Life Is Good

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Macy's POV:

I woke up the next morning to a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. Not to mention the heavily scent of Sauvage by Dior. I snuggled into Johnny's chest and he gently tightened his arms around me. "I'm so glad I got some time off to be with you." His raspy morning voice said before he left a soft kiss on my forehead. My insides melted and I left a soft kiss on his warm neck. "I'm glad you got some time off too." I replied as we moved apart a little to look at each other. We looked into each other's eyes for a few minutes before we closed the distance between each other. Our lips met in a sweet, gentle, and soft kiss that went straight down to my bones. My heart and insides melted as I kissed him back. After breaking the kiss we cuddled for a few more minutes before getting out of bed. He took a shower while I went into the kitchen to cook breakfast. I didn't even bother changing out of my pajamas. As I finished cooking I felt Johnny wrap his arms around me, and I couldn't help but giggle slightly. Being able to be with him felt so good, especially since we've been away from each other for a long time. "I love you so much, Macy." He said before he buried his head in my neck. "I love you too, Johnny." I said with a smile. Eventually he let me go so he couple pour himself a cup of hot coffee, and he poured on for me as well. We filled our plates with food before heading towards my little kitchen table. I asked him about filming and stuff while we are the scrambled eggs and bacon I cooked. "Filming is great, actually. I just wish that you were in this film with me so we could spend more time together." He said, which made me smile. "Aww. I wish we were in the film together as well, but they probably have no idea who I am. Hopefully we'll get to work together again sometime." I said, and he agreed. We ate while we talked some more, then he helped me clean up and wash dishes. As soon as we finished I went into my bedroom so I could take a shower and change out of my pajamas. When I finished washing up and everything I put on a plain purple t-shirt on and a pair of black shorts. "What do you wanna do today?" I asked him curiously once I walked into the living room. Johnny was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels on the tv. "How about a nice walk in the park?" He suggested. "That sounds great!" I said happily. He shut the tv off and we got ready to go to the local park. I got into the driver's seat and he got into the passenger seat. Our drive to the nearest park was peaceful even though we listened to the radio as we did so; the volume was low, so it didn't disturb anything really. When we reached our destination I parked the car. "You know paparazzi people are gonna find us and take pictures of us right? They saw me with you on Ellen, so they know I'm not in Serbia right now." He said as we un-buckled. "I know, but I don't care." I replied, and a beautiful smile spread across his handsome face. We got out of the car and walked around the park for a while. The sky was such a beautiful blue color without a single cloud in sight. A light breeze rustled the leaves. The sound of dogs barking and kids playing filled my ears as we walked around. The two of us stopped and sat on a park bench to just enjoy the wonderful weather. After a few minutes I felt like we were being watched, so I just figured it was paparazzi. "It's such a beautiful day. I'm glad we decided to come to the park today." I said with a smile. "I think the only thing that makes today better is that I'm with you, sweetheart." He said, and I couldn't help the blush that creeper up on my cheeks. We slightly snuggle into each other's sides. Around lunch time we ended up leaving the park and went to a nice cozy cafe. "Oh. My. God! You're Johnny Depp!! And you're Macy Graves! I saw you two on Ellen yesterday; you two are so cute together!" Our waitress said once she got to our table. Johnny chuckled and I couldn't help the big goofy smile that was on my face. It was so weird getting recognized, and I'm sure Johnny feels the same way all the time. "Awww. Thanks, I think we look cute together too." Johnny said smiling, and she giggled slightly. She asked for our autographs and we just talked for a few moments before she took our orders. She seemed really nice, which was a plus. But it's not like I was expecting rude fans or anything even I know that some exist. Johnny and I ate lunch in peace. I think I spotted a paparazzi guy hiding in the bushes across the street, but I didn't let it bother me. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as we ate and talked. Everything seemed so relaxed and wonderful. 'If she-who-must-not-be-named walked through that door I don't even think it would damper my mood.' I thought inside of my head. "I'll be back. I have to use the bathroom." Johnny said as he stood up and pushed his chair in. "Okay." I replied before I too a sip of my drink. I sat there alone for a few seconds before our waitress came over. "You know, I'm really glad you're in his life. You seem so sweet and kind; he truly deserves that especially since he has been through hell over the past three years." She said. "Thanks, I'm really glad that I got the privilege to be in his life. He's such a kind, loving, and amazing friend. He deserves all the love and sweetness in the world." I said, and she smiled. Before Johnny came back she went to attend to some other customers. I begged him to let me pay for our food and stuff, but he said no. It made me feel a little guilty that he paid for our meals but he told me not to worry about it. Instead of heading back to my apartment we went to a couple of random stores. I didn't need to buy anything, I just sort of wanted to just get out of the house. Since I didn't have another film to work on I've been spending most of my time painting or helping Andy with YouTube videos. So getting to spend time with him out on the town was good for me. We ended up running into a few more fans and they asked for autographs. Everyone got to see how awkward I am with selfies, and I felt a little jealous of Johnny's selfie skills. "He truly is the kind of selfies." I joked as we talked to the fans, and they laughed. It was a great day, and I looked forward to more great days ahead with him. Johnny truly means everything to me, and I hoped that he knew that. When we finished walking around meeting fans, we went back to my apartment. Johnny and I sat down on the couch to relax. A few minutes passed before our sanctuary was interrupted. There was a knock on my door, and I couldn't help but wonder who it was. The only visitors I usually have are just Johnny and Andy. "Who's that?" Asked out loud as I got up off of the couch. "Are you expecting someone?" Johnny asked me curiously. "No, but it's probably my friend Andy." I replied while walking towards the door. I peeked through the peep hole and was relieved when I saw Andy standing in the hallway. "Hey! How are you today?" He asked me as I opened the door. He had a smile on his face as we wrapped our arms around each other for a hug. "I'm good, how are you?" I asked him as we broke the hug. "I'm good. I was in the neighborhood and I decided to drop by and see how you were doing." He said as I closed the door behind him. I told him that Johnny was here, and he seemed a little excited about that fact. He is a fan after all. After I introduced them they started talking like they were old friends. The three of us ended up watching movies and ordering some food for dinner. Even though I had to keep my relationship with Johnny a secret, life was good. Life was really good.

The End

A/N: I know this might be an odd ending to this story, but I honestly lost inspiration for it. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this fanfiction. Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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