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Macy's POV:

"Relax, you'll be fine." Bill said with a slight laugh. He and I were hanging out at my place, just going over our lines. We've been calling and texting each other ever since the read through. It made me feel happy knowing that someone like him actually wanted to be friends with me. Maybe he felt the same way about me even though I'm just a fan. "That's easy for you to say!" I said with a slight laugh as well. "You're doing great, Macy. You're memorizing your lines perfectly, and you're putting personality into the words when you speak them. There's no reason you should be worried about anything." He said as he ran a hand through his light brown hair. I guess he's right, but I still can't help but worry about messing up. At least he was being kind enough to deal with my overly worried self. "Can we go over them one more time?" I asked him curiously after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Sure, but let's get something to eat for lunch first. I'm surprised you haven't heard my stomach growling. I almost feel like Pennywise at the moment." He joked, and I laughed which made him smile. "Alright, let's order a pizza before you eat the neighbor's kids." I joked and he laughed. I took my phone out of my pocket and ordered us a large pepperoni pizza. He turned on the tv and we watched a couple episodes of Sleepy Hollow as we waited for the delivery man to show up. "So... I've been wondering for a while now, and I have to ask. Do you have feelings for Johnny Depp? It's okay if you don't wanna tell me, especially since we haven't known each other for long. I was just curious due to the way you reacted when you met him." He said, bringing my attention back to reality. 'Should I tell him the truth?' I wondered inside of my head. "Well... I've had a crush on him ever since I was a little girl, so... yeah.. I guess you could say I have feelings for him," I replied, rubbing my arm slightly. "I know I can't be with him though. He'd fifty five, and I'm twenty; I'm just barely older than his daughter, Lily Rose." I said, feeling my heart ach slightly. "Hey, don't worry Macy. You'll find someone closer to your age that'll love and care about you." He said as he placed one of his large hands on my shoulder. "I hope so." I replied with a slight laugh. Deep down I kinda doubted that I'd meet someone close to my age, especially since I have a tendency to fall in love with older guys. It's sort of some strange curse or something, but literally... who isn't in love with Johnny Depp?? I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind when someone knocked on the door, and I got up to answer it. I paid for the pizza and we demolished the whole thing over a Sleepy Hollow marathon, which was nice. The last time I just sat and watched a whole marathon of a show was six months ago. Andy and I were making some YouTube videos, and we just watched a couple seasons of Sherlock. "Alright, now that we've eaten we can go over our lines again if you'd like." Bill said as he threw away our trash. We went through the script one more time before I decided I should probably head home. I made sure to thank him for helping me memorize my lines, and he said it was no problem. "Hey, what are friends for?" He said with a smile on his face, which made me smile as well. "I'm really glad that we've became friends, Bill. I don't think I would have survived through all of this stuff if we hadn't." I replied. "You would have made it without me, but I think we would have became friends during the movie shoot anyways." He replied. He gave me a hug before we said our goodbyes, and I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. I felt unbelievably happy. Honestly, I wouldn't have minded dating Bill, especially since he's twenty eight years old and really sweet. But he's already taken. Anyway, I didn't wanna mess up the good friendship we've built together. I think he and I'd only be good as friends anyway. By the time I made it home it was going on three thirty, and I wondered what on earth I was gonna have for dinner tonight. Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket; I figured it was either Bill or Andy.

Andy: Hey, what's up?

Me: Not much. I just got home from being over at Bill's place.

Andy: Oh, did you? What uh... what were you two up to? ;)

Me: Lol. We were helping each other memorize our lines.

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