The Call

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Macy's POV:

A cool breeze blew through my slightly opened window; it felt wonderfully cool. I was busy painting a beautiful fall scene on a large canvas, when my phone buzzed. "Crap." I said out loud as I sat my brush down and wiped my hands off. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone to see that my agent was calling me. "Hello?" I said in a questioning tone. "Hey Macy, how are you today?" Her friendly voice asked me on the other end of the line. "Oh, I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. How are you?" I replied as I continued painting. "I'm doing great. I actually have some good news for you." She said, and I could hear the smile in her voice. "Really? What's up?" I asked curiously as I dipped my brush in more orange paint. "Do you remember that part you auditioned for a month ago?" She asked me curiously, and it took me a moment to remember. "Yeah?" I replied in a questioning tone. I remembered going into audition for a part in Tim Burton's new film. It wasn't a big part, but I didn't really care; I wasn't thinking of really perusing a career in acting anyway. I really wanted to become an artist, but there's no point in being a starving one. My friend, Andy suggested that I should audition for small parts just so I could get some money. But that's just because he thinks I could make a great actress; he tells me that every time I help him film a sketch for his YouTube channel. "You got the part!!" She said excitedly. I could hardly believed my ears. "What?" I asked, dumbfounded. "You got the part, Macy!! Tim called me and said you were amazing!! I'm unbelievably happy for you!" She said, and that's when I started fangirling. Tim Burton is probably my favorite director ever! I grew up watching Edward Scissorshands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Beetlejuice, etc. I never imagined I'd get the opportunity to meet him, let alone work with him in my entire life! This was huge to me!! "Also, he asked for your number. Apparently he wants to talk to you later today, so be prepared." She said, and I squealed in excitement. She laughed in amusement at my reaction. After talking to Carrie for a while, we said our goodbyes. I was so excited, happy, and nervous all at the same time. 'I wonder who else is going to be in the movie.' I said inside of my head curiously. I knew he'd probably have a bunch of people there he has already worked with, along with some new actors as well. In light of this good news, I turned on some music; The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack of course, and finished the painting I was working on. When I was finished I cleaned up and headed into the kitchen to make myself something to eat for lunch. I was in the middle of cooking some ramen noodles when someone knocked on my door. After turning down the music I walked over towards the door so I could look through the peep hole. Andy was standing there, and I had a feeling he wanted to film a few videos for this week. "Hey! How are you?" He said after I opened the door. "I'm good. How are you?" I replied as we gave each other a hug. "I'm alright." He replied as I moved out of the way, so he could come inside. I shut the door behind him and he sat his black backpack down on the floor next to the couch. He was wearing a light pink pull over hoodie with a pair of black skinny jeans. "Are you hungry?" I asked him curiously as I walked back into the kitchen. He said he had already ate before he came over, but he thanked me for asking. We made small talk as I finished cooking and started eating. "I was hoping you'd be willing to film some videos with me. I hope you don't mind." He said as we sat down on the couch. I said I'd love to help him out with his YouTube channel, especially since stuff with the platform has been insane recently. I knew he was worried, especially since that's the only job he has; he quit his previous job at Wal-Mart to just focus on making videos. "Guess what." I said after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "What?" He asked with a slight laugh. "I got that part in the Tim Burton movie I auditioned for." I said with a huge smile on my face. "See! I told you you'd get the role!!!" He said excitedly with a big smile on his face as well. "Do you know who else is gonna be in the movie?" He asked me curiously as I finished eating my lunch. "No, but I hope I get to meet some of my favorite actors and actresses." I replied. He agreed that it would be cool to meet some of the actors Tim Burton has had in his films. After I put my dishes in the dish washer, Andy and I started working on his videos. We did a few sketches and a couple of challenges. Once we finished I suggested that he do some kind of Halloween special for his channel, especially since October was just around the corner. He agreed, and we spent an hour or two bouncing ideas off of each other before my phone buzzed. I suddenly felt nervous, because I figured it was Tim who was calling me. "Hello?" I said in a questioning tone. There was a fifty fifty chance it was Tim or some stupid telemarketer. "Hi, is this Macy Graves?" A male voice asked me curiously. "Yeah, this is she." I replied. "It's a pleasure to actually talk with you instead of your agent. This is Tim Burton by the way, just in case you didn't know." He replied, and my insides squirmed. It took everything I had not to fangirl. We made small talk for a few minutes, before we got down to business. He told me when the script read through was, and I made sure to write that down on my calender so I didn't forget. "If you're free this evening, I'd like to speak with you over dinner." He said, and I obviously took him up on his offer. There was no way in hell I was gonna pass up this opportunity. "Wonderful! I'll see you at six o'clock then." He said, and we said our goodbyes. I was nervous and excited about this whole thing, especially since it was Tim fuckin' Burton!!! "Who was that?" Andy asked me curiously. I told him, and he flipped his lid. "Holy shit!!" He said, and we spent the rest of the afternoon freaking out pretty much. After a while he went back home and I took a quick shower before I got ready. 'What am I gonna wear?' I asked inside of my head as I looked through my closet. I ended up choosing one of my Alice Cooper t-shirts and a pair of ripped black jeans. Once I was dressed, I put on my dark gray colored converse and a plain black jacket. I didn't bother zipping it up, especially since I rolled the sleeves up. 'I better get going so I'm not late.' I said inside of my head. I grabbed my car keys and headed outside; I made sure to lock up my apartment before I walked down the steps to get to my car. After I buckled up, I turned on the engine and turned on the radio before pulling out into the street. I was hoping that I didn't make a complete fool out of myself and make him think twice about casting me in his new movie. 'Just take a deep breath, Macy. Everything will be fine.' I said inside of my head. I sang along to Abracadabra by Steve Miller along with some other songs. It seemed like the radio DJ was trying to get people in a fall time mood, and he was doing a pretty good job. Before I knew it, I reached the restaurant that Tim told me to meet him at. My stomach filled with anxiety as I parked my car and shut the radio off. I sat there for a few minutes before I switched the engine off as well. "Alright... here we go." I said out loud as I took my seatbelt off. I locked up my car before I walked towards the front doors of building. I took a deep breath and exhaled before walking inside. A wave of relief washed over me when I took in my surroundings. The entire time I was afraid that he had picked out a fancy restaurant to meet him at, but it looked fairly normal and laid back. I spotted Tim sitting at a table, and I headed right over to where he was. He looked up and a small smile spread across his face as he stood up. "Macy, it's nice to meet you." He said as he held out his hand for me to shake. "It's nice to meet you as well." I replied as I shook his hand. He told me to have a seat, and I did as he said. We made small talk before a waiter came by and asked us what we wanted to drink. I ordered a Coca-Cola, and he ordered a glass of red wine. "So, are you excited to be in your first film?" He asked me curiously after we were left alone. "Absolutely! Especially since I get to work along side you; you're one of my favorite directors." I replied with a smile on my face. "Thanks, I'm glad you're a fan of my work." He replied happily. Our waiter came back with our drinks and we thanked him before he left once more. Tim and I needed a little more time to figure out what we wanted to eat. He asked me who my biggest inspirations were, and what I do in my free time. I knew he wanted to get to know me before we started filming, and I didn't blame him. "I want you to know that you can ask me anything. Don't be nervous about asking me or anyone else questions. I wanna make sure your as comfortable as possible, even if you have to step outside of your comfort zone." He said after we ordered our food. "Thanks. I'm glad you said that." I replied with a slight laugh. His words really did make me feel better, especially since I had no idea what I was doing. I just hoped and prayed that I didn't let him or the rest of the cast down. I told him that I was a painter and occasional write as well, and he asked if he could see some of my work. I showed him all of the pictures of my paintings and drawings, and he seemed impressed. "Wow. You're really gifted, Macy." He said, and I felt embarrassed. I never was good at accepting compliments from people, and I don't think I'll ever get good at it. "Thanks." I replied with an awkward laugh. We joked and talked about movies, art, books, etc. "So, are there any questions you have for me now? Since we're face to face, I figure we should get any pre reading questions answered." He asked me curiously after we finished eating. We even finished desert and was drinking the last drops of coffee that was in our cups. There was a kind smile on his face that made me feel a lot more comfortable than I did on my way here. 'Go on, Macy. Just ask him.' I said inside of my head. "Yeah, I have one question." I replied. "Fire away." He said with a small smile. "Who are the other actors?" I asked curiously. I desperately hoped he'd tell me, but judging from the grin on his face I knew wasn't going to. "You'll find out when it comes time for the script reading. I have a feeling you'll be very happy when you meet them." He said happily, and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. I insisted on helping pay for our meals, but he refused to let me. We said our goodbyes and I couldn't help but wonder who I'd be meeting at the reading next month. Eva Green and Johnny Depp popped up in my mind, and I desperately hoped I'd be able to meet them. Even though I knew I'd be nervous as hell in front of them; Johnny Depp especially.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Let me know what you think of the story so far! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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