chapter 16;

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Veronica's POV

It's been a week ever since the whole situation. And by that I mean Jughead and I.

We haven't really spoken ever since cause we didn't want to tell anyone about it.

Betty and Archie were officially a thing too.

Jughead seemed very distant from us. He would usually stay in the shadows or just talk to Fangs and Sweet Pea.

Cheryl and Toni were of course still dating. Cheryl was still sometimes a bitch to me but we're starting to be more of friends.

"Hey Veronica." Archie says coming up to me one day as I stood next to my locker.
"Uhh hi Archie? Is everything alright you seem tense?" I asked.

"Uhh yeah everything's alright it's just that I haven't seen Jug in about two days. He hasn't replied to my messages or calls. I'm just worried about him. I feel bad for stealing Betty from him, and I just wanted to know if you knew where he's been." He said emotionally.

"I don't know. He's been very distant lately...but I'll check up on him." I say reassuringly trying not to make him feel worried.

He forces a smiles and nods, "Thanks Veronica." I smile and I walk towards Fangs who was staring at a certain gay boy.

"Ahem. Staring at the Sheriffs son I see." I smirk. He turns to me hesitantly. "Shut up! Only you , Toni & Sweet Pea know I'm bisexual and I don't need that spreading to the serpents just yet." He whispers.

"Im just teasing you Fangs. And don't worry you're secret is safe." I say smiling. "Anyways do you know where Jughead is?" I asked.

"Ahhh getting feisty aren't we." He smirks looking at me.

I playfully punch his arm. "Shut up but for real Archie is worried about him and I'm just wondering if you know." I say.

"He told me he was going to visit his mom in Toledo for the weekend. He said he'll back Sunday morning. I thought you'd know since you are his girlfriend." He said teasingly.

"Fuck you were not even dating." I laugh. "Thanks anyways." I say before leaving.

Why didn't he tell me? I know we're not dating but we're at least friends who can each other anything. I think.

Jugheads POV

I was on my way to Toledo.

I didn't want to tell anyone I was going. I just needed to see my mom and of course JB.

As I walked up to my moms house I rang the doorbell when JB slowly creaked open the door.

"Juggie! You're back!" She yells with excitement. I bend down to hug her. "Uhh yeah I'm just visiting for the weekend. Too much stress in Riverdale." I say.

She smiles as she walks back to the sofa and watches Stranger Things on the small tv we have.

I put my things down as I noticed my mom wasn't home. "JB, Where's mom? I thought she'd be here?" I asked

You Don't Know Anything - Vughead/Jeronica FanficWhere stories live. Discover now