained quietly. "What's so bad about Minnesota?" "Nothing. It's just really cold." Luke replied. The cold is not my favorite. "You'll get used to is." Katie said as she emerged from the bunk area. I turned around to see a messy haired Katie smiling. "And how would you know this?" Luke questioned. "Ash didn't tell you? Well, I was born and raised there but I moved to Australia awhile back." Katie explained. Luke looked at me and back to Katie. "Oh." Luke said. Katie decided that she was hungry and made some food for all of us. She just made some toast but Calum and I stole it all before any of them could get any. "I'm gonna go make some more. Do we have any duck tape?" Katie asked. I pointed to a little cabinet with some random stuff in it. She grabbed two roles and handed one to Luke and one to Micheal and whispered something to them. "Close your eyes." Katie instructed. We heard some shuffling and Luke and Michael grabbed out hands and taped them behind out backs. We struggled but failed to get loose. "What the hell was that for?" I asked as Katie came back into the room with some more toast. "That was so we can have out own toast without being robbed." Katie explained. I somehow manged to get to Calum's hands and unwrapped them and then he unwrapped mine. Once Katie brought back the plates Calum and I grabbed Katie and carried her to the back room. "HELP! I'M BEING KIDNAPPED!" Katie screamed as Luke and Michael come sprinting into the room. When they saw us we all hot the same idea. "SACRAFICE!" We all yelled in unison. "If you sacrifice me who's gonna make you food because your too lazy to make it yourself?" Katie asked with a smirk. We all looked at each other and Katie laughed at our concerned faces. "If knew you wouldn't sacrafice me." Katie laughter as she walked out of the back room. "Doesn't mean that I won't get you back." I said with an evil grin. "I know your to scared to get me back. Let's see what you've got." Katie challenged. "Oh its on." I said as I chased her around the bus. I gave up when I couldn't run anymore. "That's another advantage of being Luke height. Long legs." Katie said with I cute little smile.

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