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Things were going rather terribly, though everyone thought it was going well. Hunter had only lost his temper a few times since their first fight, which Sebastian found to be a good thing, despite his aching ribs. Kurt was still growing more and more comfortable around Blaine, which Blaine thought was a good thing, since he didn't know about Karofsky.

Kurt and Blaine were relaxing on the couch in the common room when Kurt's phone rang. Kurt had fallen asleep, so Blaine answered it for him.

"Hello, this is Blaine Anderson speaking." 

"Blaine? Oh, you're Kurt's boyfriend. I'm Finn, Kurt's stepbrother. Um, where's Kurt?"

"He's right here, he fell asleep. Do you want me to take a message?"

There was a pause from the other side, as if the boy had frozen. "He fell asleep? In the middle of the afternoon?" he repeated, not wanting to believe it.

"Um, yeah? Why?"

"That's impossible, the last time he had that little energy was..." Finn trailed off, muttering to himself before turning back to Blaine. "Um, can you do me a bit of an odd favor?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Can you look at Kurt's wrist for me?"

Blaine frowned. That made no sense. "What?"

"Can you look at Kurt's wrist? Just, since he's asleep, I need you to check something out for me. I am hoping that this still makes no sense when you see his wrist."

"Okay," Blaine said, still confused by the odd request. He moved his arm over to Kurt's, rolling up his sleeve gently.

He gasped, and Finn's heart sank. "I knew it, the only time he had that little energy was when he was doing that, when Karofsky was free, now he's out, now he's doing it again..."

Blaine was unable to look away from the large, deep cuts that were all over Kurt's wrists and up his arm, yet somehow managed to hear what Finn said.

"What do you mean, he's out? Who are you talking about?"

"Karofsky. Well, that's his last name. He's the guy who gave Kurt all that trouble, he proved that there was no proof he did anything and got out of jail early. I was calling to see if Kurt was okay, since he came to Lima for like a night and left the next morning," Finn explained.

"He never told me the guy's name. Or that he was out of jail. Or that he left Lima early. Why would he do this, though? I thought he was getting better."

"Scale of one to ten, how bad is it?"

"Are we measuring how close to his bone he got? Because nine," Blaine said with difficulty.

"Oh, god. Is there anything else I should know about?"

"I don't know, let me check his other wrist." Blaine rolled up his other sleeve, immediately pulling it back down and gagging slightly. "That was a bad idea," he said faintly, feeling mildly nauseous.

"What was it?"

"Um, a number was carved into his skin. Like, chunks of his arm were missing where it was. It was 1112, I think."

"There wasn't a space between the second and third one, was there?" Finn asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I think there was. Why?"

"11-12 is tomorrow's date." Finn swallowed. "I'll be there soon. Keep him distracted, or asleep."

Blaine nodded, although Finn couldn't hear him, and Finn hung up to drive to Dalton.

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