Get to know me...

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I'm sorry I've been MIA for a couple of days...

I've just been super busy...

But anyways I got this from ieronic and her 5sos preference book is perf js...

I feel like you guys don't know much about me so I decided to answer some questions so you can learn some facts about me.

As if you cared...

Favorite color?

I always feel really lame about this cause it's so cliche but my fave color is pink... I know just boo me already.

Favorite band?

5sos and 1D. If you couldn't already tell that, then you must be under a rock cause that's literally all I talk about on here...

Cover of a song you don't like?

It might just be cause 5sos is boss, but like every cover of amnesia I've heard, has just been frickin terrible but hey, that's none of my business...

Something that annoys you?

I have a quite a few things that annoy me...


-People who say 5sos is a boyband

-Basics who say you can't like 5sos AND 1D


Favorite thing about yourself?

I like my love for bands... It's a special thing really

Favorite food?

I'm gonna pull a Niall and say anything edible...

Something that you've achieved?

I got a 4 college credits as a freshman in high school if that's cool...

Something or someone you hate?

THIS IS MY OPINION , but I don't like Taylor Swift. Nope. I just can't stand her. And it's not because she dated Harry. I could possibly care less. I have a whole book for reasons but that would be too long so yeah....

Favorite book on wattpad?

Confessions of a gay Disney prince by the lovely jeddiejay or Changing my Direction which has since been deleted. It was the best 342 pages I had ever read.

All time favorite song?

I just can't decide that's just too much anxiety for me...

Least favorite band?

The wanted. And not because all that 1D crap but in my opinion, they look like buttcrack and they're songs are lame and just ear ruining... THIS IS MY OPINON.

That's all about me...

If reading this made you decide you hate me, then the door is right over there.

Don't let the door hit you where Mother Nature split you...

If you enjoyed this and realized we have a lot in common, then great we can now be friends... :)

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