Finding Ashton

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Katie's POV: "Hey guys. Where are Luke and Ashton?" I asked Calum and Michael as Luke came running into the stage. He was crying. "Oh my god. What happened Luke?" Michael asked. Im so confused. "Her." Luke said as he pointed at me. "Me? I don't even know what's happening." I explained as I held my arms up in defense. Calum and Michael looked at Luke like he was insane. "Ever since you came along this trip, Ashton has been completely different. You ruined Ashton." Luke accused me and walked off stage. What. The. Hell. I don't even know what's happening. "Will you guys go talk to Luke while I go find Ashton? Where did Ashton run off to?" I asked Michael and Calum. "He ran off that way." Calum explained as he pointed to the back doors. I hopped onto the stage and ran to the back doors. I flung the doors open as I walked around the corner. I found Ashton sitting on the curb with his head between his knees. I walked over to him and sat down on the curb. "I told you to leave me alone." Ashton said as he lifted his head out from between his knees. "No you didn't." I replied as I wiped the tears from his cheeks. "Sorry. I thought you were Luke." Ashton apologized. "Well, at least I'm not an asshole when I'm mad." I explained. "What do you mean?" Ashton questioned. I guess Luke doesn't get upset that often. Or even at all. "He said that I ruined you. And that you getting pissed was my fault too." I explained. Now he looked REALLY pissed. Oh god. "That asshole!" Ashton shouted. Hopefully Ashton won't be able to find Luke anytime soon. Then Ashton got up and started towards the doors. "Wait, Ashton, please don't hurt anyone." I begged. Calum, Michael, and I gonna need to keep Ashton and Luke away from each other. "Fine!" Ashton said with a disappointed look. We both walked inside to find Luke, Michael, and Calum back onstage. Before I could stop him, Ashton walked up to Luke and punched him square in the face. Oh. Shit. "WHAT THE HELL!" Luke shouted as he fell to the floor. "ASHTON! I TOLD YOU NOT TO HURT HIM AND YOU JUST PUNCHED HIM IN THE FACE!" I shouted as I helped Luke back to his feet. His nose was bleeding all down his shirt. "Come on Luke. Ill help you get cleaned up." I offered as I took him off stage. I walked him into the dressing room and grabbed him some paper towels. As soon as I got back with some paper towels, he had taken his shirt off so I could wash it off. I have to admit it. He looked good shirtless. Stop thinking like that, to have a boyfriend. Although he just punched one of his best friends in the face. "I didn't know that Ashton was that aggressive." Luke admitted as I gave I'm some more paper towels. "I didn't either." I replied as I hung his shirt up to dry. I went back to check his nose just as Kallie walked in. "What. The. Hell." Kallie shouted as she rushed over to Luke. "Stay away from him." Kallie demanded. Why is she so defensive? "Luke, I don't ever want you in a room alone with her ever again! All she ever does is try to take you away from me." Kallie complained. Ugh. "You know what Kallie. Im done with your shit!" Luke shouted. Wow. "What do you mean Luke?" Kallie asked cluelessly. Like she doesn't know. "I heard you earlier today. Before we left. When you were telling Katie to stay away from me. And just now, you won't even let me in a room alone with her. She has a boyfriend." Luke explained. "I doesn't matter. I still don't want you alone with her." Kallie replied. She is so annoying. "Kallie, were through!" Luke shouted at Kallie. Oh my god. Thank you Luke. "Your only doing this because of her. Aren't you." Kallie said with a crackly voice. "No, it's not because of her, it's your fault!" Luke explained. Finally. She's gone. "Pack you stuff. I got you a plane ticket back to Australia. Now get out!" Luke commanded as he pointed at the door. "Fine!" Kallie shouted as she stormed out of the room. I ran up and hugged Luke tightly. Then Ashton, Calum, and Michael walked into the dressing room. "Whats up w......WHAT THE HELL!" Ashton shouted as he pushed through Michael and Calum. Great time to come into the dressing room guys. "Shit!" I shouted as I pushed through Calum and Michael. "Ashton! Ashton! Please wait!" I shouted down the hall. Where did he go? How is he that fast? When I ran around the corner I smacked right into Ashton. I fell to the floor and blacked out.

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