823 38 14

POV: Sebastian

I'm in a room, waiting for the doctor to bring in the paperwork so I can sign it, when the door opens. I look up, confused.

"Figured I'd find you here. The secretary said just to come back, so I didn't know if I should knock, or..." he trailed off.

I feel my heart give a small leap upon seeing him, but I don't know why. "Let me guess, we're friends too?"

"Um... kinda? I mean, we didn't really talk much, but we have a bunch of classes together and we're both in the Warblers. Hunter, by the way."

"And you are here because...?" I raise an eyebrow.

He blinks in confusion, chuckling sheepishly. "I don't know? I was wondering where you were, so I asked Kurt, assuming you were with him, but he didn't know where you were, and I found out you two weren't dating so I somehow ended up here."

"Wait, you thought we were dating?" I asked. I mean, he kinda acts like it. Kurt, that is.

"It wasn't just me. You two are really close. Well, were."

I frown. "I intend to make that 'are' again. I kinda did something, I freaked him out. I need to apologize, but first, I need my memory."

His eyes widen. "Isn't that dangerous? How do you plan to do that?"

I shrug. "I mean, I'm not the doctor."

As if on cue, the doctor walks back into the room. "Ready to get started?"

"Um, you remember that you're gay, right?" Hunter asks. I nod. "Well... I mean, this will probably be equally as weird for you if you didn't, but... good luck." He moves over cautiously, hesitating, before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

And that's when I passed out, my life flashing before my eyes.


And my life sucks.

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