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POV: Macy

"As you see, this is-" The teacher is cut off by a phone ringing. "Whose phone is that?"

I raise my hand worriedly. "It's mine, may I check it? I'd only be called in class if it's an absolute emergency."

He shakes his head. "Absolutely not."

He continues the lesson, until the PA system chimes a few minutes later.

"May I have Macy Smythe to the office, please? It's an emergency, she'll be leaving for the day."

The teacher looks taken aback, and I try not to give him an I-told-you-so look as I gather my things.

Concerned, I walk down to the office. The secretary smiles upon seeing me. "He'll be here to pick you up any minute."

I nod, assuming she means Bas. I do not, however, expect to see a pale and shaking Kurt walk into the office.

"Kurt! What's wrong?" I ask, running over to him.

He shakes his head, a tear running down his already tear-stained face. "It's Sebastian. H-he..."

"Is he okay? Is he hurt? I knew I should have woken him up when he slept that long, he must have been hurt," I say, panicked.

"It's not that. Macy, you're all he cares about. Surely you can see that. He always seems miserable when he's not around you. I guess he was only living to keep you safe, because as soon as he got disowned and your father left for good..."

My eyes widen, welling up with tears. "He didn't," I whisper hoarsely.

"We don't know if he was successful, he was being taken to the hospital when I left."

"I need to see him," I say firmly, tears falling down my cheeks.

"I'll take you to the hospital, but they probably won't let you see him immediately."

I nod. "I know. I'll stay there for a month if it means seeing him."

Kurt signs me out, and we head to his car. We drive to the hospital in silence, tears still running down my face. He looks like he'd be sobbing, except he seems to be out of tears.

When we reach the hospital, I run inside to the secretary.

She blinks, probably startled by my age, but I ignore it. "I'm here for Sebastian Smythe. How is he doing?"

"Relation?" she asks, flipping through some papers.

"I'm his sister, Macy Smythe," I answer impatiently.

She nods, finding a paper and reading off of it. "You can't see him right now, he's in surgery. Several of his cuts went extremely deep, he needs stitches."

I nod numbly, walking back over to Kurt and filling him in. We sit down in the waiting room, terrified of what could happen.

About a half hour later, someone else walks in. The hospital is rather empty today, so I look over.

It's Blaine.

He walks over to Kurt, sitting down next to him. "Is he okay?"

Kurt blinks, looking over at him. He flinches away, looking immediately regretting it when he sees the hurt on Blaine's face.

"Did she tell you?"

"Yeah, I got the Headmaster to tell me. How is he?"

"He's in surgery. It's... it's really bad, I'm really worried."

Blaine sighs. "So am I. I'm so sorry, you two are so close."

I just pretend I'm not there, because I think I'm closer to Bas than Kurt is. I'm not ruining the moment.

Blaine takes Kurt's hand, which is gripping the arm of the chair. Kurt looks stunned. "He'll pull through, Kurt. He's strong."

"I hope so," Kurt whispers, gripping Blaine's hand.

I mean, I know now isn't the right time, but can they just kiss already?

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