Sure enough, Sebastian had broken his wrist.
When he came back to Dalton with a cast, everyone was immediately asking him what had happened.
He didn't skate around the issue. He didn't pretend it didn't happen. His answer was clear, and he wasn't afraid to elaborate: "Hunter."
Soon everyone hated or avoided Hunter, and rightfully so. Sebastian's main goal was that nobody was in a relationship with him again, but who was he to complain? Hunter was immediately kicked off of the Warblers, as would be anyone who followed his example. As soon as the Headmaster found out, he was expelled.
Sebastian was... actually happy, for once. He'd gotten the negative people out of his life, and he felt better without a relationship weighing him down.
Things were going smoothly at Dalton for the first time in forever. Kurt was fighting less and less to stop himself from cutting, as his urge to do so was fading away. Seeing Sebastian healing was actually helping him a lot- when he had amnesia, he reminded Kurt scarily of his mother. But seeing Sebastian heal was like seeing his mother heal, something she never got to do. She left too quickly. Blaine was just overjoyed to see Kurt getting better, slowly but surely.
It was all topped off by a phone call Kurt got on Saturday afternoon.
"Kurt! It's me, Marie! I was just discharged."
"No way!" Kurt's exclamation drew attention to him from Blaine and Sebastian, who were in the room with him. "You're feeling better?"
"So much better. And I have you to thank. Just seeing you again was my motivation to get out of there."
"How did you remember my number? I realized after I gave it to you that I should have written it on a piece of paper or something."
"I didn't want to forget it, so I replaced the vines on my arms with it." She sounded a bit embarrassed but extremely happy. "Do you want to meet up? Are you free right now?"
Kurt grinned. "I'll see you at the Lima Bean in five."

FanfictionKurt Hummel: He may seem fine, but he's broken. When he transfers to Dalton Academy, he has unspeakable terrors in his past- and worst of all, no friends to help him. When a certain Warbler appears to dislike him, is it really so? Or is he jealous...