The Words of A Depphead

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Macy's POV:

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside, which made me smile. Memories of what had happened last night made my stomach fill with anxiety. It sort of made me feel nervous about how he was gonna act around me this morning. 'I just hope my feelings for me didn't completely fuck our friendship up.' I thought inside of my head as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stretched. Once I was partially awake, I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. When I was finished I changed out of my pajamas. I slipped on some ripped and faded blue jeans, an oversized Kiss t-shirt, and my converse shoes. Then I walked downstairs where I found Johnny cooking breakfast in the kitchen. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a hole ridden t-shirt that was oversized on him. "Good morning." I said in a small timid voice. He turned around and a small smile spread across his handsome face. "Good morning, sweetheart. Come here." He said as he sat his spatula down. He opened his arms to me and I walked towards him so we could hug each other. I snuggled into his warm body and wished I could stay in his arms forever. "How did you sleep?" He asked me curiously as we broke the hug. "Good. How did you sleep?" I replied as he picked the spatula up again and flipped a pancake. "I slept good." He said. I walked over to the coffee pot and poured each of us a cup. He thanked me for getting him some coffee. I sat down at the table and drank my own coffee, wondering what he and I was going to get into today. Deep down I was just glad he even talked to me this morning. After a few minutes I set the table and he brought the pancakes he made to the table for us. "You didn't have to set the table." He said with a warm look in his beautiful eyes. "I wanted to." I replied with a small smile. He thanked me and we filled our plates with the pancakes and bacon he had cooked for the two of us. I ate the delicious food. "Thanks for making breakfast. It's really good. Your pancakes are amazing." I said before I took a sip of coffee. "I'm glad you like them. I figured the two of us needed a good breakfast this morning." He said happily. We smiled at each other, and I helped him clean up once we finished eating. He washed the dishes, and I was on drying duty. A comfortable silence settled down around us. I didn't mind though. It made me feel relaxed, especially since things felt normal. Nothing seemed different between us at all. "Hey." He said, catching my attention. "Huh?" I said as I turned to see what he wanted. To my surprise he gently tapped my nose and left some soap suds behind. I giggled slightly and he chuckled at my reaction. "Johnny!" I said, still giggling. His little gesture made my heart melt. "What?" He asked me as he continued to laugh. I wiped the soap suds off of my nose and tried doing the same to him, but I wasn't successful. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted onto his shoulder. "Johnny! Put me down!" I said between giggles. He was laughing the entire time as he carried me into the living room. He gently placed me down on the couch and trapped me. I was prisoner between the couch beneath me and his body hovering above me. His heavenly scent filled my senses, causing my heart to skip a beat. Those chocolate brown eyes of his was full of warmth; his eyes just made my insides melt. "I... I love you." I said shyly as my cheeks flushed in embarrassment. I'm sure I probably looked like a tomato. I couldn't help but mentally curse myself for being so vulnerable, but I just couldn't help it. "Can I tell you something?" He asked me curiously. His big brown eyes were still filled with warmth. "Sure." I replied. I couldn't help but wonder what he was gonna tell me. Especially since I just openly told him I feel without much hesitation. "Ever since we met I sort of developed a crush on you," He said as his cheeks turned a little pink. 'Wait.... did... did he just say he developed a crush on me?? Then why the hell didn't he tell me last night?! Why didn't he tell me that after I opened up my deepest feelings for him?' I thought inside of my head. "I... I was nervous about telling you that last night, because... well... I'm not sure why. I guess it's just because I'm so afraid of losing my heart to someone again. I'm afraid to open up to someone again." He said, which broke my heart a little. I gently placed my hands on his warm torso and gazed up into his handsome face. Those eyes of his were filled with such a vulnerable look that I didn't feel so alone anymore. It wasn't the only person that had spoken up about something personal. "Johnny, I'd never dream of hurting you or taking advantage of you. I know she gave you trust issues, but not everyone is like her. Plenty of people would do anything to be able to be with you, love you, and care for you." I said as I played with a hole that was in his shirt. I wasn't sure if what I was saying was helping any, but I really hoped that it was. We looked into each other's for a few minutes before either one of us spoke up again. I didn't mind the comfortable silence though; the quiet was actually very comforting and peaceful. "I do have some trust issues, but my friends have helped me a lot with those. Especially you," He said as he brushed some of my hair out of my face. My heart fluttered as he gently stroked my cheek with his thumb. "You've been so sweet, kind, and gentle towards me. I've had a lot of girls and women act sweet, but all they want is sex or money or they think they can take advantage of me like... her." He said. "I'm sorry that's happening to you. Some people can be so heartless and cold." I said, feeling my heart break again. I know that horrible people like to pray on the weak, but it just hurt. Especially since Johnny is someone I care about and love. "It's okay. At least I know that you aren't like that. If you were I'd be able to tell. I'm trained to spot the signs now." He said as he ran a hand through his soft looking hair. 'You look so hot at this angle when you do that.' I thought inside of my head. I'm pretty sure my cheeks were red as a tomato again. I continued playing with the hole in his shirt, and he chuckled lightly after a few minutes of comfortable silence. I was glad my nervous little tick made him feel a bit better. "You're really interesting in that hole in my shirt." He said with an attractive smile on his handsome face. "I'm sorry." I giggled and blushed slightly. "No, it's... cute." He said sweetly as he left a soft kiss on my forehead. We ended up cuddling on the couch, which put me in a good mood. I just hoped that he was in a good mood as well. At least from the smile on his face I assume he was in a good mood. He'd randomly give my forehead soft kisses. Each time my heart would melt and I'd snuggle closer to him. I loved being so close to him. Knowing that he has a crush on me made me feel so much more happier than I had felt in a while. I just hoped that he'd maybe his feelings would get stronger towards me. Maybe we could start a relationship, even if he's fifty five and I'm twenty one. We'd probably have to hide it from everyone though. I'm not sure how he'd feel about though. Hell, I didn't even know how I'd feel about hiding a relationship with someone. Especially hiding a relationship with a celebrity. 'Stop thinking too much, Macy. Just enjoy what's happening right now. Live in the moment instead of the future.' I said inside my head. I tried my best to push my thoughts to the back of my mind as I breathed in Johnny's heavenly scent. "So, what would you like to do today?" He asked me curiously as he gently rubbed my back. "I could stay like this all day." I said as I snuggled into his chest a bit. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. We laid there for a few more minutes before he spoke up again. He suggested going for a walk, and I said that sounded nice. We disentangled from each other and got ready to leave his house. I grabbed my car keys and we got into my vehicle. "You're gonna have to give me directions to the park." I said after we buckled up. I turned on the radio and we listened to music as we headed to the park. Once we got there I was surprised that there weren't many people out and about, especially since it was such a beautiful day. The sun was warm and golden. The sky looked so bright and blue. A light breeze rustled the green leaves in the trees that were by my car. It was really just a perfect day for a nice long walk. Johnny and I walked into the park and walked down the paths that were there. Birds were singing merrily from everywhere. "Lets set down and take a nice little break from walking." Johnny said, breaking the comfortable silence. We took a seat next to the pond that was at the park. A couple of ducks were swimming in the pond; they were really fun to watch. Most of them were Mallard ducks, but there were a couple of white ones as well. Everything was so perfect. I rested my head on his shoulder and he left a sweet kiss on my forehead. After a while I suddenly felt like someone was watching us. Then I could hear the slight sound of a camera taking pictures. "Johnny, I think someone's taking pictures of us." I said, starting to feel nervous. 'The two of us are probably gonna be on every gossip websites and magazine cover in the world.' I thought inside of my head. "Just ignore them. Who cares what everyone else thinks. We know the truth, and that's all that matters." He replied as he snuggled closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. After spending a lovely time together, we went to a small and cosy cafe for lunch. I said that I'd pay for lunch. He wanted to pay for it, but I convinced him that I'd buy us lunch. I didn't want him to pay for everything. Once we finished eating a couple of people walked up to Johnny and asked him for an autograph. "Are you his girlfriend?" A girl with spiky bleach blond hair asked me curiously. "No. We're just really good friends." I replied with a small smile. "Well, I think you two should date. You guys are so cute together! I'm so writing a fanfiction about the two of you on my Wattpad account." She said with a huge smile on her face. She told her name was Kat, and she asked me for my autograph as well. It was strange to give someone my autograph, but she'd be the first one to have it. 'She'll be so happy she asked for my signature after the movie comes out.' I said inside of my head. Not that I think people would actually like me in the new Tim Burton film, but ya know? I asked her what her Wattpad username was and promised that I'd check out her fanfiction. She was so happy when I said that, and her parents seemed amused. We told them to have a nice day before Johnny and I left the cafe. I couldn't stop thinking about what Kat has said. 'I wonder if a lot of his fans want us to become a couple.' I thought inside of my head. I had a feeling that a lot of his fans probably hate me as well. It's like some people don't wanna see him happy with a girl if it isn't them. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as he and I walked to my car and got in. "Did you hear what she said? She thinks you and I should be in a relationship." Johnny said with an amused smile on his handsome face. "Well, at least someone does. I'm just glad she wasn't a fan who hates my guts due to the paparazzi spreading false rumours." I said as I buckled up and switched on the ignition. "So am I. But you're a loveable person, so it isn't a surprise that she'd want me and you to be in a relationship." He replied as I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street. I blushed slightly and wondered if he'd ever want me as a girlfriend. I hoped so, but I wasn't going to be surprised if he didn't. When I turned on the radio I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and focused on driving. Comfortable silence settled down around us as we headed back to his house. Neither one of us spoke until we were safe and sound in his home. We listened to some music and continued painting on what we started last night. After we finished painting for the afternoon, I looked up Kat on Wattpad and followed her. "What are you doing?" Johnny asked me curiously as he joined me on the couch. I told him what I was doing and he smiled. "Maybe she's right." He said after a few moments of comfortable silence. My heart skipped a beat at his words. "Right about what?" I asked him curiously. "About us dating. I mean... you're sweet and I know I can trust you. At least you haven't given me a reason not to. Besides, I do have a crush on you. And... you have confessed your feelings for me. Why shouldn't we date each other?" He said as he ran a hand through his hair. "But... I'm only twenty one years old." I replied. Even though I wanted to be with him I didn't want to ruin his life and career. She-who-must-not-be-named has done enough damaged already. "I know, but it's not like you're underage. You're a young woman, Macy. I might be an older man, but love is love as long as it's legal and reciprocated on both ends. Just give me a chance... give us a chance." He said as he moved closer to me and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I won't be able to handle it if I don't see if things could work out between us. This might be my last chance to actually love again." He said as he gently caressed my cheek. We sat there and looked into each other's eyes for a few minutes before I told I'd give us a chance. He was all I wanted, so I didn't turn down the opportunity to actually be with him. I just hoped that things didn't end badly between us. I was afraid that he might get bored with me and find someone better... someone prettier... someone closer to his age. But I think I'd regret not taking the chance with him more than staying in my comfort zone. "So... when do you wanna go on our first date?" He asked me curiously as we cuddled up to each other. "I don't know. When do you wanna go on our first date?" I replied with a slight laugh. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'll let you know when I come up with something for us to do. I wanna make it special." He said as he tightened his arms around me. "Just being with you makes me happy. You could do literally anything, and I'd think it's special." I said with a smile as I snuggled closer to him. "You're so cute and sweet." He said as he gently rubbed my back. "So are you." I replied, leaving a gentle kiss on his jawline. We cuddled for a while before we made dinner, which was fun. He kept hugging me from behind. The entire time I had butterflies and my heart was fluttering in my chest. I felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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