Chapter 1-Crash Landing

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:: means the bond ::

Silverspeed's POV-Flashback-
All I heard were blasts firing,shots going off;shouts coming from either faction.Fire,all you could see was fire, lacing the sky with smoke and debris.
Jazz-my twin,pulling me away from the battle;occasionally hitting an incoming con.
We were nearing the escape pods...and the pods would only fit one bot.
I looked back at him worriedly,looking for answers in his facial expressions,
though he only showed a straight face,with a tint of guilt.
I had an afraid expression on my faceplates,looking at him.::J-Jazz?::I asked quickly,trying to figure out his emotions from the bond.He started pushing me into one of the pods,but I dug my pedes into the ground."Come on Silverspeed,ya hav' to GO," Jazz said urgently."But I wanna stay with you Jazz",I said worried."Don' worry 'bout me,I'll be with you soon,on Earth" He said,before finally pushing me into the pod with the already set coordinates.
"NO!"I screamed.,feeling stasis overcome my consciousness.The last words I heard him say,"I love ya,Speedy",before I fell into stasis,the pod blasting into space.And it was going to the Earth.

Silverspeed's POV
I awoke from stasis;feeling slightly drowsy,to be alarmed that we reached the planet of the coordinates,and we're now in its atmosphere;and falling fast.
I stared out at the glass of my space pod,covered in flames.
I wondered,'Will I ever see Jazz again?'as my pod crashed into the planet's soil.
I groaned in pain.
The pod opened,and I fell out;not using my pedes for who knows how long.
I also believe that part of not being able to stand back up because of a large gash in my left pede.I winced when I tried to touch it.
There were also multiple cuts and shrapnel from broken pieces of the pod that were cutting into my protoform.
I slowly took out the shrapnel,writhing in pain as I did.I then found the basic med-kit in my subspace,and welded the cuts and the gash to stop me from bleeding out.
They were crude looking,but they had to do.Luckily,I had basic medic training back on Cybertron."Now,I have to find an alt-mode.The 'World Wide Web' might help,"I added their languages to my databanks,because I don't think they translate Cybertronian.
I needed an Ariel alt mode,because that's how I was forged.
Besides,flying is much easier than driving in my opinion;no traffic.
I found out that they store the Ariel alts at an 'Airport'.I found one not to far away from my location,but I'd still have to walk.'Wait,could Jazz be here too!'I thought excitedly.
I tried the bond,'Scrap',I thought.
The bond not being used for so long,making it almost non-existent.
The only thing I knew was that he was alive,I just knew it.
My sensors were broke in the crash,so I couldn't use them,and Comms were full of static-not that it would be much help anyways.
'Just Great',I thought sarcastically.
So,I trudged slowly,gripping my pede as I limped to the 'Airport'.
I felt weak,like I just ran across Cybertron and back.
It felt like cycles,but my internal clock read I had been walking for about, 'half an hour'.
My pedes were trembling every step I took.
The temporary patch I had welded on to my pede was now struggling to stay on while I limp-walked.Until,finally,I came across the Airport.
I would've been jumping hadn't it been for my wounds.
Note Sarcasm.
Apparently,though,this was a Military Airport,so it had guards there,
and 'electrified' fences.
I saw what humans had looked like on the web,
but I hoped that I didn't have to run into one.
I wasn't afraid of them,I was afraid that they would blow my cover.
So I had to get over that fence.It was about 10ft tall,and I was 15.
I had crouched down next to the fence and waited for the human guard to walk away.
He moved to another spot, and I quietly jumped over the fence,but landed a little loudly,so I hid behind one of the Military planes.
I saw a guard coming this way,so I hurriedly tried to pick an alt.
"No-no-NoNoNoNoNO!"I whisper-yelled,filing through the Ariel alts.
I finally came upon a MiG-25 Foxbat;It seemed it would do the job.
I quickly scanned it and rolled next to the other jets.
The jet was one of the fastest made,and the body style would suit me nicely.
Then,I wondered why they had a Russian plane on an American military base..
But I wasn't going to question it..who knows what they do here anyways.
The guard didn't seem to pass me any mind,even with my energon slowly leaking out,The patch on my pede was now fully off.
Once the guard was gone,I transformed.
Even with my wounds,I decided that I could still look at my new armor.I was silver,true to my name,and with added light blue and navy stripes on either side.
The cockpit was resting on my chassis.
The top part of the plane-the spine,was changed into my back plates,
and the fins on the back made armor to my pedes.
The under carriage made part of my chassis, and the rest of my pedes.
My wings were attached to my back,along with the Autobot insignia each side.Along that was a thin blade that fitted in between them,and I had my claw like servos.
I had a visor covering my electric blue optics as well now,a nice accessory might I say.'But this still isn't going to heal me,'I thought,a frown gripping at my faceplates.
I would have to fly to find a good place to stay for a bit,if I didn't bleed out first.The gash was leaking profusely,dribbling down my pede.
I decided to check my energon levels.I was at 82% when I left for the Airport.
Now,I was down to 44%.
I transformed slowly,and took off on the runway,humans were calling at me from afar.
'Oh well',I thought as I flew away from the Airport,searching for a place to rest as I was already starting to feel the effects.My systems were alarming me that I was below 35%.
'At least those systems still work',I thought sarcastically as they continued to beep continuously.I flew for another several minutes,and landed.'Not the best landing in the world',as I winced,transforming to my bi-pedal mode.
I slowly limped to the warehouse barn and walked inside.I went into the darkest and leant against the corner,slowly sliding down to the floor.I tried covering my pede with my clawed servo,since the other cuts still had welds covering them.I checked my energon levels once more,and I was down to 23% percent and decreasing still;I sighed.
Suddenly,I heard distant rumbling of engines.
'Oh great,'I thought,humoring myself.
At least the decepticons could take me out of my misery,I'd heard their were sightings from several cases of 'robots' on the World Wide Web,making destruction in cities all over the world.Probably found me somehow,as I heard them transform.I slowly stood up,standing on my good pede while putting the weight off the other.
Two walked inside,looking around back and forth.Curse my silver armor,it reflected brightly against the moonlight,even in the dark.They both saw me,and slowly they both stalked toward my defenseless self.
I closed my optics,squeezing them shut;waiting for the finishing blow...

A first of many!
Hope you liked the chapter-
Cya later,

-Hot Choco

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