Ch.10 All Of His Friends(Part 2)

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"Hey what's wrong?" Michael asked as he walked in to the room and I sighed in relief that he hadn't catch me looking at his messages. He lay besides me-He was on the right side of the bed-and looked at me, I was feeling uncomfortable since I found out that my best friend like me and he was planning a date after the grand ball.

                 "Nothing" I answered, He nodded and I gave him a smile as I cover myself with a blanket and he turned off the lamp on the nightstand.

                "So Did I say to you that I have a surprise to you on the grand ball?" He said out of the blue, My eyes were close but my mind was still awake.

               "Yea, you already did"  I answered, I heard him took a deep breathe before his arms were wrapped around me and his head was resting on my chest, I felt my heart beat thumps fast at the uncomfortable position. I shouldn't looked through his messages and everything would be normal.

My I just kept my mind blank so I could drifted to sleep in any minute.


             "Ashton!" I heard my dad calls and I ran over to him and he was with a girl, If I'm straight I'll definitely go with her but sadly I'm gay.

           "Yes" I said, Dad smile and so was the blonde girl that now I'm guessing this was Lucy Hemmings.

           "So Ashton this will be your partner, Lucy" He says and I nodded but I suddenly realized Lucy looked like Skater Boy. Blonde Hair, Blue eyes, Same lips, Pale skin..

      "I'm going to talked to the other guest you two get dress the party will start in an hour" He said and we nodded, It was a awkward silence but thankfully she decided to break the silence.

   "So Come on let's go to get dress" she said as we walked upstairs and I went to my room where my tux was on the bed.

After I wore my tux, I went to the guestroom where Tessa our makeup artist and Lucy was also there she was wearing a blue gown-She looked so perfect, but sadly I'm gay.

            "Hey Ash, just go sit for awhile" Tessa said and I nodded as I seated on the bed waiting for Tessa to finished her work so she could proceeded on mine.

"Uhm in what school are you?" Lucy asked as I looked at her in the mirror.

"Bell Middle University" I answered with a grateful smile

"What about you?" I asked, She waited for awhile for Tessa to finish her lipstick before she answered "I dropped out of college so I help my family and so my brother could finished his college" and I nodded.

"So how much is the pay for you to be partner?" I asked while playing with my long fingers.

"1000, Plus my brother work here also as a waiter so its one thousand" She answered gladly she was not offended.

"What grade are you?" She asked

"Grade 10" I answered and she chuckle then she mumble something but I don't understand.

"Your brother what grade is he?" I asked

"Oh he was 1st year college" She answered as she stand up fixing her gown then Tessa turn around and say "Ashton you're turn"


"Welcome, Welcome to the 10th Horton's Performance Company Grand Ball... So this our 10th anniversary and I'm glad our company was getting bigger and bigger than ever, So last year I promise that my son Ashton will be performing along with our ballet dancers. And I'm finally going to say that After I reach 50s he was now 23 years old and he will be taking over my company." Dad says, Wow that was a bit shocking.

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