Back Room Explanation

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Ashton's POV: "Wake up guys. We have sound check in an hour. Get up." Calum announced as he jumped on our bed. "But I'm so comfy." I complained. Ashton's arms were still wrapped around my waist. I could stay here forever. Ashton slowly got up and walked around the bed to pulled me off the bed. "Hey. What was that for?" I asked annoyingly. "We have to go. That's why."Ashton explained. When I finally got out of bed I slumped over to my bag and rummaged through it for some clothes. When I finally got the bathroom I changed and walked out to grab some shoes. Once I was completely ready I stole one of Calums beanies and walked down to the lobby for breakfast. "Hey, that's mine." Calum complained as he pointed to his beanie that was on my head. "I know that Calum. I forgot mine so I borrowed yours. If you want it then come get it." I challenged. Calum was about to get up but he just sat back down. Once we finished our breakfast we made our way outside to the van. As we were walking out to the bus I was stopped by Kallie. "Now I don't have to worry about you trying to steal Luke from me." Kallie said happily. "What do you mean?" I asked cluelessly. "Now that your with Ashton, I don't have to worry about Luke." Kalie replied. "What makes you think I'm with Ashton?" I asked annoyingly. "Calum told us that he walked in on you two kissing." Kallie replied innocently. Blabber mouth. "Im not with him it just happened. Okay." I said. "In that case, Stay away from Luke!" Kallie threatened. "Im not interested in Luke." I replied. Man this girl pisses me off. "Just leave Luke alone. He's mine." Kallie commanded. I just walked onto the van without another word. "Calum, can we talk, privately?" I asked Calum. I followed him into the back room of the bus. "Why did you tell everyone?" I complained. "About what?" Calum asked cluelessly. He can be so dumb sometimes. "Last night. When you came in our room to grab you phone." I reminded him. Then the memories of last night flooded into my mind. I have to admit it, I enjoyed that kiss. A lot. "Luke and Michael bugged me about it so I told them." Calum confessed. Ugh. "Will you tell Luke and Michael to come in here." I commanded. A few moments later Luke, Michael, and of course Kallie came into the back room. "Kallie, can you please get out, its personnel." I asked. "Im not leaving you in here with Luke." She said as she clung to Luke's arm. "Kallie, it's fine. I'm gonna be in here too." Michael told Kallie. She glared at me for a moment before she left the room. "What did you want us for?" Michael asked. "Who was in the room when Calum told you about the kiss?" I questioned. "Me, Michael, Kallie, and Joe." Luke answered. I groaned. "Everyone knows. Really? Calum can't keep his mouth shut." I complained. Why did he have to tell everyone. "Yup. Everyone knows." Michael answers. "I though you and Ashton were just really good friends." Luke questioned. "Theirs more. When Ashton stormed off yesterday, I chased after him and.........h-h-he t-told me that...............he l-loves me." I confessed. Michael and Luke's mouths dropped wide open. Why am I telling them this? "Really? Are you serious? I didn't believe him yesterday." Luke asked in disbelief. "At least I know Ashton wasn't making it up." Michael said with a confused face. Just then Calum and Ashton walked into the back room. "What's going on back here?" Ashton asked with a puzzled face. "Ashton, they know EVERYTHING. From the 'I love you' to the kiss." I explained. "Wait. What! I didn't know about any 'I love you's'!" Calum questioned. "Okay I'll tell you from the beginning. First of all, Ashton hugged me. Not a regular hug. A very special hug. Then when Ashton stormed of, he told me he loved me, then while you guys were watching a movie Ashton and I kissed. And then Calum just HAD to tell everyone that we kissed." I explained to the boys and elbowed Calum in the side. "Do you get it now?" I asked. "Yes." All of the boys replied in unison. "So are you and Ashton dating now or what?" Calum asked. Ashton and I exchanged glances quickly. "Not yet." I admitted. Then Calum, Luke, and Michael left the back room leaving Ashton and I alone. "Can I ask you something?" Ashton asked. "Sure, what do you need Ashton?" I questioned. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Ashton asked. "Only if I can have one thing." I replied. "What is it?" Ashton questioned. "Another kiss." I answered. I looked deep into Ashton's eyes and a split second later our lips were locked. If I could, I would kiss Ashton all of the time. "Come on lovebirds, lets go." Michael interrupted. For once could we not be interrupted. I giggled as Michael walked off the bus. "Lets go." Ashton said as he broke my train of thought.

I think I like Ashton. No. Im sure that I like Ashton.

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