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Lukes POV:

"And to think, it all started with a concert."

"Wait.....what? How? Huh?" I stuttered. Katie and Ash giggled as Calum and Michael shifted in their seats. "What do you mean? What concert? What happened?" "Stop stuttering and let me tell you the story! Jeez!" Katie shouted a s she sat up slightly. "Okay, I won tickets to a Green Day concert, like, oh my god! It's Green Day. But, anyways, we got floor tickets. And all of the people who win tickets got floor tickets and backstage passes to meet the band, but only 10 people won so I was really lucky. So, when I went to the concert, I ended up talking to Ash and we hung out during the concert and we stuck together while we were meeting Green Day. After that we exchanged number and started hanging out and freaking out about bands. Then when you guys started to get more popular he finally introduced me to you guys and I was finally announced to be friends with you guys and a lot of people hated me for it. I don't even know why. I didn't do anything wrong...and...." Katie explained as she started to tear up. "It's don't have to tell us." ", I haven't even told you Ashton. I feel so bad for not telling any of you and I might as well tell you now..." Tears were streaming down her face. Ashton got up and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Katie started to pull the bracelets off of her wrists. When she pulled all of them off her wrist was covered in puffy scars.

Ashtons POV: I just froze. I was numb. I couldn't feel anything. Just then, Natalie walked in with her crutches and paperwork but dropped it all just like her jaw. Luke, Michael, and Calum whipped their heads towards her but I couldn't move. My vision was becoming blurred with tears. Natalie ran over and grabbed her hands and she winced. Natalie wrapped her in a hug along with Luke, Mikey, and Cal. I couldn't move. I was frozen. When they pulled away Calum waved his hand in front of my face I didn't move.

Katie's POV: "Ashton....." My voice cracked and I shook his shoulders. "Ashton, please, please say something!" I begged as I pulled the bracelets back onto my wrists. I struggled to get up but when Luke offered to help me up I rejected his help. I had to do this by myself since I made him hurt. I felt a pain in my left leg but I ignored it and grabbed Ashtons hands in mine. "Please Ashton, say something!" I begged but he just got up and looked at me. He LEFT. He just LEFT. He walked out of the room and left me standing there teary eyed and broken. "C-can we go, p-please." "O-okay. Here." Natalie said as she held out the crutches to me. I grabbed them and left the room. Natalie signed me out and we walked out of the hospital only to be surrounded by screaming girls. Just perfect. Wait to make this better. I just ignored all of them and got onto the bus. I don't even care what they think anymore. I went right to the back room. I locked myself in there so I could be alone. I really need a break. Maybe forever.

Calum's POV: (ooh, that's different:P)

"Katie, let me in. Please." I begged as I knocked on the back room door again. How the hell could Ashton do this to her! He's treated her so badly I can't even believe it. I may really like but he too this wayyyyyyyyy too far. I'm done with his shit. He may love her but he too it too far this time. It hurts me even more knowing that she might still get back together with that douche if I don't do anything about it.  I commanded and a few moments later he slumped into the room. "ASHTON! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW! AND IF YOU DONT, I'LL DRAG YOU HERE ALL BY MYSELF!" I couldn't help it anymore! I smashed my fist right into his fucking face! He stumbled and I pushed him onto the bus floor. "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!" "THAT'S FOR ALL OF THE SHIT THAT YOU DID TO KATIE! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU SAID YOU LOVE HER! ALL YOU'VE DONE IS HURT HER AND YOUR BEING AN OVERPROTECTIVE BITCH! I KNOW THAT YOUR HER BESTFRIEND, BUT YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR! SHE JUST SHOWED US HER BIGGEST SECRET EVER AND YOU JUST LEFT! YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted as the back room door opened with a teary eyed Katie just staring at me. She wrapped her arms around me and I wrapped my arms her back. She sobbed into my shoulder as I rubbed circles on her back. Katie pulled away from me to look at Ashton who had tears streaming down his face. "Ashton, I've already given you a million chances. I'm done giving you chances. You've hurt me more than all of those fans. You did exactly what I didn't want to happen. I can't be with you anymore." Katie admitted and Ashton broke down right in front of us. I feel heartless but I honestly don't care. He cause Katie more than the fans when the would send her so much hate. Holy shit. Those cuts were made recently. I only know that because, I used to do it too.

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