Similar Feelings

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Calum's POV: What did I just witness? Did she just break up with him? Oh fuck yeah! She dumped him! He deserved it! "Uhh, Katie, are you okay?" I asked as I walked into the back room and sat down next to her. "No, Calum, I'm really not. I can't do this anymore." She said as I wrapped my arms around her. "No, Katie, please don't do this to yourself. Please stop!" I begged but she just shook her head. "Calum, you don't understand. You don't understand how hard it is to stop. I can't stop just because you ask me to stop." "No, I do know, because......I-I used to do it to." I choked out through my tears. "Oh my god, Calum please tell me this isn't true. Please!" She begged but I have to show her. I pulled off my bracelets and held out my arms. She grabbed my wrists and stared at me in disbelief. She wrapped her arms around me and I cried into her shoulder. "Calum.....will you tell me what happened?" "Of course. You can tell me anything and I can tell you anything. Right?" "Yeah, okay, explain." She said as I shifted in my seat. "When I started high school, I was picked on a lot, I was beat up, called a fag, and a lot of other horrible things. My mom was always there for me but my dad was always drunk. He would come home at night, he would yell at my mom and I, he would hit me and tell me to kill myself. Sometimes, I actually took him seriously. One day, I was beaten really badly after school, and then my dad came home, he was wasted and he saw the bruises and the cut on my lip. He called me a waste of space, a drunk accident, a-and he......he told me to kill myself. I actually tried to end my life but I somehow lived. I didn't want to live through it. I tried a few times but I never succeeded. I still have thoughts about it but I've been clean for about a year." I finished as tears streamed down both of our faces. I brought her into my chest and we both cried until we fell asleep on the couch.

The next day

I woke up with Katie asleep in my arms. I'm so happy that we got a few days off due to the drama thats been going on but it sucks that Katie has broken leg. She has to have the cast on for 7 months and then we'll see how it heals. But it might take longer due to all of the traveling that we're doing. I feel so relieved that I opened up to her about my past. Ashton was the only other person that knew the whole story and now I told someone that I can trust forever, Luke and Michael dont know the whole story, they only know that I used to cut. I can't trust Ash anymore after all that he done. I need to protect Katie from Ashton at all costs.

Katie's POV: I've been avoiding Ashton as much as possible. I don't do well with telling people about my cutting. I use to do it more often but I've been getting a lot better with controlling myself. I feel horrible and happy that Cal told me about his past but I wish that he would have told me sooner. If he would have told me sooner I might not have cut. But I won't ever know since that didn't happen. It doesn't matter now because Ashton still fucked up and nothing can change that. He did the one thing that I was terrified of people doing. Leaving me. But it was his choice and he can deal with it because I don't fucking care about how much it hurt him when I broke up with him because he's done worse things to me. I had to explain what happened to Luke and Michael and they thought that he deserved it. They're absolutely right. Ashton only came out of his bunk for food and to use the bathroom. Meanwhile, I mostly hung out with Calum, watched movies with Luke, or played videogames with Michael. I might add that I kicked ass at COD Zombies. He was pretty pissed that he lost to a girl. It was really funny. It's been 3 days whole days since we've seen Ashton besides when he came out for food and the bathroom. That's great for me because I don't have to talk to him but I'll have to sometime because they have a show tonight. If I can avoid him for the rest of my life, I'll be just fine but that can't happen because we practically live together.

Day at the hospital

Ashtons POV: No, no, no, no, no! I can't do this! I already went through it with Calum and I can't do this again. I feel like a complete douche but I couldn't just sit there. I left. I feel sick. I couldn't stand it. I'm falling apart. I can't feel anything. I just left and got onto the bus. I crawled into my bunk and I broke down. Sobbing and barely able to breathe.

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