Get out my car vine

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So like everyone is like buzzing about that dumb get out my car vine

Like tf

That vine is so overrated

It's not even funny

It's just this dumb girl with a dumb looking face with a dumb haircut talking about how she's driving her moms car

Making car sounds doesn't mean you're actually driving a car

Then her mom which resembles the hag from Snow White appears out of nowhere and like get out me car

You're not even in the car who the heck are you talking too

Then the dumb girl is like awh like hearing that was the worst thing in the world

Like hearing that ruined her childhood

Wth get your butt out of her car you obviously can't drive and you don't even own it

This vine is so stupid like why is it so popular

The one about cleaning spoons was funnier for sure

Vine is just getting worse and worse everyday

Just because one guy like Nash got famous for having a little sister he paid to say waterbug

Now everyone thinks they can become vine stars...

I only watch 5sos/ 1d edits on vine now cause that's the only still good thing vine still has going....

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