Chapter Three

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"Yah! What the hell is going on?" Park Woojin shouted as he pounded his fist along the door.

What the heck is going on?

"Are you okay? Do you need any help? Answer for Pete's sake!" Worry was clearly painted on his voice. No one can blame him, His friend who wasn't really himself lately suddenly bolted to the bathroom completely locking himself before he can even ask him what's wrong.

"I'm going to break the door, Dammit!" He warned Ji Hoon before backing away.
I guess we have to do this the hard way.

He took a deep breath then started running the door.


"What the hell are you making a huge fuzz about?" Ji Hoon snapped at him finally opening the door.

A sigh of relief was heard from Woojin. After he composed himself from the shock Ji Hoon gave him. He decided to give him a piece of his mind. By squeezing his cheeks really hard.

"Hey! What's the big idea? That hurts!" Woo Jin can be a little too affectionate. "What's your problem?"

"What's my Problem? More like what's your problem? You weren't yourself lately, then you just went full on Sonic the hedgehog to the bathroom and locked yourself in it. You won't even answer back. Yeah, What's your problem?"

"I was pooping okay?!"

Woo Jin blinked a few times. He was taken aback by the boy's confession "Then why didn't you answer?"

"I was concentrating!" Ji Hoon stormed off completely embarrassed by what happened.

Woo Jin stared at him for a brief second before shrugging.

Makes sense.


"So-" What am I so nervous for "-are you done?"

Yuna stretched out to shake off her sleepiness "No, We still have a few things that we have to twigs to do here and there but we'll be fine. " She yawned, a slight vibration was felt somewhere in her stomach and she was certain that Ji Hoon himself heard it.

She pouted which almost killed the heck out of Ji Hoon "I'm hungry" she sighed.

He nodded quietly as they walked down the  road. The lights were flicking lightly but it wasn't enough to make him scared or anything. (He's manly as he says.)

It was pretty late out since the project took forever to finish. They were about to have ramen when they found Woo Jin slightly snoring by the sofa. They figured that it was time for them to leave instead, but they could not leave without a little gift - thanks to Ji Hoon.

Daniel lived on the opposite way so they had to say good bye pretty early which bummed the girl and the girl only.

That takes us to where we are now.

"You wanna stop over there?" Ji Hoon pointed to the Convenient store nearby. Yuna was about to say no but another growl was head from her body. Probably warning her. 'You better say yes. You better say yes.'

A short trip won't hurt right?

To his relief Yuna smiled as she nodded racing him to the store. He chuckled to himself as he let her win.

"Ha! Take that sucker!" Yuna lightly punched him in the arm then raised her fist to the air, hooting as if she won the Olympics.

Ji Hoon smugly grinned at her as he ruffled  her hair. "Yeah, yeah you win pipsqueak."

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