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Macy's POV:

"You miss him, don't you?" Andy asked me curiously, giving me a gentle nudge with his elbow. "Of course I miss him. At least we text and call each other sometimes. But it's hard due to the time zone differences." I said, feeling a little sad. Johnny had been away in Serbia doing a film for the past month and a half. Going from spending almost every single day together to just random texts and phone calls was a dramatic change. I've been missing him like crazy! "Don't worry, he'll be back before you know it." He replied. Andy was doing his best to cheer me up, which was greatly appreciated. He and I were just hanging out at my apartment watching tv. Earlier we filmed some stuff for his YouTube channel; it was fun and it took my mind off of Johnny for a little while. "I hope so, but he's working on a pretty big film. Who knows how long he'll be there." I said with a sigh, running a hand through my hair. Eventually we turned our focus on the tv screen in front of us. After a while my phone buzzed in my pocket, and I couldn't help but get a little excited. 'I hope that's Johnny.' I thought inside of my head. When I saw his name on my screen I almost broke out in a happy dance.

Johnny: Hey sweetheart. I hope I didn't wake you up.

Me: You didn't wake me up. I was just watching some movies with my friend Andy.

Johnny: I'm just laying in bed. I should be sleeping, but I can't.

Me: Aww. I hope you can go to sleep soon. I don't want you to feel tired when you go to work.

Johnny: I know, but I just can't stop thinking about you. I miss you. You have no idea what I would do to have you in my arms right now with your head on my chest.

His message just made my insides melt. Knowing that he was missing me as much as I missed him just made me love him more. I would have liked to be snuggled up in his arms with my head on his chest right now. It sounded like heaven.

Me: I miss you too, Johnny! I wish I could he in your arms right now as well. I can't wait until we can spend time together again.

Johnny: Hopefully I'll be able to come back home to you in a couple of months.

He and I texted for a few minutes before we said our goodbyes. I knew that he needed to get some sleep, and Andy was giving sideways looks. Andy didn't look annoyed; he just seemed curious. After I put my phone back into my pocket I told him who was messaging me. "Awww. He misses you too. You two are just way too cute together!" He said. I smiled and blushed a little. I didn't tell him that Johnny and were dating. It's something Johnny and I want to keep secret for the time being. We especially wanna keep it secret from the press even though they think we're dating already. "Well... I don't know about me, but he's cute... he's so cute." I said, which made Andy chuckle. "You're so in love with him." He said, and I agreed. When the movie we were watching ended, we said our goodbyes. He headed home and I got ready for bed. After I took a long warm bath I put my pajamas on and climbed into bed. A few minutes passed before I eventually fell into a deep sleep.


Two month went by and commercials for the film I did with Johnny started flooding the internet. I was honestly surprised with how many views the trailers got, but I was glad people were actually interested in seeing it. Today was the first day of promo and saying that I was a little nervous is an understatement. Tim Burton set up an interview with Ellen; he wants me to go and talk to her, which made me even more nervous. I'm huge fan of her and I just think she's unbelievably funny. I was in my car listening to music to try and clam myself down. I felt just as nervous on my first day of filming, but the idea of answering questions just made it worse. 'It's okay, Macy. Just take a few deep breaths and you'll be fine. It's Ellen! She's amazing and easy going. Don't worry yourself too much.' I said inside of my head as I approached the studio where she records her show. There were security everywhere, and it made me feel a little more secure. I went through a gate where I had show ID before I was let inside. Once I was directed in a parking spot, I was actually escorted inside of the building. A man wearing a headset lead me into the green room where I was left all alone. It made me feel nervous again, because I was alone with my thoughts. That's one thing I really hate about myself; I always worry way too much. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and when I looked at it I seen I had a text from Tim.

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