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Macy's POV:

The annoying sound of my alarm clock woke me up. I rubbed my eyes before I yawned and stretched. After I got dressed I walked over to my guest room and knocked on the door. There was a groan from the other side, and I laughed slightly. "Johnny, it's time to wake up. We have a lot of work to do today." I said before I walked into the kitchen. As I waited on Johnny to get ready I fixed us some breakfast. Today was gonna be a very very long day, especially since it was the last day of filming. I couldn't believe that my time with all of the amazing actors and actresses I've met was coming to an end. Deep down I desperately hoped that I'd get to keep in contact with most of them. Once the food was done, a very cute and tired Johnny walked into the kitchen. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I said, which made him chuckle. "Good morning, Sweetheart." He said as he opened his arms to me. We hugged and I snuggled into his chest. After we broke the hug we ate breakfast together and then headed to the studio. I saw Bill as soon as we walked in, and anger filled his blueish green colored eyes. "Hey, you get away from her!" Bill yelled, taking Johnny and I by surprise. He grabbed my arm and roughly pulled away from Johnny's side. All I could do was wonder what the hell his problem was. Everyone turned to look and see what was going on, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. "Bill, what's wrong?" I asked him curiously with furrowed brows. "I don't like that you're spending so much time with him. You know what he did to his ex wife. Who knows what he'll do to you when the two of you are alone; he's just waiting on you to let your guard down. He's an abuser, Macy. When are you gonna open your eyes and see that!?!?" Bill said with an angry look on his pale face. I was absolutely dumbfounded. But when his words sunk in I started to feel sad and angry. I was sad that someone I called a friend was attacking another friend of mine. Especially since Johnny had had to deal with this sort of thing ever since Amber Heard went and lied about him. I was angry that Bill had the nerve to lash out in the studio in front of everyone we work with. "What the hell are you talking about, Bill? You know Amber lied about all of those abuse allegation. Johnny's sweet, kind, caring, and gentle. He's nothing his ex wife says he his." I said, feeling the anger inside of my rise. "Really? You believe him over her? How stupid could you be?" He said with furrowed brows. His words hurt and made me angry even more. There was a short pause in which I considered punch Bill in the face, but I decided against it. "I'm stupid? Well, apparently you were to lazy to actually view the court documents. Besides, she's the one who abused her ex girlfriend; you're an idiot if you think she wouldn't abuse someone else she lets on to love." I said as I pulled my arm out of his grasp and walked over to where Johnny was standing. "Fine. I guess we're no longer friends then." Bill said, running a hand through his hair as he stormed out of the studio. Johnny gently grabbed my hand, and my heart skipped a beat. The feeling of my hand in his large one felt like two puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together. I followed him out to his trailer. Neither one of us wanted to be stated at by half of the cast, including Tim. A whole bunch of emotions were flowing through me; most of which are sadness, anger, and confusion. Bill was absolutely fine with me spending time with Johnny in the beginning, so why was he being so strange now? He wasn't the Bill I met on read through day. "Hey, come here." Johnny said softly as we wrapped his strong arms around me. I snuggled into his chest and breathed in his comforting scent. His energy just seemed to melt all of my worries and anxieties away. "Thanks for standing up for me. I know choosing between two of your friends isn't easy. I'm sorry for the emotional rollercoaster you're probably going through right now." He said as he gently rubbed my back. "You're the sweetest person I've ever met, Johnny. You don't deserve all the hate people are giving you, just because someone framed you as some kind of monster. Besides... Bill didn't have the right to embarrass you in front of everyone." I replied and he tightened his arms around me. He broke the hug slightly and left a soft kiss on my forehead, which made me smile. "There's that smile I love." He said with a small smile on his face. The warm look in his beautiful, big brown eyes just made my insides melt. I felt myself blush, and desperately hoped that he didn't really notice. Someone knocking on Johnny's trailer door ruined the sweet moment. "Come in." Johnny said with furrowed brows. The door opened and Tim walked into the trailer. "Is everything alright? I um... I heard and saw what happened between you guys and Bill," He said as he walked towards us and sat down next to us. "What happened?" He asked us with curiosity in his eyes. I told him what had happened when Johnny and I walked into the studio, but I said I didn't know why Bill acted the way he did. After we finished talking he said he'd change a few things in the script just so we didn't have two do any scenes with Bill anymore. I told him he didn't have to, but he insisted that he should just so things would go smoothly. Once everything was sorted out a bit we went to makeup and wardrobe to get ready for filming. Deep down I was still a little torn up that I had lost one of army friends, but I knew it was probably for the best. I didn't need that kind of negative energy in my life. I didn't need someone telling me I shouldn't be friends with someone do to false rumors about him. After hours and hours of filming it was finally lunch time. Everyone asked me questions about what happened, and I answered them the best I could. It seemed like no one knew why Bill went off about me spending time with Johnny. Everyone found it strange and weird, especially since he seemed to like him. "He probably ran into his ex wife, and she filled his head with a bunch of garbage." Eva Green said before she took a drink of water. Helena agreed as well as half the cast. All of us ate lunch together, but Bill stayed in his trailer. I couldn't help but wonder if he would ever come around and we could be friends again. I doubted it, but all I could do was hope. When the day was over I was in my makeup chair getting everything taken off of me. Then I changed into my normal clothes. As I started heading towards my trailer my phone buzzed.

Andy: Hey, do you have any plans for tonight?

Me: No, not that I know of. Why?

Andy: Do you wanna hangout then? We could order pizza and watch movies.

Me: That would be great! We haven't hung out in a while, and I've missed you. XD

Andy: XD I've missed you too. But I know you like spending time with Johnny.

Me: There's something I have to tell you about that btw.

Andy: Really? What happened?

Me: I'll tell you when you come over tonight. It's sort of a long and strange story.

I finished talking with Andy and walked into my trailer. There were a few things I needed to pick up before I left for the evening. As I locked my trailer door I spotted Johnny walking towards me. "Today has been a really long day, hasn't it?" He said as he ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, it was." I replied with a slight laugh as I walked down the small set of steps. "So... do you have any plans tonight?" He asked me curiously with furrowed brows. "Actually I do. Andy and I were going to just watch some movies and eat pizza." I replied. He looked kinda sad that he and I couldn't hangout tonight, and it made me feel guilty. "That sounds fun. I hope you have a good time." He said as he adjusted the rings on his fingers. "Well... you could join us if you want to. I'll just have to ask if it's okay with Andy." I said. "No, no, it's fine. You should spend time with your other friends. I don't wanna be selfish with you." He said with a soft look in his gorgeous eyes. "Come here." I said as I opened my arms to him. We pulled each other in a cozy hug that I could have stayed in forever. We held each other for a good long while, but I didn't mind. He always gave the best hugs ever! "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then. I might message you sometime this evening." He said as he ran a hand through his hair again. After we said our goodbyes we went our separate ways I got into my car and buckled up before switching on the ignition and turning on the radio. Then I headed to my apartment where I took a quick shower and changed. I put on a pair of black shorts and a Hollywood Vampires t-shirt that Johnny had given me. A knock on my door let me know that Andy had showed up. When I opened the door he gave he a big hug and I hugged him back. "How have you been?" I asked him curiously as I closed the door behind him. "I've been good. I got to film a bunch of YouTube videos with a bunch of other cool Youtubers." He replied as he took his pink hoodie off. Underneath he was wearing a Kiss t-shirt with his ripped black jeans. We talked for a while before we ordered a couple of pizzas. Once the delivery guy dropped them off he asked me about what I wanted to tell him. I told him how Bill went off of Johnny and I today. He was mad at Bill immediately, which wasn't surprising. "Don't pay attention to him. He's probably just jealous that you've been giving Johnny more attention than him." He replied before he grabbed a slice of pizza and I did the same. "I know, but it just makes me angry and sad. I thought he was my friend." I said as I ran a hand through my hair before taking a bite of pizza. He comforted me a little, which helped. Losing a friend is always hard, especially when you lose them over stupid stuff. I was just glad I still have Johnny and Andy. The two of us watched some movies and relaxed. It was better than the awkward atmosphere on set today. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I enjoyed the movie playing on my tv screen. At the end of the night I offered Andy to stay over, but he said he couldn't. He said he had to film more YouTube videos tomorrow and he had to wake up early. We said our goodbyes and I got ready for bed. Johnny messaged me and we talked for a while before we said goodnight to each other. I honestly just wished today was just a dream, and Bill was still my friend. But deep down I knew it wasn't a dream. 'Just let him go, Macy. If he doesn't wanna be in your life just because your friends with Johnny, then you don't need him in your life.' I said inside of my head as I snuggled into the covers of my bed. I slowly drifted off into a restless sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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