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Katie's POV: When we finally arrived at our hotel I ran inside and up to our rooms. On the way to the hotel, I decided that I was going to sleep in Michael and Luke's room for the night. The bad part is that, tomorrow we are leaving and heading to Florida and the boys are going to have some more shows and interviews and I'll have to be on the bus with Ashton. When the boys finally caught up to me we walked in and I explained the switch. "...got it?" "Pack your stuff Katie. Your movin' in. Michael, your sleeping on the floor." Luke added as we all broke out into laughter........all except for Ashton who just crawled into his bed without a word. We decided to leave him alone so we went into Luke and Michaels room. "Sorry Luke. But you're being kicked onto the floor. Unless Katie is willing to share?" Michael asked while he wiggled his eyebrows up and down. "Michael, since your such a creep, I'll share a bed with Luke. Now let me go pack my stuff." "But I don't want to share a room worth Mr. Overprotective." Calum complained as he stuck out his bottom lip. "Deal with it." I told him as I walked into Ashton and Cals room. I quickly shoved my clothes into my bag but I noticed a shirt that fell out. I froze when I picked it up and realized that it was Ashtons. It was the one that I stole from him and I didn't put it back in his bag. The memory of that day flooded into my mind. We were so happy. Nothing could have ruined that day. Now he's overprotective and cruel to his best friends. And it all happened because of me. He was right. Tears started running down my face as I grabbed my bag and left Ashtons shirt laying on the floor. I walked into Luke and Michaels room, dropped my bag, and started sobbing. Salty tears flooded down my cheeks as Luke, Michael, and Calum rushed towards me. They sat me onto the bed and wiped my tears from my cheeks. "What happened?" Calum asked. "He was right. I shouldn't have come with you guys on tour. I broke you guys apart. I'm ruining your guys' friendship. I should just leave." I admitted as I buried my face in my hands. "Hey, look at me. It's not your fault what Ashton did. He did it, not you. Okay?" Luke explained as he pulled me into a warm hug. I just cried. For a whole hour.




"Hey Katie, don't beat yourself up about it. It's all gonna be okay. You'll be fine." "Okay, thanks guys." I repled with a smile as I wiped my tears from my cheeks. "What do you want to do? Instead sulking around." Michael asked. Ummmmmm. "How about movies." I suggested. Nothing like a good movie to distract me. "I'll go get Asht....never mind." Calum started. "Go get him Calum, I'll be fine." I said holding back the fact that he was the last person that I wanted to see. Calum walked into his and Ashtons room and he came back right as the movie was starting. Ashton was pulled over Calum's shoulder and we all stared at Calum. "Calum, I told you to ask him if he wanted to watch it with us, not kidnap him from his bed!" I explained, almost sounding defensive. No, I can't be defending yet. He may have been my best friend but he still hurt me and his other best friends. Nothing can change that. "Actually, you said to go get him so I did. I didn't day how I would get. FYI, I grabbed him after he turned down the offer." Calum explained. That is so stupid. "Whatever." I said as I turned my attention to the movie. After and hour of the movie, Ashton still hadn't said anything. It's like he has a mute button. I decided to crawl into Luke's bed and tried to sleep bt I couldn't. When the movie was over I pretended that I was asleep. Luke crawled into the bed next to me but Luke clutched to his penguin as he slept. After two hours of trying to fall asleep I quietly walked out to the little balcony that was shared by our two rooms. But someone was already out there. He was staring out at the black sky. He was playing with the bracelets on his wrists. It could only be Calum or......Ashton. Please be Calum. Please be Calum. Please be Calum. I walked up next to him and leaned on the railing. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" He screamed when my shadow cast over him. "It's just me." I said with a little laugh. I looked him and realized that it was the person that I didn't want to be out here. Don't laugh. You're still mad at him. But it's so hard to be mad around these boys. "I'm so sorry Katie." Ashton said as he looked up at me. "Then why did you say all of that stuff?" I asked as I looked in his sorry eyes. He looked so miserable. "I-I-I don't know. But I'm so sorry. I was just jealous." Ashton stuttered. Jealous? "Jealous of what?" I questioned. He sighed and started "I was jealous.........I was jealous because I thought that you would ditch me for Luke or Calum because I thought you would like them better than me. I was scared. I'm just me." Ashton admitted. Oh. My. God. "I'm so sorry Ashton. I wouldn't leave you for them. They're all creeps. No offense to them but they are. Anyways, why didn't you tell me this earlier? None of this would be happening." I asked curiously. "I was afraid that you would tell me that you didn't like me or that you wanted to be with someone else." Ashton explained quietly. I sat down next to him as he cried into his hands and I wrapped my arms around him. "Hey Ashton, it's okay, we'll be okay, don't worry. I'll forgive you, as long as you don't hurt anyone else. Okay?" I told him as I put my head on his shoulder. "Really? You're not mad at me?" He asked me confused. Yes, I just said that. Duh. "Yes you heard me right, I forgive you but I'm still upset. It hurts me to see my best friend like this. It hurts me more to know that I caused you to be like that but you can't be so overprotective. I know that your friends are ridiculous sometimes but you have to trust me. I'll handle my own problems." I told Ashton as we heard the door slide open. We looked and saw Luke, Michael, and Calum standing in the doorway. "I told you that they would make up. But I'm afraid of how Katie will deal with us." Michael said with a completely fake scared face. "Well, I'm going to bed. see you later." I announced as I walked into Luke and Michaels room. A few minuets later Luke and Michael walked back into the room and I could finally sleep.

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