First Day of Filming

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Macy's POV:

'Today's the day.' I thought inside of my head. I put on a pair of black jeans, and a Brand New Obsession t-shirt. After I was dressed I walked into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast, which was just a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. When I finished eating I brushed my teeth and grabbed my car keys. I made sure to lock up my apartment before I went to get into my vehicle. 'I hope I don't screw up.' I thought inside of my head as I buckled up and turned on the engine. 'I should have read over my lines more last night.' I said in my head as I pulled out onto the street. To keep myself from worrying myself to death, I turned the radio on and focused on the music. After a while of driving I finally reached my destination. I parked my car and shut the radio off before I shut my car off as well. "Alright... let's do this, and hope I don't make a complete fool out of myself." I said out loud as I ran a hand through my hair. My stomach was full of anxiety as I got out of my car and headed towards the studio doors. A man in a security uniform was standing at the entrance. It wasn't a surprise; I'm sure they have security everywhere so people don't snoop around. He was taller than me, and it made me feel a little intimidated; he wasn't taller than Bill though. I ended up having to show him my I.D. and he looked for my name on a list he had. "You're free to go in." He said as he opened the door for me. I thanked him as I walked through the door, and I spotted Tim as soon as I did. "Macy! Your the first to arrive. How are you doing this morning?" He asked me curiously as he walked over to me with open arms. We pulled each other into a friendly embrace, and some of my nerves went away. "I'm doing good. I'm really sorry if I'm a bit early." I said as we broke the hug. "Don't worry about it. That gives me more time to show you around and stuff. Follow me." He said with a small smile, and I smiled as well. We walked around the studio and he introduced me to the camera and technical crew, which was nice. They all seemed like really cool and kind people. Then he showed me to my trailer. He gave me a small key to it as well, so I could lock it if I want to. A small fridge was in the trailer, and it was filled with all kinds of drinks. The place looked pretty good, and I could see myself spending time in here reading during my breaks and stuff. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll message you when everyone else gets here." He said, and we said our goodbyes. I grabbed a bottle of water and then sat down on the couch to relaxed a bit. After a while I felt my phone buzz, and I wondered if it was Bill or Andy texting me.

Andy: Good luck with filming today!! :)

Me: Thanks!!

Andy: What are you doing right now??

Me: Just sitting in my trailer. I was the first one to show up. Lol XD
Andy: Cool. I hope you have fun today!!

Me: Thanks! I hope you have fun today as well!! What are your plans for today btw?

Andy: Thanks. Lol. Well, I'll probably just edit some videos. That about it, actually.

He and I texted each other for a while before Tim messaged me. I told Andy I had to go, and we told each other to have a good day again. I put my phone in my pocket and headed out of the trailer. On my way to the set, I ran into Bill. "Hey! How are you today? Are you excited?" He said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Hey, I'm doing alright. I'm excited and nervous, but mostly excited I guess. What about you?" I replied as he and I walked together. "I'm feeling the same way you are. I'm a little tired too; I hope they have coffee." He said as he removed his arm from my shoulders. "So do I." I said, and we laughed slightly. When we walked into the studio we found that the place was decorated and set up for shooting already. Tim and a few crew members were standing there waiting on all of us. Bill and Tim greeted each other, and they talked a bit while we waited on the others to join us. Helena, Eva, and Stephen were the next ones to show up. "Good morning, Love. How are you?" Helena asked me curiously as she gave me a hug. "I'm doing alright so far." I said with a slight laugh. "Are you nervous?" Eva asked me curiously. "Yeah, a little. But I'm excited too." I replied, and she smiled happily. "That's great! I'm glad you're excited, especially since it's your first film." She replied, and I smiled slightly. We talked amongst ourselves and Bill joined in when Daniel came in. After a while everyone was there except for Johnny, and I couldn't help but wonder where he was. Tim looked a little nervous, and I desperately hoped that Johnny was okay. Douglas, Emily, and Bill were on their phones. I was just standing there awkwardly along with everyone else. "I hope Johnny is okay." Helena said in a hushed tone. "I hope so too." Eva replied. "Is he usually late?" Stephen asked them curiously. "Well... he was always a few minutes late when we were filming Dark Shadows, but not this late." Eva replied. Suddenly, the door opened and Johnny came walking towards us. He was wearing a pull over hoodie and a pair of ripped and patched up blue jeans. 'It looks like he just woke up.' I said inside of my head. "Sorry I'm late. I overslept and traffic was murder." He said once he was within ear shot. "It's okay, Johnny. But try to be on time next time; we have a tight schedule with this film." Tim replied. Johnny nodded in understanding and stood next to me while Tim said a few words to all of us. After he finished talking he sent Emily, Douglas, Stephen, and Daniel to wardrobe and makeup. The rest of us attacked the snack table. I got myself a hot cup of coffee and so did Bill. There was a couple of tables there we could sit down at, and I took a seat. Bill sat down with me, and so did Eva. Johnny was talking to Tim a few feet away, but I couldn't hear anything they were saying. I didn't wanna hear what they were saying anyway. "When did you decide you wanted to be an actress?" Eva asked me curiously, which took me out of my thoughts. "I never intended on becoming an actress, actually. I... sort of fallen into this thing accidentally, but I intend to take this seriously... sort of." I replied and she smiled. We talked for a while. Daniel, Douglas, and Emily walked up to where us in full costumes and makeup. Emily was wearing a beautiful gray colored dress; everyone looked like they stepped out of the eighteen hundreds. "You guys look amazing!!" I said, and they thanked me with smiles on their faces. Tim came up and lead them to the prepared set while we just sat there drinking our coffee. Helena and Stephen went to their trailers and so did Eva. Bill and I were left alone as Johnny walked up to the food table to get himself some coffee. "I'll see you in a little bit, Macy. I'm gonna head back to my trailer, I hope you don't mind." He said after he looked up from his phone. "That's fine. I'll see you later then." I replied. I sort of felt lonely, but I knew everyone probably wanted to get into character for their scenes later. The scrape of a chair being pulled out caught my attention, and I looked up to see Johnny sitting down in front of me. "Everyone went to their trailers, I see." He said before he took a drink of his coffee. "Yeah, they did." I replied with a slight laugh. "How are you feeling? Are you nervous?" He said as he leaned forward and rested his arms on the table. "I'm unbelievably nervous. I've been trying to hide it, because I think I might be annoying Bill with my, worry too much about everything tendencies." I replied, rubbing my arm slightly. "Oh, I'm sure he isn't annoyed with you. It's natural to be nervous, especially since it's your first film. Not to mention the fact that you're surrounded by a bunch of your favorite actors." He replied, and his words made me feel a little better. "Thanks Johnny." I replied. "For what?" He asked me curiously with a slight smile on his handsome face. "For making me feel a bit better." I replied, and his smile broadened. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as well. "No problem, Macy. If you ever feel nervous or anything, just let me know. I'd be willing to help you feel better any time you need it." He said sweetly, and my insides felt all warm and fuzzy. "Thanks. You're really sweet, Johnny." I replied, and he laughed lightly as he ran a hand through his hair. 'Do you know how attractive you are when you do that?' I asked inside of my head. We sat in comfortable silence while we drank our coffee; It was nice to just be in someone's company without feeling like I had to continuously talk. "Would you like to hangout in my trailer while we wait to get ready for scenes? We could go over our lines together and stuff." He said after a few more minutes went by. "Sure." I replied, and we both stood up. We refilled our cups with coffee before I followed him to his trailer. He opened the door for me, and when I walked in I noticed that his trailer looked the same as mine. But he had several bags he must have brought with him, along with an acoustic guitar and some other things. "Have a seat wherever you like." He said, and did as he told me. I sat down on the couch before I retrieve my script, which was tucked inside of my back pocket. He grabbed his own script, and we started going over our lines. Reading with him was differed from reading with Bill, but in a good way. He improvised at some points, and most of what he said made me laugh. "I'm glad I can make you laugh." He said with an adorable smile on his face. "Of course you can make me laugh. You're a funny person, besides, I've been enjoying your sense of humor since I can remember." I replied with a smile. An attractive side smile spread across his face as a soft look filled his beautifully brown eyes. "Ever since you can remember? How old are you anyway?" He said curiously. "I'm twenty." I replied. "Twenty?!?" He said, and I laughed slightly at his reaction. "You're so young... I think you're the youngest person working on this film to be honest." He said with a thoughtful look in his eyes. "I... you know... I think you're right." I replied after I thought about it for a few seconds. After going over a few more lines, we ended up talking about art, music, books, etc. Talking to him was way different from talking to other people, and I liked it; it made me wanna talk to him even more. Suddenly, someone knocking on the door interrupted our conversation. "I'll see who it is." Johnny said as he got up and walked towards the door. Tim walked in along with a makeup artist. "Well, it looks like it's time for me to get in on the action." Johnny said as he sat his coffee down. He and I said our goodbyes and I headed over to my trailer. I felt sad about leaving him, but I knew he had to get ready to shoot some scenes for the movie. When I walked into my own trailer, I spotted Bill sitting on the couch and it nearly gave me a heart attack. "Holy shit! You almost gave me a heart attack." I said as I shut the door behind me. "I'm sorry," He replied with a light chuckle. "Where were you? I was getting ready to text you." He said as I sat down next to him. "I was in Johnny's trailer. We were going over lines and just talking." I replied, and a smile spread across his face. "You were with Johnny?" He asked curiously as his smile turned into a smirk. "Yeeaah... why?" I asked suspiciously. "If you spend more time with him, he might succumb to your charms." He joked. "Yeah, sure he will." I said sarcastically, which made him laugh slightly. "Hey, you never know. You're a sweet and lovely girl, Macy. There's a chance he might actually fall for you." He said with a sincere look in his blueish green eyes. He and I talked for a while before we got dressed up and everything so we could shoot some scenes. I really loved the way everyone looked for this film, and I hoped the viewers do too when they see it. I did a few scenes with Bill and Daniel, which went pretty well. We did a couple of improv takes just to give Tim a couple of options. Even though I was nervous as hell, I think everything went really well; I was just glad that I didn't forget any of my lines. We walked off of the set while Helena and some others done some scenes. "Do you think I did alright?" I asked Bill curiously. "You were great!" Bill replied with a smile. "You seemed like a professional back there. That was impressive." Daniel said, and I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. It meant a lot hearing them complement me on my acting. I heard a footsteps coming in our direction, and when I looked up I saw Johnny walking towards us with a huge smile on your face. "Macy, you were great!! Come here." He said as he opened his arms to me. We wrapped our arms around each other, and his heavenly scent mingled with the smell of makeup. "Thanks." I replied, not really sure what else to say. I gently snuggled into his chest slightly, and he tightened his arms around me. We broke the hug and I kinda had a feeling he'd hold me longer if Bill and Daniel weren't there. "It really means a lot knowing that you guys like what I've done so far." I replied, smiling. After we shot a few more scenes Tim said we were finished for today. Everyone went to their trailers to get the makeup taken off of them, and I felt a lot better once I was in my own clothes again. But a part of me missed the character I had been playing today. 'You get to do this again tomorrow, Macy. You aren't saying goodbye to your character just yet.' I said inside of my head. I grabbed a water from my fridge before someone knocked on my door. "Come in." I said. The door opened and Johnny walked in. My heart melted at the sight of him, and I felt all Mark and fuzzy inside as well. There was a slight nervousness underneath all of the lovely feelings too. "Hi. I.. I hope you don't mind me stopping by to see you before I leave." He said with a small smile on his face. "It's fine, come on in." I replied with a small smile of my own. He let the door shut behind him as he walked farther inside, and that's when he too me by surprise. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. I wrapped my arms around him as well and snuggled into his chest. "I love your hugs so much, Macy." He said, and my insides melted. My stomach filled with butterflies also. "I love your hugs too, Johnny." I replied, resisting my urge to fangirl. He held me a few minutes longer than he did before, and I hoped that we could have stayed like that forever. We slowly broke the hug and he gently kissed my forehead. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I hoped he didn't notice. But I figured he probably did. "I... I was wondering if you'd like to hangout with me tonight. We can do whatever you want. I just... I'd like to get to know you better." He said, and my heart skipped a beat. "I... sure, I'd love to hangout with you." I replied, and a big smile spread across his face. "Really? Great!" He said happily. He told me that he'd pick me up around seven o'clock, so I gave him my address. He gave me one last hug before we said our goodbyes. I was so excited to hangout with him later. I just hoped that he and I could really get closer, maybe as close as Bill and I have gotten... or... maybe a little closer.
A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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