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I did the unimaginable for such a euphoric feeling within me.
But I was killing myself slowly,
Even though I had felt on top of the world,
My body was rotting on the inside.
Decaying with each step.
But then I met you,
And you became the euphoric feeling in my life.
I was on top of the world screaming down at the others below to come join such a feeling.
But like time and time again.
It was ripped from under my feet,
When you left me.
I was at the bottom screaming for the others on top to take me with.
They wouldn't.
I no longer had the euphoric feeling pulsing through my veins.
I was a healthy kid
With a rotting soul.
Decaying faster and faster with each passing second.
I need my euphoric feeling back.
I'm a walking corpse.
I need it like we need oxygen to survive.
I need it like I need those pills.
I need it,
I need you,
I need my euphoric feeling back.
Even for a minute
Even a second will do.
I need it.

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