Mr. Nashty

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I present to you Nash Grier, the newst member of the muppets...

I'm just gonna come out and say it, i don't like nash

like i used to for like 2 days

but now i'm just so done with his mess

so for starters, he looks like a muppet or something out of walt disney's sketchbook

his has crazy, bug eyed, blue eyes that will haunt you in his nightmares

like we all know you just stuffed a blue crayon in your eyeball as a child and BAM

then this kid isn't even funny

the only reason people ever pay attention to him is because of his little sister 

which i recommend she learns how to comb her hair cause it always looks a mess

and the jokes are always the same

always something about jesus

it's like "oh i'm gonna eat this pudding" "JESUS"

"I'm going to pet a raccon." "JESUS"

"I want you to shut up." "JESUS"

like tf

Not even jesus finds you funny so please just stop before he turns you away at the gates of heavan.

then of course this guy got famous for nothing at all, so now he thinks he's all that

flaunting off his stomach when he doesn't even have abs

flaunting off his wooly mamoth legs when they look like sticks you play with in the mud

flaunting off his face that you would find in a mugshot

you think you're the hot stuff but your not

luke hemmings is

then like i've seen some horrendus clips from magcon and usually it's just him attempting to twerk when in reality, it looks like he's really constipated and is trying to wiggle the poop out

like is this what girls spend 300 dollars for

is this what they watch for like 3 hours

cause i'd sure be asking for a refund

and he is just so ignorant

like he made this terrible youtube video where he was telling people what guys look for in girls

let me just say, he has some crazy standards and that's why he's single

or just he might be gay i mean have you seen him and cameron

they grope each other all the time

but that's none of my business

on top of that, he made a vine talking about how HIV is a gay disease and then called them the f word


and he was smiling at the end like it was funny

like i hope all the gays ban together and jump your sorry arse cause you are messing with the wrong people

this boy is just out of control

and now he wants to become some actor

like please

the best acting job you'll ever get is probably a swiffer commerical

or maybe even a toilet paper one if you're lucky enough

so yeah that's my rant about Mr. Nashty

if you like nash, that's great don't hate on me cause I don't

you are entitled to your own opinion like i am

that gif tho -------- >

the boys think i'm funny

yeah for me 

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