His Loving Arms

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Macy's POV:

When I got home I went straight into the shower and washed up. After I was finished I looked through my closet for something to wear. I ended up picking out a pair of dark purple jeans that were ripped, my favorite Five Nights at Freddy's t-shirt, and a plain black jacket. I put on my dark gray converse as well before I went out into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water to drink as I made myself something to eat for dinner. 'I really should buy some groceries soon.' I said inside of my head as I looked through my fridge. I ended up making myself a hamburger and fries for dinner since I didn't have anything else to eat in the house. While I ate my food, I ended up starting to write a song. I hoped that Alice Cooper and the others didn't mind of I wanted to write and sing my own song. 'Hopefully they won't get mad at me or anything.' I thought as I continued writing. It felt like it took forever, but it was finally time to go over to Johnny's place. I was feeling nervous, especially since I was going to meet The Hollywood Vampires, and Paul Stanley. 'It's gonna be okay, Macy. Johnny will help you feel comfortable.' I said inside of my head as I got into my car and left my apartment. On the way there I listened to some music on the radio as I drove, and I couldn't help but wonder how all of this was gonna go down. I knew that Johnny's house was probably being watched by paparazzi. I knew that they'd post more pictures of me all over the internet underneath crazy headlines. And I sort of figured they'd have a hell of a time making shit up, especially when they realize I'm hanging out with him and several other guys. 'Hopefully Johnny turned all of his security guards out on any lurking paparazzi.' I thought inside of my head. Before I knew it, I was pulling into Johnny's driveway. My stomach filled with butterflies and my heart started pounding in my chest. After I locked up my car I headed up to the front porch and rang the doorbell. A few minutes went by and the door opened to reveal an adorable looking Johnny. He was wearing a sleeveless white t-shirt that showed off a bit more of his chest than the shirt he was wearing earlier. He was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and his worn black boots. My heart fluttered slightly in my chest, I could feel my cheeks heat up as well. "Hey sweetheart, come here." He said with a warm look in his eyes that made my heart melt. I walked towards him and we wrapped our arms around each other. I gently snuggled into his chest and breathed in his intoxicating scent. He gently tightened his arms around me and my insides melted. I desperately wished I could stay in his arms forever, but I knew I couldn't. When we slowly broke the hug I felt a little sad, but I tried my hardest not to let it show. His hugs just make me feel so safe and loved. "I'm so glad you were able to make it tonight. I know it was last minute." He said as I walked inside and he shut the door behind me. "It's fine. I didn't have any plans for tonight anyway." I replied as he lead me into the living room. No one was there, so I figured I was the first one to show up. Deep down I was glad I made it here before everyone else did. "Really? I thought a young girl like you would be spending time with her boyfriend, or painting the town red with their friends." He said with a small smile on his handsome face. We sat down on the couch before I spoke up. "Well, I don't have a boyfriend. As for painting the town... I'd much rather stay home." I replied and he chuckled slightly as he ran a hand through his soft looking hair. "I bet when this movie comes out you'll have all kinds of guys and girls dying to be in a relationship with you." He said with a small smirk on his lips. 'Do you know how attractive you look when you do that?' I thought inside of my head. "I doubt that." I replied with a slight laugh. "Why?" He asked me curiously with furrowed brows. "Because I've literally never been in a relationship before. I'm convinced that I'll never find a boyfriend." I said and his eyes softened. His big, chocolate brown orbs filled with sadness and sympathy. "Hey, don't say that sweetheart. I haven't known you for long, but you seem like a really sweet and kind girl. You're gonna find someone that loves you just as much as you love them," He said before he paused for a few seconds. "Even though I don't intend on trying to find love again... don't you give up before you've even found it." He finished in a soft tone that made my heart melt. But my heart also broke. What Amber Heard did to him really truly broke him, and even though he's better now... she did damage to him that will never go away. I figured he probably has trust issues now, especially because of the way she manipulated him, lied about him, hurt, and abused him. "Well.... I hope you find love again, Johnny. Even though you aren't looking for it." I replied, and a small smile spread across his face. Warmth filled his eyes and he gave my forehead a quick, yet gentle kiss that made my heart flutter. "You're so sweet." He said as he wrapped his arms around me in a side hug. "You're sweet too, Johnny." I replied and he gave my kiss a gentle kiss. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I mentally cursed myself. But it wasn't like I could control my blushing cheeks. I knew I developed a crush on him when I was a little girl, and it grew stronger as I got older. I never knew he had my heart until now, and it scared me. It scared me knowing that one person could have so much control over me, just because of the way he could make me feel. Because of the way he made my heart react to every little thing he does. The sound of the doorbell ruined the sweet moment, but I knew it was bound to happen. "I'll get it. It's probably Alice and the guys." He replied as he unwrapped his arms from me. 'Come on, Macy. Keep it together. You know you can't be with him. Besides, he said it himself... he isn't looking for love. Even if he was he wouldn't fall for you.' I said inside of my head. But no matter how many times I tell myself this... no matter how many times someone else tells me this... it will never make me love him any less. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my head as Johnny walked into the room with Alice, Joe, and Paul behind him. I thought that the whole Vampires band would have showed up, but maybe the others were busy. Johnny introduced us to each other and I could barely contain my excitement. I could barely believe that I was actually meeting these amazing rock legends. "So, how did you and Johnny meet?" Alice asked me curiously. "We're actually working together on a film. I guess he must have seen something in me to wanna be my friend." I said with a shy sort of smile. "Well... you're different and I like different people." Johnny replied before he asked if anyone wanted a drink. I talked with Alice, Joe, and Paul as Johnny prepared us some drinks. Paul and I were the only ones who didn't ask for alcohol. The guys asked me a bunch of questions and some were a little strange, but I didn't say anything. The strange ones came from Alice and they mostly pertained to Johnny. Deep down I sort of wondered if Johnny asked him to ask me these questions, but I couldn't be sure. "What made you wanna sing a song on this album?" Alice asked me curiously. "And why did you want me in on all of this?" Paul asked with furrowed brow. I told them that the recent fake news about Johnny and I inspired me to write a song. And how much of an honor it would be to collaborate with my childhood heroes, and Paul was the first person I thought of when I started thinking about writing a song. Johnny came back and we talked for a while longer before we got down to business. I showed them what I had written so far, and Paul helped me continue writing the song. We ended up tweaking a few things, but I didn't mind. I actually liked the way it turned out. "This weekend we can head up to the studio and get recording. I think this might be a pretty good song for our album." Alice said as we started saying our goodbyes. We all agreed on getting up this weekend, and I couldn't wait. After everyone left Johnny and I were all alone once more. We sat in comfortable silence before I spoke up. "Well, I better get home. We have work tomorrow." I said before I yawned slightly. "It's late and you're sleepy. You could spend the night here if you want to. I can give you a pair of pajamas for tonight, and a pair of clothes to borrow for tomorrow." He said sweetly with a warm look in his eyes. "Wouldn't me staying here just give the tabloids more fuel for their stupid stories?" I said in a questioning tone. "Fuck them. We know the truth and that's all that matters." He replied, and I smiled slightly. After a few minutes of him giving me his innocence doe eyes and adorable pout, I finally caved. Honestly... I mentally made my decision to stay the second he asked me to. He gave me a pair of dark blue pajamas and lead me upstairs to the guest bedroom. It looked beautiful even though it was simple. The walls were a dark gray color with white trim, and the bed matched the walls. The floor was a beautiful red maple hard wood as well. "Make yourself at home." He said as I sat the pajamas he gave me on the bed. "Thanks Johnny." I said as I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. "For what?" He asked as he hugged me back. "Everything." I replied softly as I snuggled into his chest. He tangled his fingers in my hair as he held me tighter, and I closed my eyes as I just enjoyed being close to him. "I should be thanking you, Macy." He said softly as he rested his head against mind. I couldn't deny that I felt like the luckiest girl in the world! "For what?" I asked him curiously. "For everything." He whispered softly next to me ear, and my heart melted. We said goodnight to each other and he gently closed the bedroom door behind him as he left. I picked up the pajamas and went into the bathroom to change. After I climbed into bed, my phone buzzed on the bedside table.

Andy: Hey, a slime ball tabloid magazine just realized a new article about you and Johnny.

Me: What did it say?

Andy: Same old bull shit, but they're really bashing you. It makes me so fuckin angry.

Me: Don't worry about it. Johnny's team will release a statement and everything will be fine... even though most people don't believe a word he says.

Andy: Where are you btw? I went to your apartment and you weren't home.

Me: I'm actually at Johnny's place. XD

Andy: Awww. <3 How is he btw?? Like... is he sweet?

I spent a few minutes talking about Johnny before I said I had to go to sleep. After we said our goodbyes I snuggled into the soft covers and bed before I fell into a deep sleep. Sometime during the early hours of the morning, I woke up for no reason at all. When I checked the time on my phone, I realized that it was four in the morning. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and went into the bathroom to relive my bladder. Then I headed out into the hall to walk around a bit, because I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep again. A dim light was shinning from a slightly opened door down the hallway. I wondered if that was Johnny's room and I wondered if he was awake. I walked downstairs and headed into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water; I hoped that Johnny didn't mind. "You couldn't sleep either, huh?" A voice said, and I jumped slightly. I shut the fridge and turned around to see Johnny standing in the doorway. "I'm sorry if I scared you, I didn't mean to." He said as he walked towards me and gently rubbed my arm. "It's okay." I replied. He and I walked into the living room where we sat down on the couch. The entire place was dark, but there was enough light where we could see. I opened up the water I got and took a couple of drinks out of the bottle before sitting it down on the coffee table. He and I talked for a little while before a comfortable silence settled down over us. The last thing I remember is drifting off into a deep sleep. I woke up with a pair of arms wrapped around me and a soft blanket covering my body. The intoxicating scent of Johnny filled my lungs, and that's when I realized I was in his arms. Butterflies filled my stomach and my insides melted. I opened my eyes and found him looking down at me; when he realize I was awake a sweet smile spread across his face. "Good morning, sweetheart." He said softly as he gently rubbed my back with his warm hands. "Good morning, Johnny." I replied with a soft giggle, which made his smile grow. "Did you sleep good?" He asked me softly. "Yeah. Did you?" I replied. I sort of felt bad about sleeping on him, especially since I figured he was uncomfortable. "I slept good too." He replied. The entire time he rubbed my back, which made me wanna snuggle into his chest again and go back to sleep. That's when I noticed the sun was starting to come up. "Crap. We're late for work, aren't we?" I said suddenly. "No, I called Tim and he said you and I don't have any scenes today." He said. He told me I could go back to sleep, so I snuggled back into his chest. I laid there letting the sound of his beating heart and the way he was rubbing my back, lull me back to sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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