A Party and A Confession

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Macy's POV:

The last few months went by pretty quick. But the whole time it was really awkward on set. What happened with Bill didn't evaporate like I had wished it would have. It felt like he was always watching Johnny and I from afar, and it just made me feel uncomfortable. Today was the last day of filming for everyone, so Tim decided to have a little party for us. Everyone was talking and laughing. The energy was high, but I kinda felt a little sad as well as happy. It was gonna be different tomorrow. Especially since I didn't have to wake up early to come to the studio. I wouldn't get to see everyone I've been around over the majority of the year. Deep down I didn't want any of this to end. As I looked around I saw Helena talking with Stephen and Eva hanging out with Johnny. I was standing by the food table with Daniel. We were just talking about how much fun we had making the movie. Both of us couldn't wait until it was time for the film to hit theaters. I was just excited to see Tim Burton fans react to his newest creation. "He'll probably put you and a couple others on press duty." He said as he and I put some food on the plates we were holding. "I know. I'm actually pretty nervous about that." I replied with a slight laugh. "The press part is a little off putting sometimes, but you'll be fine. You've got all of us to back you up." He said with a small smile, and I smiled as well. Tim pulled Daniel away, which left me alone. But I wasn't alone for too long. "Hey. How are you feeling?" Johnny asked me curiously as he walked towards me. "Okay. How are you?" I replied with a small smile. "I'm alright," He said with a small smile as well. He grabbed a plate and got himself some food before we walked over to one of the tables. "I bet you're kinda sad that it's all coming to an end, aren't you?" He asked me after a few minutes of comfortable silence. I admitted that I was sad that I wouldn't get to see everyone I've worked with for several months. He and I ate and talked as we just enjoyed each other's company. A moment of comfortable silence settled down around he and I as everyone else talked, joked, and laughed. I looked around to take everything in. That's when I noticed Bill lingering in the far corner. His greenish blue eyes were fixed right on Johnny and I. "Johnny." I said, just to catch his attention. He hummed slightly to let me know he was listening. "Bill is watching us." I said. Johnny looked over in the direction I told him to look, and he rolled his eyes once he spotted Bill. "Don't worry about him, Macy. He's just trying to get underneath your skin." He said as he gently rubbed my shoulder. We looked into each other's eyes and I started to relax a bit. His big, chocolate brown eyes just made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I was so glad that he was able to make me feel better when I needed it. There was just something so magical about Johnny, and I absolutely love it. After a few minutes Eva joined us. All three of us talked and joked around a bit. The party started in the afternoon and ended late at night. Around eleven thirty everyone started leaving. I stopped and said goodnight to Tim. I didn't forget to thank him for taking a chance on me and letting me have a role in his film. "Don't mention it, Macy. It was a privilege to have you in the film; you're a great actress. You might even make a name for yourself in this industry." He said. I wasn't quite sure if I'd make a name for myself in the acting industry, but it was an honor to work with so many people I admire. Johnny said goodnight to Tim as well before the two of us headed out. "Do you have any plans for tonight?" Johnny asked me curiously. "No, I actually don't tonight." I replied with a small smile. "Would you like to stay over at my place tonight? We could order some food and do whatever you want." He said as he ran a hand through his hair. I took him up on his offer, but I stopped by my apartment to pick up some clothes. Then I headed over to Johnny's house. When I rang the doorbell I had to wait a few minutes before he opened the door. He let me in and closed the door behind me. He already ordered some food for us. Since we've been hanging out a lot recently he already knew what kind of food that I like. We picked out a movie to watch as we ate. When the movie ended he took out an acoustic guitar and started playing a song. I didn't recognize the tune from anywhere, so assumed it was a song he wrote himself. Or it could be something he just made up on the spot. "What did you think of that song?" He asked me curiously once he stopped playing. "I like it. Did you write it yourself?" I asked him curiously. "Yeah. It's not finished yet, though." He said as he ran a hand through his hair. He really just looked so good it hurt. I was sort of just staring at him, but I couldn't look away. 'I hope he doesn't think I'm weird.' I though inside of my head. He sat his guitar aside and a smile spread across his handsome face when he looked at me. "You're blushing." He said as his beautiful brown eyes softened and filled with a warm look. Him noticing that I was blushing made me blush even more. 'Damn it!!' I said inside of my head. I sort of panicked and buried my face in the back of the couch we were sitting on. All I wanted to do was hide underneath a rock. 'Curse me cheeks!!!!' I yelled inside of my head. "Hey, you don't have to hide. Especially not because you're blushing. Come here." He said as he moved closer to me. When I didn't move, he gently wrapped his arms around my torso. At first I thought he was gonna hug me, but I was wrong. He attacked me with tickles. I giggled and moved to attempt to stop him, but I was way to weak to do so. The cute smile on his face just made my insides melt. "Johnny... stop..." I said between laughs and giggles. When he eventually stopped tickling me, he wrapped his arms around me and held me close to his warm body. I snuggled into his chest and he chuckled lightly at my reaction. As we broke the hug he sweetly brushed some of my hair out of my face. My heart skipped a beat when his thumb gently brushed my cheek. His chocolate brown doe eyes were so soft and warm; getting lost in his eyes just made me fall a little more in love with him. "You look adorable when you blush. And you sound so cute when you giggle" He said, tilting his head to the side slightly. 'Ugh!!! Stop being so... so... perfect!' I said inside of my head as I just took in his handsomeness. I honestly didn't know what to say, so I just hugged him again. He chuckled and gently rubbed my back as he hugged me. 'You'll make some girl very happy one day, Johnny. And when you find her... I hope she's the one.' I thought inside of my head, which made my heart ache. I knew I didn't have a chance with him. And it made me aware that I'll probably have to watch him fall in love with someone else. I pressed my depressing thoughts to the back of my mind the best I could. We slowly broke the hug and he turned on some music as he grabbed some paint, canvases, and brushes. The two of us painted for a while. I sort of had a feeling that he noticed my mood change. He was being extra sweet to me, and he was giving me more side hugs. After a few hours we started cleaning up. Neither one of us finished our paintings, but we had time to finish them tomorrow. "I don't wanna be rude or anything, but... you seem... sad. Did I do something wrong?" He asked me curiously as we were washing out the brushes we had used. The sad look in his head broke my heart. "You didn't do anything wrong, Johnny. I..." I said, trailing off. "What's wrong, sweetheart? You can tell me anything." He said as we dried off the brushes and sat them aside to dry. Then we dried our hands before either one of us spoke up. "I... I'm afraid to tell you. I... I don't wanna lose you... I don't wanna lose your friendship." I said, feeling scared and nervous. I wasn't sure that I was ready to tell him how I feel about him. But he noticed that I was feeling a little sad, and I didn't want him to think he did something wrong. "It's okay. You won't lose me, I promise." He said softly with a sympathetic look in his eyes. We stood there in silence for a few minutes before I eventually broke down and spoke. "Johnny, I... I know that you're older than me but... I... I have feelings for you." I said and then held my breath. I was just preparing for the worst, because I had no idea how he was gonna react. I didn't know what he was going to say. "You have feelings for me?" He asked me curiously. The look on his face told me that he was taken by surprise. I honestly don't think he even believed me. "I know I can't be with you, but I can't stop the way you make me feel." I replied. A long moment of silence settled down around us. I was worried about what he was gonna say or do. "But... you're so young. You could have anyone you want, and your heart chose me?" He said as if he was trying to comprehend what I had just told him. "I know... I..." I said, trailing off as I looked down at the floor. For the second time today I wanted to hide underneath a rock. Even though he said I wouldn't lose him I had a feeling our friendship wouldn't be the same. I heard him walk closer to me and I looked up to make eye contact with him. His eyes were full of sympathy as he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest and breathed in his heavenly scent. He held me tight and gently rubbed my back as well. "I'll keep your heart safe, I promise." He whispered softly in my ear. My insides melted and I snuggled closer to him. 'I wish I could be with you. You're so sweet and perfect.' I said inside of my head. After we broke the hug he gently placed both of his hands on either side of my face. His touch made my heart skip a few beats, and I blushed slightly as well. He left a soft kiss on my forehead before he gave me another hug. Then he lead me back into the living room. I sat down on the couch and he wrapped a cozy blanket around me before he went back into the kitchen. I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing. When he came back into the living room he had two steaming hot cups of tea. "I thought you needed something warm to drink to make you feel a bit better." He said as he handed me one of the cups he was holding. "Thanks." I said as I took the cup he offered me. I took a few sips of the tea he made me before sitting the cup on the coffee table. I sort of just sat there playing with my nails, because I didn't know what to do or say. "Come here. You can snuggle with me." He said, and I slowly move closer to him. We cuddled on the couch while we drank our tea. I thanked him for being so sweet and kind. "I know that it's hard when you fall in love with someone you can't be with. I just want you to feel like your feelings matter." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. He comforted me for a little while before we went to our separate rooms. I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed. Johnny is literally the sweetest person I've ever met. I just hoped he meant what he said when he told me he'd keep my heart safe.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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