No Need For Acting

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Macy's POV:

"You've been spending a lot of time with Johnny." Bill said to me as we hung out in his trailer. Over the weekend I got to record the song Paul Stanley and I wrote together, which was fun and really cool. It was an interesting experience to be able to work with so many rock legends. Then I ended up staying over at Johnny's place for like a week. Spending more time with him let the media machine make up more crazy stories about he and I. It seemed like they were gonna keep spreading lies, even though his team released a statement. "I know. I just really like being around him. He's sweet, kind, funny, and just... wonderful." I replied with a small smile on my face. Bill just smiled slightly, but I could tell he wanted to say something. Instead he just sat there silently. Deep down I had a feeling he was hiding something from me, but I decided not to say anything. I didn't want him to get mad at me if I did. "How about we watch a movie or something?" Bill said, and I said sure. He picked out some kind of Swedish film that I haven't seen or heard of, but I was fine with giving it a try. Obviously, I needed the subtitle on to understand what was being said. After a half hour my phone buzzed, and I took it out of my pocket to see who was texting me. When I seen that Tim was messaging me I figured he need me for some scenes.

Tim: Hey, we're gonna need you to get to makeup and costume in a few minutes. Your scenes are gonna be with Johnny by the way.

Me: Okay, I'll just tell Bill I have to get to set.

Tim: Alright, see you in a few. Also, all Johnny can do today is talk about you. I think he might have a little crush on you.

Me: I doubt he has a crush on me. He's probably just excited to see me after being away from each other for a few days. I've missed a little too.

Tim: I was just kidding around, but still, you two are so cute together. You've been so good for him; he deserves to have someone so sweet and kind in his life.

Me: Aww. <3 I'm blushing. I'm glad I'm able to make him feel better. He makes me feel happy as well. He's so sweet and kind himself. He really has a gentle soul.

Tim: I'm literally showing him these messages as we speak. Haha.

Me: Lol. I'm on my way by the way.

Tim: Okay. See ya.

"Hey, Bill." I said to get his will attention. "Hmm." He hummed to let me know he was listening. "Tim wants me to film some scenes. I'll be back if it doesn't take too long." I said. "Oh, okay. I'll see you later then." He said in a sad sounding tone. I sort of felt sorry for him, but I couldn't stay; I had work to do. When I stepped out of Bill's trailer I glanced up at the gray colored skies. All day it was raining, and it didn't show any signs of stopping. I walked on set and sat down in my makeup chair to get ready for my shoots. As I was getting stuff applied to my face I read over my script a few times. "You're so lucky. I can't believe you're go in to get to kiss Johnny Depp!" My makeup artist said, and my stomach filled with anxiety. "What?" I asked her curiously. "Oh, didn't Tim tell you that h switched some stuff in the script?" She asked me with furrowed brows. "No..." I said trailing off as I sunk deeper into nervousness. 'What the hell am I gonna do?!?!?! I've never kissed anyone before, and now I gotta kiss Johnny friking Depp!!!!' I screamed inside of my head. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I thought I was gonna have some kind of anxiety attack. After my makeup and wardrobe was finished I pulled Tim to the side to talk to him. "When we're you gonna tell me you wrote in a kiss between Johnny and I?!?!" I whisper yelled. "I'm sorry, but I just wanted to keep it a secret. I really wanted to get your genuine reaction." Tim said with an apologetic look in his eyes. "I need to talk to Johnny." I said, taking a few deep breaths so I didn't hyperventilate. As I walked over to his little area on set, I found him sitting in his makeup chair all ready to go. He was playing a little guitar waiting on Tim to call for us for a scene. "Johnny." I said, catching his attention. As soon as his eyes laid on me a beautiful smile spread across his handsome face. His gorgeous, big brown eyes brightened up as well. "Hey, come here sweetheart." He said as he opened his arms to me. I wrapped my arms around him and breathed in his comforting scent. Even though I was on the verge of a panic attack, he seemed to just calm me down and make m feel a little better. "Did you hear about the kiss Tim wrote in the script?" I asked him curiously with worried eyes. "Yeah, he told me about it a few minutes ago. Why?" He replied curiously. "I just found out about it... through my makeup artist." I replied, having an internal break down. "Hey, why's wrong?" He asked me curiously with a slightly worried look in his eyes. He placed one of his large hands on my shoulder and gently rubbed my arm to comfort me a little. "It's just... I... I've never been kissed, and I've never kissed anyone. I have no idea what I'm doing." I replied, and he pulled me into another hug. He gently rubbed my back in a soothing rhythm and I snuggled closer to him. It was like he was radiating comfort. "Don't be worried, Macy. Tim will understand; you'll be able to take as many takes as you need. Besides, I'll try to make you as comfortable as possible." He said sweetly. After a few minutes Johnny made me feel a bit better, but I was still afraid. I was gonna kiss my crush and he was gonna be my first kiss. But I was h only one that knew that. If Bill knew what was about to happen he'd probably would have reacted like I did to some degree. Tim called us to set, and we took our positions. "Action!" Tim yelled, and the cameras started rolling. Everything started off smoothly even though my mind was on overdrive. Neither one of us messed up any lines, and we ended up doing a few improv stuff. We shooter five scenes together before it was time for he kiss we had to do. "If you're uncomfortable with anything, just let me know." Johnny said. He mentioned that he told Tim that I haven't kissed anyone, and he seemed really relaxed. I was just glad that neither one of them were weird about it. "Action!" Tim yelled once again. Johnny and I did our scene and said our lines leading up to the kiss, and butterflies filled my stomach. We moved closer and closer, but we didn't kiss. I had to stop. I felt sick to my stomach, and m heart was just beating way too fast. Instead of saying anything to anyone I just walked outside to get some air. Rain was falling from the gray clouds, so I didn't go all the way outside. Deep down I felt awful. I felt like a failure because I couldn't even kiss someone for a scene in a movie. And I couldn't even imagine Johnny felt. "Hey, are you okay?" Tim's voice said, taking me out of my thoughts. "I'm just nervous that I'm gonna mess up." I replied, feeling like n idiot. "Just put yourself in your characters shoes; don't think about it ok much." He said. After a few deep breaths I eventually followed Tim back inside, and I apologized to everyone. I felt I was wasting everyone's time. "Let's just start off from the top." Tim said, and we did. I took Tim's advice and tried to not think that I was kissing Johnny Depp. 'I'm just kissing my character's love interest.' I said inside of my head. As we moved closer to each other, he placed one of his large hands on the side of my face. He tilted my head to the side slightly as we closed the distance between us. Our lips met and my heart skipped a beat. His lips were so soft and felt absolutely perfect against mine. He tasted sweet and sugary, but not overly so. I gently kissed him back and placed my hands on his chest. He deepened the kiss, causing my insides to melt. I desperately hoped that I was doing it right, because he was such a good kisser. "Cut!" Tim yelled, and Johnny slowly broke the kiss. When we made eye contact butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and my heart skipped a beat. A sweet smile spread across his face, and I felt myself blush a little. "See, that wasn't so bad. Was it?" He said, biting his plump bottom lip slightly as he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm so, so sorry for being a horrible kisser." I said with a slight laugh. "For your first kiss... you're actually a fairly good kisser, Macy." He replied, and my heart fluttered. Tim came over with a huge smile on his face. "That was probably the sweetest and cutest kiss I've ever seen! You two are too adorable together." Tim said happily, and I blushed again. Johnny chuckled lightly as he smiled and ran a hand through his hair. Tim told us that Johnny and I were finished today, which made me happy. I was tired, because I really didn't get much sleep last night. I went back into tears makeup chair and got everything removed. I changed back into my regular clothes and then met up with Johnny. "Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight? Or... we could just hangout." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'd love to hangout with you, Johnny. I've missed you even though we haven't been apart for too long." I replied, and a smile spread across his face. "I've missed you too, sweetheart." He replied, giving my temple a soft kiss. My heart melted, and I tried not to blush. He and I agreed to go to my apartment, since we've only ever been to his house. I made sure to text Bill and let him know I was gonna just head home. He said it was okay, because he had to shoot some night stuff for the film we were working on. I decided not to mention the fact that Johnny was gonna hangout with me. For some reason he was acting strange about him recently. "I hope you don't mind my apartment. It's not as fancy as your home." I replied jokingly. "I'm sure I'll love it." He replied with a little laugh, which was cute. We walked into my apartment and I turned on the lights. Johnny closed the door behind us as we walked inside. All of my walls were covered in movie posters and stuff. My art stuff was sitting in a corner and a few of my books were scattered around. It was little messy, but I knew where everything was and that's all that really mattered. "You know... I actually like your place better than mine." Johnny said after he looked around and took in his surrounding. I laughed slightly and he just smiled sweetly. We ordered some food and listened to some music as we sat on my couch. After we ate we actually started painting together. "What are you painting?" I asked him curiously as I dipped my brush in some black paint. "You'll just have to see." He replied with a mischievous smile on his face. He made me show him my creation first, which was some Tim Burton styled flowers. To my surprise he actually painted a picture of me. It wasn't a realistic painting, but it was still beautiful. "Johnny, that's so sweet. You didn't have to paint a picture of me." I said, and he smiled sweetly. "I wanted to. You're really beautiful." He said, and I blushed. "You're so sweet." I said as I gave him a side hug, which made him chuckle. He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head. "You're sweet too, Macy. I owe you so much, and you don't even know it." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked him curiously with furrowed brows. "You made a lot of my wounds heal. It's like you put me back together and stitched me up." He said with a soft look in his chocolate brown eyes. I wasn't sure what to say to him, but I couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside. "I'm so glad I could make you feel better, Johnny. You really deserve all the love and sweetness in the world." I replied, and he kissed my cheek with his soft lips. My insides melted, and I hugged him again. He ended up staying over in my guest room, which made me happy. I was so glad he was willing to stay in my little apartment. After we said goodnight to each other I went into my bedroom and got ready for bed. As soon as I closed my eyes fell into a deep sleep. My dreams were graced with the thoughts of Johnny's feathery soft lips.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

Sorry for not updating this story in forever. I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. <3 <3

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