Hospital Visit

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Ashton's POV: "Katie! Oh my god I'm so sorry! Katie! Katie!" I shouted as I shook Katie's shoulders rapidly. What did I do! She won't respond! I picked up Katie's limp body and carried her back to the dressing room. When I was halfway there, tears started pouring down my face. What is she never wakes up? What have I done? When I got to the dressings room I kicked open the door and ran to the couch. I set her down on the couch and collapsed to the floor. "What happened Ashton?" Calum asked in shock. I tried to explained what happened but I couldn't. When I tried to speak I just mumbled my words. Calum walked over to me, sat down, and hugged me. I just cried. "What have I done?" I managed to ask. "Its fine Ashton. She's just unconscious. We called someone to help us." Michael explained. "What if she doesn't wake up?" I asked as I looked at Michael. "I don't know what we will do then." Michael explained. When I looked at her I couldn't even imagine what I would do if she didn't wake up. After about ten minuets, paramedics came rushing into the room. They put her onto a stretcher and brought her outside into a ambulance. Luke, Michael, Calum, and I got into the ambulance as we rushed to the hospital. When we got there we had to wait until we got news from the doctors. Every minuet that passed, I kept losing hope. This is all my fault. Why did I have to run off? After about fifteen minuets the doctors said that she was okay and that we were aloud to see her. I ran into the hospital room as quickly as I could. "Ashton, what happened?" Katie asked quietly. Just hearing her voice made me cry tears of joy. "When you came to chase after me when I stormed out of the room I figured out that where I ran to was I dead end. Then when I ran out of that area I smacked into you and you blacked out. Then I carried you back to our room and I cried. A lot." I explained. How does this day keep getting worse. "Wow." Katie said trying to take in what happened. "I have one question though. Why were you hugging Luke, while he was shirtless?" I asked. I wonder if it had to do with why Kallie ran out of our room? "Let me explain the whole thing from when we left the stage after you punched Luke." Katie replied. "Sorry about that Luke." I apologized. "Its fine. You were mad." Luke said. Thank god. "After you punched Luke I took him back to the dressing room to fix his nose. He had no shirt on because his shirt had blood on it and I needed to wash it off and dry it. Then Kallie came in and bugged the shit out of Luke because she didn't want us together in a room alone. Then Luke broke up with her and I hugged him because I HATED her. And then you guys walked in and you know the rest." Katie explained. Wow. That's why Kallie was so mad. "I'm sorry. None of this would have happened if I didn't overreact." I said as I started to cry again. "Guys, can I talk to Ashton, alone?" Katie asked. Whats happening? Is she gonna break up with me? What if she does? "Ashton. Is anyone in there?" Katie asked as she waved her hand in front of my face. "What did you want to talk to me about?" I questioned. "Come here." Katie said as I walked over to her. She pulled on my shirt and kissed me. I felt sparks fly all over. I only got this feeling when we kissed. She sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck as I snaked my arms around her waist. I pulled her in as close as I could. I never wanted to let her go. Then I heard the door open but I didn't care. She didn't either because she didn't stop. "Having fun?" Michael asked sarcastically as I flicked him off. Then I heard the door open and close as Michael left. Katie pulled away and hugged me tightly. "I love you Ashton." Katie confessed. Wow. I knew she at least liked me because we kissed three times but i didn't think that she loved me. Then Michael, Calum, and Luke walked into the room. "Lets go. We have to get some sleep." Calum announced. We walked outside and waited for our van to pick us up. When we got into the van no one talked.
When we made it back to the hotel we went to our rooms and changed. Then we watched a movie in Michael and Luke's room and I fell asleep on the floor.

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