chapter 19;

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Veronica's POV

I woke up groggily, forgetting about last nights events.

I woke up on the couch with about thousands of blankets on top of me.

No sign of Jughead.

I look to around me, still waking up and my senses to getting to me. I smell someone making breakfast.

I suspected my mother, but she and my father were out of town visiting their parents. Sweet Pea stayed to babysit me, since they really aren't my grandparents.

I see Jughead in my mother's apron and I giggle at the sight.

"What's so funny over there, princess?" He asks me not meeting my eyes. "The fact that you're my moms pink apron." I giggle.

He turns around. "Well I am making you breakfast right now, and I don't want to get dirty. I mean we may live in a trashy place, but please I don't want to look like trashy." He responds helping me up from the mountain of blankets on me.

"What are you making exactly? And have you seen Sweet Pea?" I ask. "Sweet Pea got up about an hour ago. He didn't ask any questions but he just left saying, going to meet someone, whatever the hell that means." Jughead said rolling his eyes.

I sighed. "Sweet Pea has an intention of hooking up with multiple girls." Jughead doesn't say anything.

"Anyways breakfast is ready you're highness." He jokes as he pulls out a chair for me. I laugh.

He puts down a plate of Pancakes, Bacon, and Eggs. I didn't even know we had all this.

"Wow. Jughead Jones can cook?" I said sarcastically. "PLEASE. Even though my diet is Pops everyday doesn't mean I don't know how to cook a scrumptious meal."

We eat mostly in peace. Until he breaks the silence, "So I've been thinking..." he starts. "Please Jughead if you're bReAkInG uP wItH mE i WiLl-" I said jokingly til he stops me with his stupid laugh.

"Well, I'm not 'breaking up with you' but the opposite. Veronica, do you want to me be my girlfriend?" He said staring into my eyes.

"Oh Forsthye, are you sure you want to date a 'Serpent Slut' like me?" I asked.

" aren't a slut, you're a serpent but no slut. And of course I want to date you, you literally make me so happy that I can't even control myself half the time." He said.

I blushed sooo hard at that. "Okay, but just because you said I make you happy. And you make me happy, even on my worst days." I say.

We both smile like idiots.

"So it's official?" He asked getting up. "Yup, you're officially dating the Raven Haired Princess." I say getting up aswell.

He pulls my waist closer to him. "Well then Princess, what shall we do today?" He said biting his lip.

I stared at his lips, "We just chill. Just me and you Jug."

He holds my head and kisses me. I kissed back as my hands explored his long raven locks.

We made out. Watched movies. Cuddled. Talked. Had a photo shoot. Ordered food. Played games. Laughed. I even tried on the most craziest clothes and ate a lot. Overall we were extremely happy together.

Jugheads POV

The truth was I didn't know anything about Veronica Lodge.

I liked her though. Hell I might even love her.

I didn't what I got myself into dating her. But it was no mistake.

I was going to know about her. I am going to love her, treat her well & overall keep her happy.

Veronica Lodge, I love you.

But that following Monday... it was possibly almost the end of our love story.


Liked by, JugheadJones, ArchieAndrews, ToniTopaz, & 2939 more And 891 comments ——————————Thank you Jughead, for helping me loose weight, love ya 💓🍔pc: @JugheadJones———————————————-

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Liked by, JugheadJones, ArchieAndrews, ToniTopaz, & 2939 more
And 891 comments
Thank you Jughead, for helping me loose weight, love ya 💓🍔
pc: @JugheadJones

@JugheadJones - You're welcome 😉❤️
@CherlyBlossom - YOUR OUTFIT IS 😍
@ToniTopaz ^ Forget the picture, she said "Love Ya" to Jughead Jones! 😱
@ArchieAndrews - Are you guys a thing?
@VeronicaLodge ^ 🤷🏻‍♀️😉
@FangsF - Uhmm i ship
@KevinKeller ^ I think we all ship 😏
@FangsF ^ 😘😘
@BettyCooper - ???
@ReggieM - Who's the real the snack?👅💦
@JugheadJones ^ Snack? Bitch I only see one snack and one full course meal 😉💓
@VeronicaLodge ^ I-
@CherylBlossom ^ *SCREAMS* 😫😍


Liked by, BettyCooper, VeronicaLodge, FangsF, & 279 more & 72 comments ————————————@JugheadJones•••"aRe yOu BReAKInG uP wItH Me?" 💀- pc: @veronicalodge ——————————————-

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Liked by, BettyCooper, VeronicaLodge, FangsF, & 279 more
"aRe yOu BReAKInG uP wItH Me?" 💀
- pc: @veronicalodge

@BettyCooper - Jug, WHY R U SO CUTE?
@VeronicaLodge ^ Cause I edited the picture duh 🙄
@CherlyBlossom ^ Get your man, Ron
@ArchieAndrews - Bro.
@VeronicaLodge - 🙈
@ToniTopaz - hmmmm? 🤨
@SweetPea - Stop fucking my sister and lead the Serpents better.
@VeronicaLodge ^ WTH is this new attitude coming from? Go fuck Josie.
@CherylBlossom ^ Damnnnnnnn

I really like this one guy surprisingly. I usually don't like guys, but damn he's just damn... 🙈😏
- xoxo, May

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