Script Read Through

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Macy's POV:

After a restless night and a caffeine fueled car ride, I finally reached my destination. It felt like the butterflies in my stomach were attempting to eat my insides. That's how nervous I was feeling. I was worried that I was going to make a fool out of myself in front of the other cast members. 'Just take a deep breath, and you'll be fine.' I said inside of my head as I walked towards the front doors of the building. When I opened the doors and made my way to the meeting room Tim told me to go to, I was relived that I was the first one there. Well... the first cast member there. "Good morning, Macy. I see you like to be early; that's a good thing." Tim said as he handed me a copy of the script. "Is itokay if I take a quick look through?" I asked him curiously. "Sure, go ahead." He replied with a small smile. I opened to the first page and saw a casting list. I knew there were a lot more actors, but only the main ones were listed, and I was shocked to see my name amongst them.

Daniel Bruhl
Emily Browning
Helena Bonham Carter
Johnny Depp
Stephen Fry
Eva Green
Macy Graves
Lauren McCrostie
Douglas Smith
Bill Skarsgard

After reading the names, I suddenly felt way more nervous. Now I really didn't wanna make a fool of myself. 'I can't do this. They're all gonna think I'm horrible. I'm gonna mess up and disappoint everyone!' I said inside of my head, feeling like I was gonna throw up. 'Stop it!!! Take a deep breath!' My subconscious yelled at me. I took a deep breath and exhaled a few times, and it helped a little. "Tim, can I speak with you?" I asked nervously as I scratched my cheek gently. "Sure," He replied as he walked over to where I was sitting. "What's wrong?" He asked once he took a seat next to me. I turned in my chair so I was facing him, and I took a deep breath before I spoke. "I don't think I can do this." I said, feeling my chest tighten up slightly. "What? Why? What's wrong?" He asked with furrowed brows. "I'm gonna look like an idiot in front of these amazing actors," I said, gesturing towards the casting list. "You're better off letting me go now before we even get started." I said, feeling like a failure. We sat in silence for a while before he placed one of his hands on my shoulder. "All of those actors went through the same thing you're going through at this very moment. Look at them now! They're the best in the business, and you'll be one of the best too." He said kindly with a small smile on his face. "Fine... I... I'll stay, but if I'm horrible don't say I didn't warn you." I replied after a moment of silence. He seemed excited that I chose to stay even though I wasn't confident in my abilities. 'God help me.' I said inside of my head. After what felt like forever, people started coming into the room. Emily Browning and Lauren McCrostie were the first to arrive. They were talking, and sat on the other side of the table. I didn't feel offended though. I was kinda glad they didn't come over to talk to me. Then Helena Bonham Carter, Douglas Smith, and Daniel Bruhl walked into the room. Daniel and Douglas worked together on a tv show called The Alienist, which was amazing!! Stephen Fry and Eva Green came in and sat the closest to me. Images of Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children and Sherlock Holmes flooded my mind. 'I can't believe I'm in a room with these awesome and amazing people. Everyone seemed to be talking to the people they walked in with, and I kinda wished someone I knew was here. It felt like the first day of school when you're in a class without your friends. All you really wanna do is blend into the background or have someone start a conversation with you. Bill Skarsgard walked through the doorway, and I was shocked at how tall he looked in person. "Hi." He said, nodding his head towards me, and my stomach burned with anxiety. "Hi." I replied with a small smile. "May I sit next to you?" He asked me curiously, and I said he could. He pulled out one of the chairs and sat down before he scooted closer to the table. "I'm Bill, what's your name?" He said as he reached out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Macy. I loved you as Pennywise by the way." I said with a smile as I shook his hand. "Oh, thanks." He said as a smile spread across his face. We sort of sat there quietly before he spoke up once more. "Have you worked with Tim before, or is this your first film with him?" He asked with curiosity in his greenish blue eyes. "Actually, this is the first movie I've ever been casted for." I replied with a nervous laugh. "Oh really? That's cool. I remember when I started working on my first movie. It feels a lot like the first day of school." He said with a slight laugh of his own. "It really does." I said as I looked down at my hands and played with my fingernails. "Don't worry, I'll be your friend. You can sit at the lunch table with me, and I'll make sure the mean girls leave you alone." He said, which made me laugh a real laugh this time. He laughed too, and some of the nervousness went away. Movement caught my eyes, and the breath was stolen from my lungs. Johnny Depp walked into the room. My heart skipped a beat, and the butterflies came back. He walked around the table saying hellos to Helena, Eva, and the other actors. When he reached us, Bill stood up to greet Johnny and I did the same. "Hi." Johnny said as he held out a hand for me to shake. "Hi. I... I'm a really big fan of your movies." I said as I shook his hand. "Aww, thanks. What's your name, sweetheart?" He said with a smile on his handsome face. There was a warm look in his beautiful, chocolate brown eyes as well. "Macy, my name is Macy." I replied. "That's a beautiful name." He said, and my heart fluttered. My insides melted from the way he was looking at me, and I mentally cursed myself. 'Stop feeling all warm and fuzzy inside just because of the way he's looking at you!!!' I said inside of my head. I knew that was going to be difficult though, because I've had a crush on him since I was a little girl. "Thanks." I replied with a smile. After we finished saying our hellos he walked over to Helena and took a seat next to her. I sat down and scooted closer to the table. I glanced to my left and noticed that Bill was looking at me with a slight smirk on his face. "What?" I asked him curiously. "I didn't say anything." He said as a smile spread across his face. I playfully glared at him, which made him chuckle. Tim distributed copies of the script and he made a little introduction speech. He just welcomed everyone and said that he wished we all got a fun and new experience with filming the movie. "I'd like all of you to welcome Macy Graves. This is her first film, so please be welcoming to her. If she has any questions answer them the best you can. If you can't answer them, then send her to to me or someone else who can." Tim said. I felt awkward with everyone looking at me, and I couldn't wait until every one's attention was somewhere else. After he did more introduction stuff we finally started reading through the script. I learned that Emily was playing the leading lady, and Douglas was playing the leading man. It was strange not having Johnny Depp as the main character, but I guess you need to switch stuff up. I never liked reading out loud when I was in school, but reading in front of your favorite actors and actresses was way more stressful. While we read, I found out that I'd be doing a lot of scenes with Johnny, Bill, Eva, and Daniel. I had at least one scene with the other actors, which made me happy. After a while we ended up breaking for lunch; we were half way through the script anyway. "Do you wanna grab some lunch together?" Bill asked me curiously as he stood up to put his jacket on. "Sure." I replied with a small smile. He and I left the building and he offered to take his car. He ended up taking me to a cozy little cafe that smelled like coffee heaven. We picked out a table that was near the back of the room, and a waitress came by. "Oh. My. God! Can I get a picture with you?" She said with a huge smile on her face as she stared at Bill. "Sure." He replied with a slight laugh. After she got her picture she asked us what we wanted to drink. Bill and I both got a coffee, but we got different flavors. "So, what do you think about the read through so far?" He asked me curiously as we waited for our drinks. "It was interesting." I replied, because there isn't another word I could think of to describe it. "I really think I'm gonna enjoy playing my character." He replied with a smile as he scratched his shoulder. "I think I'm gonna enjoy playing mine as well." I replied with a smile. When our waitress came back we ordered what meals we wanted and she left us alone once more. Bill and I made small talk, and I ended up showing him some of the paintings I've done. "These are amazing! How are you not famous already?" He asked curiously with slightly furrowed brow. "It's kinda hard to get your name out there in the art world." I replied. We got to know each other a little better over lunch, and I was glad I was making a friend. At least I wouldn't feel alone come the first day of shooting. After we finished eating, we paid for our meals and went out to his car. "How long have you been living in California?" He asked on our drive back. "I've been living here for about two years. It'll be three come October." I replied. "Wow. I bet you never expected to become an actress within two years of living here." He said. "You can say that again. I honestly feel like the luckiest person ever, especially since I get work with my favorite actors and favorite director." I replied. He parked his car and we made our way back up to the reading room. We were the first ones back, which wasn't surprising. But we took that to our advantage. He helped me get a better feel for my character, and we even sort of acted out some scenes. For once I actually felt comfortable about all of this. Deep down I knew it would probably be a lot different when we started actually working on the film, but I could worry about that later. Everyone else started coming in, and I felt a little nervous again. 'Stop, Macy. They're probably just as nervous as you are' I said inside of my head. Once everyone was back we started reading through the rest of the script. Around three o'clock we were finished, and I sort of breathed a sigh of relief. I could hardly believe that I went through that and survived. Bill and I talked a bit about the script, and Tim came over to see how I was feeling. "I'm feeling a lot better now, actually. Thanks to Bill." I said with a smile. "Good, I'm glad." He replied with a smile before he left to talk to the others. I looked over where Johnny was sitting, and saw him laughing and smiling with Helena and Eva. 'I hope I get to know all of these people like I'm getting to know Bill.' I thought inside of my head. "Here, let's exchange numbers so we can keep in touch." Bill said, taking me out of my thoughts. He put his number in my phone and I put mine in his. A few moments went by and Stephen Fry walked up to where Bill and I were sitting. "Macy, is it?" He asked in his deep British accent. "Yeah." I replied with a smile. He introduced himself to me, and I expressed how much I loved him as Mycroft in Sherlock Holmes, not to mention his role in The Hobbit. Daniel Bruhl stopped by and we talked for a while as well, which was nice. "You were amazing as Dr. Laszlo Kreizler in The Alienist." I said to Daniel, and he smiled as he thanked me. I ended up getting to talked to everyone and complement them on various different roles they had played. "I didn't know anyone remembered that I played Violet in A Series of Unfortunate Events." Emily Browning said happily. "Well, I do." I replied with a slight laugh. It felt good letting my favorite actors know how much I love and appreciate their work, and I think it made them feel good as well. At least I hope it did. Every one started saying their goodbyes and I suddenly felt really alone, which sucked. "I'll probably call or message you later. It was really nice getting to know you, Macy." Bill said as he and I said our goodbyes. "Okay. It was nice getting to know you as well." I replied with a smile. After he left I picked up my script and threw away my many water bottles before heading towards the door. "You have complemented everyone on various characters they've played. Everyone but me." A voice said from behind me, and I stopped in my tracks. I turned around to see Johnny standing there with his hands in his jeans pockets. "Oh, well... you were busy talking to Tim. I didn't wanna bother you." I replied, feeling guilty and nervous. An amused smile spread across his handsome face, and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. "But... if you must know. I'll tell you which characters you play that I love." I said as I walked over to him, and we sat down at the table together. I had a feeling he was just joking, but I knew I'd feel guilty as hell if I didn't let him know how much he means to me. I told him how Edward Scissorshands was the first movie I ever watched with him in it, and how much I adored Captain Jack Sparrow, Mad Hatter, Willy Wonka, etc. "So... you really cried so much you were dehydrated?" He asked me in amusement. "Yes! I'm not joking. Transcendence hit me like a train. It still plays hell with my heartstrings." I replied. "Aww." He said as he ran a hand through his hair. He and I talked a little longer before we started saying our goodbyes. "Wait. Come here." He said, and he pulled me into a cozy hug. I wrapped my arms around him and breathed in his amazing scent. He literally smelled like heaven. "Thank you for supporting me for all of these years, especially during the rough times." He said softly as we broke the hug. "Always, Johnny. Always." I replied. A soft look filled his eyes before he gently kissed my cheek. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and I had to fight the urge to fangirl right then and there. 'Ahh!! Johnny Depp kissed my cheek!!' I yelled inside of my head. When we officially said goodbye, I couldn't wait to see him and the whole cast again. After talking to all of them, it made me feel more comfortable around them. I felt like the luckiest person ever!

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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