Hanging Out With Johnny Depp

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Macy's POV:

When I got home I took a quick shower and looked through my closet for something to wear. I didn't wanna put on something that would let him know I was into him, but it's not like I owned anything like that anyway. After a few minutes of looking, I picked out an Asking Alexandria t-shirt, a pair of ripped black jeans, and a pair of red converse. Once I was dressed I walked out into the kitchen to get myself something to eat, because I was hungry. All I had for lunch was an apple and a cheese stick. My nervousness wouldn't allow me to eat anything more today. As I ate the leftover pizza I had, I suddenly wondered what Johnny had in mind for tonight. We'd probably just hangout at his place and talk, which was fine by me. Before long there was a knock on my apartment door, and when I checked to see who it was, I wasn't surprised to see Johnny standing there. My heart fluttered and butterflies stirred inside of my stomach. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and the same kind of jeans he had on earlier today. 'You look so handsome, Johnny.' I thought inside of my head as I opened the door. As soon as we made eye contact, a gorgeous smile spread across his face. "Hey, are you ready to go?" He asked me curiously. "Yeah." I replied as I switched my lights off and locked the door behind me. I followed him out to his car, and I noticed that his main bodyguard was the driver. 'I guess he doesn't drive. I don't blame him; I hate driving myself.' I said inside of my head as he opened the car door for me. "Thanks." I said as I got in the vehicle. "You're welcome, love." He replied in a British accent, which made me smile. He smiled as well as he shut the door and walked around the car to get in himself. Once we both buckled in, his main bodyguard, Jerry pulled out into the street. We sat in comfortable silence for a while, but I didn't mind. "So, what do you wanna do tonight?" He asked me curiously. I looked to my left and found him already looking at me. When our eyes met, my heart melted from how beautiful his eyes look. "It doesn't matter. I'm fine with doing whatever you wanna do." I replied, and a small smile spread across his face. He took his phone out of his pocket; I wondered who he was texting, but it wasn't any of my business. We talked a little more about art and music, which was nice. "So, who are your favorite bands?" He asked me curiously. "Well, I like a whole bunch of bands. But some of my favorites are Marilyn Manson, Beartooth, Alice Cooper, Motionless in White, Aerosmith, Kiss, Tom Petty, and a whole lot more." I replied. "Cool, I like most of the bands you mentioned. Especially Manson, Aerosmith, Alice, and Tom." He replied, and I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. For some reason it made me feel a little closer to him just having the same taste in music. I know it might sound weird to some people, but that's the way I felt. After a while the car started slowing down. I would have looked out to see where we were, but the sun was going down and I could barely see through the tinted windows. The car came to a complete stop before Johnny got out, and I did the same. "I was gonna open the door for you." He said in a slightly disappointed tone. "It's okay, don't worry about it." I replied with a slight laugh. I looked around and found myself standing in front of a movie theater. Deep down I was curious to why he brought me here, but I hoped there was a good movie on for us to watch. "Come on, let's go watch a movie together." He said adorably as he held out his hand to me. A huge smile spread across my face as I took his hand, and my heart skipped a beat. His hands felt soft and mine fit perfectly in his. I followed him into the movie theater and we looked at the list of movies that were on. "What do you wanna watch?" He asked me curiously after a few minutes. "How about The Nun?" I replied, and he suddenly looked nervous. "I don't know about that, but if you really wanna see it we can." He said. "No, it's okay. We don't have to go see it of you don't want to." I replied. As we got in line for tickets I suddenly got the feeling that we were being watched. I looked around and spotted a guy that looked suspicious. He was wearing a black coat and white colored pants. There was a bag on his shoulder. I didn't say anything even though I probably should have. Johnny got us two tickets to The Nun and then we walked over to the concession stand. I bought us each a drink and a large bag of popcorn for us to share. We went to get our tickets checked and the ticket taker told us which theater to go to. Once we reached the theater we had to go to, we picked out our seats and got comfortable. "So, you like horror movies?" He asked me curiously in a hushed tone. "Yeah, do actually." I replied with a small smile as I ate some of the popcorn. He ate some of the popcorn as well. Throughout the movie Johnny attempted to spool me a few times, but it didn't work. When it was over we threw our trash away in the garbage cans at the entrance of the theater before we split up to use the bathroom. We met up at the front doors and headed back to the car. The sky was already dark, but the stars were barely visible. That's one thing I miss about my home state; seeing the moon and stars is one thing that I loved doing. I got inside of the car while Johnny leaned against the vehicle to smoke a cigarette. Once he was finished he got inside and we left the theater. "What did you think about the movie?" He asked me curiously after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "I thought it was okay." I replied. "I thought so too, even though horror really isn't my thing." He replied. After a long while of driving, we stopped once more. When I got out, a beautiful house was sitting in front of me. It looked like the sort of home you'd imagine a man like Johnny to own. The place was big, but it had sort of a modest kind of look to it as well. "Is... is this your house?" I asked him curiously, slightly flabbergasted. "Yeah, come on. Let me show you around." He said with a slight smile on his face. I followed him up a stone path that lead up to his front porch. A couple of sodden rocking chairs were sitting there, and I wondered if he actually ever sits in them. He unlocked the front door, which was made out of fruit wood. "I hope I can trust you, Macy. I don't want everyone knowing where I live." He said jokingly as he gestured for me to follow him. "If you didn't already trust me you wouldn't have brought me here." I replied with a smile, and he chuckled lightly. "True." He replied, smiling. When I walked into the house I was amazed at how beautiful it looked. Everything looked different, yet it all seemed to match in some way or another. It just... breathed of him; I found it fascinating honestly. He lead me I to the living room and told me to have a seat before he asked if I wanted a drink. I asked for a water, and he came back a few minutes later with a bottle for me. "So, what do you think of my place?" He asked me curiously. "I think it looks nice. Even though I barely know you, it seems like it really matches your personality." I replied, and he smiled as he ran a hand through his hair. "Thanks." He replied happily. We ended up listening to some music for a while, and I sang along to a couple of the songs that he played. I'm usually nervous about singing around people, but for some reason I felt comfortable around him. "You sing beautifully." He said, and I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. "You think so?" I asked him. I was honestly shocked that someone liked my singing. To me, I sound like a dying cat or something. "Absolutely! Maybe if I can convince you... and a few other people... you could sing on the new Hollywood Vampires album me and the guys are working on." I said with a smile. I was surprised that he actually thought about me singing on an album. Hell, I could barely comprehend the fact that I actually get to work on a movie with him. 'I have to be dreaming.' I thought inside of my head. "You're joking, right?" I asked curiously. "No, I'm serious." He replied with a slight laugh as he ran a hand through his hair once more. "Well... I'm flattered." I replied, and he smiled at me. I stayed at his place for a couple more hours before I decided I should go home, especially since we both had to get up early in the morning. He insisted on coming along with me, which I thought was sweet. Deep down I wished we could have spent more time together, but I knew I couldn't. I didn't wanna be late for filming tomorrow morning. Before long, we eventually ended up parked outside of my apartment. "Hey, I.. I had a lot of fun with you tonight. Maybe we could hangout again some time." He said as he sweetly walked me up to my front door. "I'd really like that. I had fun too." I replied with a smile. "Great." He said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him as well and snuggled into his chest. After we said our goodbyes I walked into my place and locked the door behind me. "Best. Day. Ever!" I said out loud as I did a little happy dance. I went and changed into my pajamas before I plugged my phone in to charge. All of a sudden, my phone started blowing up with messages from Bill and Andy. It all just sort of took me by surprise. I picked up my phone to see what all the chaos was about.

Andy: Holy shit!!! You're all over the internet!!!

Andy: *Link*

Bill: It looks like the media is gonna have a field day with this. *Link*

Andy: Get back to me once you've looked at the link I sent you.

Bill: If anyone starts giving you hate, let me know. I'll contact my legal team and help you make a statement if you want/need to.

All of their messages made me a little confused. I clicked on the link Andy sent me first, and my blood went cold. Pictures of Johnny and I as the movies were everywhere! They were literally tagged onto headlines and everything. Most of them were like:

"Johnny Depp seen hand in hand with mystery girl!! Is she his new girlfriend??"

"Johnny Depp has a new girlfriend? What will Amber Heard think about this?"

"Does controversial celebrity, Johnny Depp have a new girlfriend?"

'My life is never going to be the same now.' I thought inside of my head. Even though Johnny will probably release a statement that he's single and that I'm just a friend, I knew some people wouldn't believe him. Then half of Amber's fans will probably call me all kinds of names. I tried pressing my thoughts to the back of my mind, but I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep tonight.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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