chapter 6;

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Veronica's POV

"Get the hell away from me Nick." I say glaring at him. "Cmon Ronnie, don't act like that." He says coming closer to me. "Toni take Jughead home please." I say looking towards her. She nods and leads Jughead out of the Worm.
Things weren't gonna be all nice.

Jugheads POV

"Toni...I'd like to know who that was?" I ask Toni as we walking to my trailer. "Let's just say, Veronica's ex boyfriend." She says. "What did he do to her?" I ask. I probably sound annoying.

"Since Veronica isn't gonna tell you, Nick was rich. Nick was visiting Riverdale with his family and they both met eachother at Pops. Veronica loved him. She would always talk about him. I mean it was Veronica's first boyfriend, and he was rich, and she wasn't so it was like the perfect love story." Toni says.

"What happened between them." I ask, I think I'm asking to many questions. "I don't know for sure, but Sweet Pea told me that Veronica saw him making out with some other girl, and it broke it her heart and she hasn't had a boyfriend since." Toni says as we finally reach my trailer. "Oh, thanks for walking me home." I say. Toni waves goodbye as she turns around and walks to her own homes

I try to open my trailers door and it was lock. I knocked on the door forever for my dad to open, but of course he was drunk and knocked out on the couch

I walked to Sweet peas and Veronica's trailer since they're usual awake at this time. Their mom answered the door, "Jughead? Lemme guess your dad won't open the door on you cause he's asleep?" She says rolling her eyes. I nod, "Come in, I'm about to head to bed. Veronica and Jason should be here in awhile." She says yawning and walking into her room.

I sit on the sofa and go on my phone. I text Betty telling her goodnight and I love you. I also had a certain raven haired princess on my mind.


I was falling asleep when I heard someone burst into the door. "What the hell Veronica?!" Sweet Pea yells. I wake up jumping. "Just leave me alone!" Veronica yells back with tears in her eyes.

Veronica slams her rooms door. Sweet Pea sits down next to me. "Why are you here?" Sweet Pea says as he digs his face into his hands. "I'm locked out." I say awkwardly. He just nods and lays back.

"Jughead, you're close with Ronnie. Did she tell you?" He says looking at me. "Tell me what?" I say concerned. "Never mind you don't know." I just shrug and try to fall asleep with Veronica strumming her guitar in her locked room.

Veronica's POV

I woke up the next morning, feeling sick. It wasn't an illness sick, more like a guilt, sorrow sick. I didn't want to walk out and in-counter Sweet Peas wrath. Last night everyone knew the truth on why Nick and I broke up.

I walk out of my room. It was a weekend, which is what I needed. I see Jughead sleeping on the sofa as I get ready for the day.

I ate a breakfast, when Sweet Pea came out. "Ronnie, can we please talk." He pleaded. Jughead then startling woke up. "Sweet Pea...I still need to process everything...I mean everything feels unreal." I say looking down. He nods.

"Morning Veronica, I slept over since my dad...Well he was drunk and wouldn't let me in the trailer." Jughead says chuckling. I sit down and look at him squinting my eyes. "Oh okay..." I say giggling at his facial expressions. Man was I falling hard for this Jones boy.

I trusted Jughead, I wanted to tell him more about me. "Umm Jug...wanna go walk to Pops?" I say hesitantly. "Sure." He says getting up and getting ready. I nod.

"Jughead...we're friends right?" I say as we were both walking towards Pops on a chilly fall morning. "Yeah Veronica...I mean I guess." He says. "Nick. He's my ex boyfriend, Toni texted me telling me she told you a little bit about him...but there's something else I haven't even told anyone. This is the first time this horrific story comes from my mouth in my words." I say staring into Jugheads eyes as we walked.

Jughead nods. He really doesn't talk that much. "So I loved Nick...I mean I never felt love, other than from foster family." I begin.

"Nick, was very nice, caring, and handsome. One night we...we did things that regular teens don't usually do. Sooner or later I was pregnant with his baby...I was going to tell him one day that I was pregnant, but..b..but he was making out with some other girl! It fucking broke my heart, Jug. I told Nick. I told him I was pregnant and the next day he ran away with this other girl leaving me! Betty and I were close at the time and that's why she calls me slut! I fucking hate myself Jug..." I say crying.

Jughead come over and hugs me. I cried into his shoulder. "Veronica...what happened to the baby?" He says. I pulled away looking at him in his eyes as we stopped walking. "I killed it. I fucking killed the baby, Jughead! I took a handful of pills and swallowed them and killed the baby the next week. No one ever knew about me being pregnant. Only Nick and Betty, thankfully Betty isn't the type to spread rumors." I say crying all over again.

"You know the worst part...I still love him." I say as Jughead pulled me into a hug. "Veronica, I'm always going to be here for you...I'm sorry for what you've been through and I promise I'll never let anything happen to you..." He says also sounding like he was sniffling.

"Then why the hell would he show up yesterday?" Jughead says. I could tell he just as mad as I was. "He wanted another chance, and hell no I didn't give it to him. He told everyone about me being pregnant that's why Sweet Pea was hella angry." I rolling my eyes as we finally arrived to Pops.

Archie and Betty were sitting in a booth. Jughead walked up to them sliding his hand around Betty I rolled my eyes. I just sat at the bar stools drinking my much for "I'm never leaving you"

The red head boy sat next to me, "Veronica? Right? I'm Archie...Archie Andrews." He says. He was pretty hot. "Yup, nice to meet you." I say shaking hands with him.

We talked almost the whole morning. We had somethings in common, which was nice. But I could see Jughead in the corner of my eye starting at him, and I couldn't help but stare back. It was like there was nothing around us, just two pairs of eyes looking deep into each other.

"So Veronica...wanna go to homecoming with me?" Archie says bringing my thoughts back into reality. "Hmm? Oh yeah. Sure." I say not really knowing what the question was. "Really? Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow night?" He says excitedly. I awkwardly nod as he gets up and leaves. Betty follows behind him.

Did I really agree to going on a stupid dance with Archie Andrews? One of the biggest players at Riverdale High? Shit!

Ayeee another chapter! I really put lots of effort into this! I have school tomorrow uhhgggg and I'm sorry I haven't been updating like I used to :( anyways enjoy and please leave suggestions 💜

- xoxo, May 😸

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