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Kurt went down the breakfast the next morning, greeting everyone and telling him his excuse about where he was.

Everything was perfect again, except one thing: Sebastian.

Kurt was sure he was the only one who noticed, but Sebastian was acting different. He wasn't he usual cocky and sarcastic self- he was quiet, barely saying a word. He looked fragile, somehow. Frail. He was also paler than normal.

Kurt hadn't forgotten what Marie said- and he was sure she was right. But Sebastian's father truly was gone, wasn't he?

Hunter caught Kurt looking at Sebastian and frowned. Why did he look so concerned? Did Sebastian say something?

After dinner he caught Sebastian alone in the common room. He grabbed his wrist, and Sebastian immediately knew what was happening. "What did I do?" he asked, voice shaking.

Kurt had been about to enter the common room, but stopped when he heard his name.

"You told me you and Kurt were just friends. He was staring at you." Sebastian said nothing, and Hunter's grip tightened. "What did you tell him?"

"Nothing, I just-"

Sebastian flinched and Hunter gripped his wrist even tighter. It was already bruised- he did this every time he was mad. "What did you tell him?" he repeated.

"One of his friends thought I was abused and thought I was favoring my right hip but I said it was just from my father and I was still healing he's probably just concerned that I'm still healing from him," Sebastian let out all in one breath.

Hunter wasn't happy with this still. "What did I tell you about favoring a place you're hurt or limping?"

"Don't," Sebastian responded.

"And what did you do?"


Hunter's grip tightened even more, and a crack echoed through the room. Sebastian cried out in pain, falling to the ground with his arm hanging loosely in Hunter's grip.

"Oops," Hunter said innocently, dropping his wrist and walking up to his dorm.

Watching him leave with a sickening feeling, Kurt rushed in the room as soon as he was out of sight. "Sebastian, why didn't you tell me?"

Sebastian looked up at him. "It's not important," he muttered, cradling his wrist with his other arm and crying slightly with the pain.

"Oh course it's important! You've had too many abusive people in your life, Sebastian. You deserve better."

"That's just the thing. As soon as one goes away, another one comes in. It's like I'm supposed to be abused, like it's fate," he said helplessly.

"Defy fate, then. You deserve happiness like the rest of us. Nothing is set in stone, Sebastian. You can escape these people. I'll help you."

Sebastian nodded, tears falling from his eyes for a different reason now. "Okay," he half-whispered, trying to stand up.

Kurt immediately rushed to help him, as he was unsteady. "First let's do something about that wrist. I'm no doctor but I'm sure it's broken."

"Feels like it."

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