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POV: Kurt

I stare after Sebastian as he leaves, unable to comprehend what just happened.

As soon as I do, I turn to the others, who are in shock. "You told him?!" I yell, my voice shriller than I'd like to admit.

"We thought he knew!" Thad said.

I shook my head in disbelief. "You- you can't- you told him. Do you know what that does to people? Losing their memory, only to find out that happened?"

"No, we don't. It's not that big of a deal, is it?" Jeff asked worriedly.

"It is that big of a deal! You know what happens?" I lower my voice. "They're confused. They don't know what they were thinking. They try, they try again."

I follow after Sebastian, not wanting him to be alone. I had a- er, friend, growing up. They were in a situation, very similar to Sebastian's.

Then it happened. They were told what they did.

They went a bit mad. People they didn't know greeting them, knowing what had happened- but nobody knew why it happened.

I know I was the tipping point. Big-eyed, eight-year-old me, asking why she did it. If she was okay.

She didn't know. She must have realized, at my question, that she truly had no idea if she was okay.

She shot herself that night.

I am not losing Sebastian like that.

Not like I lost her.

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