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And if the moon were to call you by name
Do not be frightened
For I tell her about you in the whispers of sleep.
I tell her of how beautiful you are to me
I tell her of the secrets of my fantasies where you hurting me never phases me.
I tell her of your eyes and how I find beauty in those deep shades of brown.
I tell her that you push me away when you feel to close.
I tell her of our late night talks and our late night confessions of to many secrets
I tell her how you walk off to him.
I tell her how your smile is a ray that never stops shining to me.
I tell her how you can't take me as the one because you're scared to have love.
So do not be frightened if the moon were to call you by name.
For I have told her everything.
Now if I were to hear the whispers of my name through the fog and the rain.
I would not be confused.
Nor would I be frightened.
More like delighted.
I would know that you sent her.
I would know that you told her, that you told her everything.

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