Paparazzi Suck

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Macy's POV:

The annoying sound of my alarm clock woke me up, and I groaned. "Shit. It's gonna be one of those days." I mumbled out loud. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes after I stretched slightly. I slowly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I put on a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I slipped on a black pull over hoodie and grabbed my phone before heading out into the kitchen. I actually replied to Bill and Andy's messages they had sent me last night, wondering what other headlines were being spread around. Instead of making myself breakfast, I reached into my fridge and grabbed a bottle of Starbucks cold brew before heading out. Once I locked my apartment door I walked out to my car and got inside before opening my coffee. I took a drink before I buckled up and turned the car on. After a few minutes of just sitting there I finally turned on the radio and pulled out into traffic. I could barely even focused on the music that was playing; it just became background music to the thoughts in my head, which weren't pretty. 'Will Johnny still wanna be friends after all of this? What's Amber Heard's fans gonna think or say about me??' I wondered as I continued driving to the studio. I had to stop at a red light, so I reached over and got myself another swig of my coffee. 'I'm gonna need twenty more of these before I'm able to actually get awake.' I said inside of my head. Deep down I just hoped that everything would be okay no matter what anyone said or did. And I hoped that Johnny still wanted to he friends. By the time I reached my destination, I had finished my coffee and thoroughly worried myself to death. After I got out of my car I went straight to my trailer and unlocked it before I walked inside. As soon as I grabbed a bottle of water and sat down, my phone buzzed.

Tim: Hey, I saw you park your car. And... I saw the headlines spreading around about you and Johnny. I hate to ask, but... are you really together??

Me: Yeah, sorry; I just went straight to my trailer. No, none of the headlines are true. Johnny and I just hung out last night. I guess neither one of us realized we were being followed.

Tim: Okay, I was just making sure. Especially since there's quite the age gap between the two of you. Lol. Anyway, feel free to just relax in your trailer. I'll message you when we need you.

Me: Lol. Alright, thanks.

The little mention of the age gap between Johnny and I stung. It shouldn't have, but it did. I knew Tim wasn't trying to hurt me, but he did unknowingly. 'Just stop, Macy. You'll never be able to be with Johnny, so just stop. Stop making yourself out as some sort of victim of fate.' I said inside of my head. I took a deep breath and opened my water before I took a long drink. A few minutes went by before someone knocked on my trailer door. "Come in." I said. The door open to reveal Bill. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. "Hey." I said with a small smile. "Hey, are you okay?" He said as he shut the door behind him and walked over to where I was sitting. "Yeah, I guess." I replied, even though it wasn't completely true. Deep down I felt lost and lonely even though I knew I wasn't, which sucks. "Listen, it's okay if you aren't. I know how it feels to get your face plastered all of the internet underneath false information. And... I know how you really feel about Johnny... all of this probably just feels like a big slap in the face." He said as he sat down next to me and gently rubbed my back. I felt grateful for having a wonderful friend like Bill by my side, which made me feel a little better. "Thanks, Bill. You really are a great friend." I replied as I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a side hug. He wrapped his arms around me as well and hugged me back. "Aww. You're a great friend too, Macy." He said. We broke the hug just as someone else knocked on the door. "Come in." I said. To my surprise, Johnny stepped inside and shut the door behind him. "Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting anything." He said with an apologetic look in his beautiful, big brown eyes. "No, you weren't interrupting anything. I was just getting ready to head over to my own trailer." Bill said before he told me he'd see me later. Johnny stood there and watched as Bill left my trailer. "I um... I assume you saw all of the headlines and stuff that are catching the internet on fire." Johnny said as he rubbed the back of his neck slightly. "Yeah, I've seen them. You know, I wish people would keep their noses out of people's business... but I guess that's sort of stuff just comes with being famous I guess." I said as I played with the rings I was wearing. He walked over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me. "Don't worry about them. I spoke with my legal team and they're preparing a statement. If everything goes smoothly it'll be up sometime tonight." He replied as he placed one of his hands on my shoulder. We sat in comfortable silence for a while before I spoke up. "I hope none of this makes you not wanna hangout with me anymore." I said. "I don't give a damn what they say! I'll hangout with you no matter what." He said with an adorable smile on his face, which made me smile as well. He and I talked for a while before Tim sent me a message to join the others on set. Johnny followed me out of my trailer and we talked as we walked. It was actually really nice to talk to him again, and know that he still wants to he friends. We got into our costumes and the makeup artists put our makeup on. Before air knew it I was on set with Bill, Daniel, and Johnny. Some of the improv that Johnny did made us laugh; we ended up having to do one of the scenes three times, because Daniel and I couldn't stop laughing. Even though I was having fun filming, I was glad when lunch time came around. I was starving, because I didn't eat anything for breakfast. But I was glad I was feeling way better than I was earlier. Being around my cast mates made me forget about worrying over what other people think about me. Eva, Emily, and Helena asked if I wanted to go out to lunch with them, and I said sure. I was a little disappointed I didn't get to eat with Bill or Johnny, but I figured the girls wanted to have a little chat with me. "So, we saw the headlines about you and Johnny. They aren't try are they?" Helena asked me curiously after we had ordered our meals. "No, they aren't true. We just went to see a movie, and some paparazzi dude took pictures of us." I replied before taking a sip of my Dr. Pepper. "Paparazzi suck, man. Listen, don't pay attention to what any of those horrible media leaders say. They're just trying to get people's attention with fake news." Emily said, and Eva agreed. We talked about many things the media have said about them, and out of curiosity, I checked to see if they said anything more about me. Now that I could sort of laugh at whatever they said made me a little more comfortable to look. The newest headline made me roll my eyes. 'Exactly how petty does she have to be?' I asked inside of my head. Out of curiosity, I had to click on the link. I desperately wanted to see what ignorant bull shit she had to say about me, especially since she knows nothing about me.

"She looks like a freak." Says Amber Heard, about Johnny Depp's possible new mystery girlfriend.

Early this morning, Amber Heard released a statement concerning ex husband, Johnny Depp. Photos were taken of Depp and a mystery girl, who were going to see a movie Monday night. It is apparent that this mystery girl may or may not be Depp's new girlfriend. Here is what Heard had to say about this newly found information.
- "All I have to say is that she should be careful about getting involved with him. I'm not saying that a person can't changed, but if I was her I wouldn't take any chances. He traumatized me, and I don't think I'll ever bee the same no matter how hard I fight. I'm a survivor of domestic violence, and I hope that she won't have to say the same thing. Unless she's into that sort of stuff. She looks like a the type of freak that would like being in an abusive relationship." -

"How the hell can she get away with saying shit like this?!" I said out loud on accident. "How who can get away with saying what?" Eva asked me curiously with furrowed brows. I handed her my phone and she rolled her eyes after she had read it. "She's an attention seeking devil. That's what she is. Just ignore her." Eva said, and the other girls agreed with her once they finished reading the article as well. After we ate and got to know each other a little more, it was time to go back to the studio. I sat on the sidelines as I watched the other actors do their scenes, which was enjoyable. I really hoped that people would like this move once it hit theaters. When I walked over to the snack table, I poured myself a hot cup of coffee because I was starting to feel a little tires. "Hey, I saw what... she said about you online. I'm so sorry about, Macy." I heard Johnny's voice say, and I turned around to see a sad look in his eyes. "It's okay, Johnny. You don't have to apologize for her actions. Besides, I thought the article was quite amusing actually. I might use it as song writing material." I said with a small smile on my face. "So... does this mean you'll sing on the new Hollywood Vampires album??" He asked excitedly. Happiness replaced the sad and sympathetic look that was once on his face. "Yeah... it does. Well... as long as you can get Paul Stanley in on the album also." I said, joking slightly. "You're on!" He said as he dug into his pocket and retrieved his phone. I laughed slightly, and Bill joined my side. "What's so funny?" He asked me curiously, and I told him. "Wow. He really wants you to sing on the album, huh?" Bill asked me curiously. "Apparently so." I replied with a smile. Johnny didn't really have to ask Paul Stanley to feature on the album, and I kinda figured he knew that. But it just showed me how unbelievably sweet he truly is. After we finished filming a few more scenes I found myself getting makeup taken off of me. Once I was changed and everything I locked up my trailer and started walking towards my car. "Hey! Macy! Wait up!" Johnny yelled after me. I tried around to see him running towards me. 'He even looks attractive when he runs. I think he probably looks attractive no matter what he's doing.' I thought inside of my head. "What's up?" I asked him curiously once he was right there next to me. I patiently waited until he got his breath back. "I called the guys and I got a hold of Paul. Alice said he'd love for you and Paul to sing on the album, and Paul seemed excited to work with us." He said happily. "Awesome! So, when can we all meet up?" I replied with a smile. "Tonight." He said, and I nearly had a heart attack. "Tonight!?!?!" I said, and he chuckled adorably. "Yes tonight. Meet me at my place around nine thirty tonight. Okay?" He replied, smiling like I've never seen him smile before. "Okay." I replied before he gave me a hug and we said our goodbyes. I could hardly believe that I was actually going to meet Alice Cooper, Joe Perry, the other Vampires, and Paul fuckin' Stanley!! I was basically gonna meet my entire childhood. 'Thanks mom and dad for raising me on pure rock and roll.' I said inside of my head as I got into my car headed home.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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