Guilty Pleasure...

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I feel really embarrassed to share this...

Cause after I say this y'all are gonna judge me and think I'm dumb

But like my guilty pleasure is...

Watching children shows...

Specially shows from my childhood


Like has anyone ever heard of Noddy?

If not look him up on YouTube cause I love him

Puzzle Place is good too but like that's like super old

Like VCR old...

They're are like 100 more I could recommend

I don't even know why I'm saying this

Maybe so other people won't feel weird about their guilty pleasures...

My friend's guilty pleasure is daydreaming of a lake house scene with this guy she likes....

Ik it's super stupid but I like to call her Miss Cheesy cause she's all cheese

And I'm lactose intolerant which can be a problem some times...

Anyways y'all can judge me now

Throw rotten tomatoes at me

I won't mind

I know I'm weird

I try to embrace it you know

Plus since ashton irwin is basically a man child, he'd appreciate my guilty pleasure

And hopefully me too

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