829 43 13

POV: Hunter

Sebastian goes rigid, something flashing in his eyes.

Then he passes out.


Let me tell you, I haven't kissed that many people- well, I've never kissed another guy- but I don't think that's a normal reaction.

"Oh god what did I do, what did I do?" I asked the doctor frantically, panicking.

The doctor looks between me and Sebastian curiously. "Well, I'd say you just restored his memory."

Before I can ask what the hell that means, how I could be important enough to restore someone's memory, Sebastian comes to and pushes himself back up. His expression is unreadable, and he's rubbing his temples.

"Mr. Smythe? Are you okay?" the doctor asks.

He nods slowly. "I think so. My memory's back." I notice that his stutter is gone as he sits up straighter. He looks as if he's realizing something, his voice panicked and stronger. "I need to get back to Dalton. Kurt needs me."

Kurt. Again. What did I expect?

"Do you need a ride?" I ask, knowing he doesn't have a car. Long story on that one.

He turns to me, his endearing crooked smile on his face. "That'd be great. Thank you."

"It's no problem, I'm heading back anywa-"

"Not 'thank you' for that," he interrupts. "Thank you for... you know, the kiss. I'm pretty lucky for I guy who lost his memory."

"How so?"

"I got it back and the guy I like kissed me in the same day."

I- he- guy he likes? But he's Sebastian! I'm just... me. He's the popular one.

I smile through my shock. "And I got to kiss the guy I liked, so I'd say we're even."

He shakes his head, grinning. "I'd say I beat you. You got to kiss me; I got to be kissed by you. And my memory's back."

The emphasis he puts on 'you'... wow.

"Fair enough. Let's get back to Dalton, shall we?" I take a chance and stretch out my hand to him.

"We shall." He takes my hand, smile growing.

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