Oh Sh*t

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Ashtons POV: I wasn't surprised when Michael came back to our room without Calum. Katie told me that he was really pissed off about something. What surprised me was that Michael seemed concerned about telling me what Calum told him. What could be that bad? "What did he say?" I asked again. Might I add, for the fifth time. Just tell me Michael. "Only if you won't hurt Calum, because he told me not too tell you, so he can't know I told you. Okay?" Michael spoke so fast that his word we're barely audible. What the hell did Calum do! "Fine, I won't let him know you told me." I promised Michael. Please don't be that bad of a secret Calum. "CalumlikesKatiealotbuthecantlikeherbecauseyourdatingherandhereallyfeelslikeshitaboutit! Please don't kill him!" Michael explained rapidly. Hold the f*cking phone. What the hell. Calum is so dead. I stood up and I combed my hand through my horribly messy curls. What the f*ck! "HE'S SO DEAD!" I shouted as I tried to walked out of the door but Katie grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into our dressing room. "Let me go talk to him before you try to pound his f*cking face in like you did with Luke!" Katie yelled, clearly annoyed. I swear to god if he tries anything, he will have his face pounded in! She then, let go of my arm and walked out of the room. What the f*ck is happening to this band!

Katie's POV: I sprinted down the hall and ran around the corner to get to the stage. I walked up to the middle of the stage. I started to walk back in the same direction until I heard a loud 'CRASH' from down the other hallway. I cautiously peeked my head around the corned to find Calum standing there, frustrated, sad, and down right crazy looking. He had knocked over a whole table of random objects. I was scared to talk to him. What if he hurt me? No, he wouldn't do that, I just can't scare him or freak him out. "Umm, Calum, can I talk to you?" I asked in a hushed voice. He whipped his whole body around in less than a second. "Uhh, sure." Calum replied with much hesitation. "Calum. I know what's wrong but why didn't you just tell me? I can't hate you. I'm living on a bus with 4 boys." I explained to Calum as I looked into his adorable eyes. I can't hate him. He's too lovable. Does that sound bad

because I have a boyfried? Whatever. "I know I should have told you but I was scared. That's why I didn't bring anyone with me. I wanted to bring you." Calum told me. He looked so broken. It hurts to know that I'm the reason why he feels broken. Oh god, what did I get myself into. "I'm sorry Calum. I promise I'll keep Ashton away from you. I couldn't handle you two fighting." I admitted. We walked back to the room in silence. I had Calum walk behind me so Ashton couldn't football tackle him. When we walked in Ashton jumped to his feet looking even more pissed off then before. "Ashton sit down." I told him but he wouldnt. "I SWEAR TO GOD ASHTON, IF YOU LAY A HAND ON CALUM, I WILL BREAK UP WITH YOU AND NEVER TALK TO YOU AGAIN! I'M TIRED OF YOU FIGHTING WITH THEN!" I shouted at Ashton as I gestured to Calum. I'm so f*cking tired of them fighting! They're like brothers! I'm so done!

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