Chapter 13-Botnapped

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Silverspeed's POV
I quickly moved back away from their view,and I heard both their engines startup.
I ran around hangers,my pedes pounding on the ground.
I was surprised at how fast I could run now,guess I was just used to a slower pace.
Working my way around the outside of the base,I found the runway.
There were some guards on duty,but you could obviously see they weren't too interested on anything.
My wings twitched in anticipation,thinking of a plan to get past them without sounding an alarm.
I could hear the loud shouts of Jazz and Sideswipe calling my name,
their calls becoming closer with every ticking moment.
I swiftly decided to just go for it,so I ran to the runway,transforming into my alt.
I turned on my engines to full power,slowly rising into the air.
I could still hear the soldiers faint shouts and orders from below.
When I looked down back at the base,I saw Jazz and Sideswipe with their alts parked at the edge of Diego Garcia.
I mentally cheered at the fact that I actually escaped,and with the help of the humans.
I knew that Danny couldn't fully fix me,so it was only temporary that I had my full landing gear abilities.
I tilted my wing,and barrel rolled to the side.I then took a nose dive down to the ocean,my sensors going off like crazy.
At the last moment I raised up,my chassis brushed the ocean, sending water to spray out.
I laughed at myself,bringing myself to a safe distance above the water.
After awhile,I got bored with the ocean,looking back at where Diego Garcia should've been.
Only the vast ocean remained in sight.
I wondered how long it would take it to get to the mainland,my energon supply isn't infinite.
As if on que,a small horizon of land appeared in my sensors,and I smiled,relief flowing through me.
I remembered the bond,which I closed off.Id bet he'd be yelling at me right about now,at how stupid I was.

-Silverspeed?Silverspeed,you better answer me right now-Jazzy
-Oh,hi Jazz-Silverspeed
-You better come back here right now before I come and get you myself-Jazzy
-Why should I?You can't fly over here-Silverspeed
-I'll get on a carrier plane if I have to-Jazzy
-Well,already at the mainland,see ya laaaater-Silverspeed

I cut off the Comm from Jazz,smiling at myself.
I knew he could track me from my Comm but I didn't care.
I was taking a stroll,I've never been anywhere except for on base.It'll be nice to get away from the action...
Also,getting Jazz mad was also an extra,just wish I could see his face...
Suddenly,I missile flew by me,whizzing past.
I immediately turned hard away from where it was,tilting my wing almost sideways.
I looked back,to see that a military jet was on my tail.I flew into the city,weaving in between skyscrapers.
I noticed a forest a couple miles away on my sensors,so I flew over into that direction.
Several more missiles flew by me,but only one grazed my wing,and I hissed in pain.
I made it to the forest,and transformed ruffly into the trees.
Close behind was the military jet,who transformed smoothly,making the ground rumble under his feet.
"Hello,Autobot,prepare to die,"I saw the Decepticon insignia on him,and I narrowed my optics.
"Try me,"I said defiantly.
He roared,and came at me.I pulled out my blade,and a metal clash echoed in the forest.
I turned his sword like an arm wrestle,and it fell out of his grasp.
He hissed,and slashed at me with his metal clawed servos.
I switched to my blaster,and shot him in the arm.
He recoiled him arm back,a muffled curse thrown at me.
We traded blows with our weapons,but what I wasn't ready for,was a blast to hit me in the back.
I fell to my knees gasping for breathe,holding a servo over my spark.
"You can't trust a 'con to be honorable,Autobot,"He sneered.
I would of came up with a witty comment,but all that came out was a growl.
My sight was fading,black dots swarming my optics.
I saw another bot walk up to,who I now know as Starscream,his screech of a voice gave it away.
"Lord Starscream,shall I finish off the Autobot?"The con asked,turning its helm toward me.
"Now now,we shouldn't be hasty Barricade,I haven't seen this Autobot before in their ranks,"Starscream said curiously.
"I had planned on finishing the bot,but perhaps interrogating would be more,helpful,"Starscream said,
putting his hands behind his back."Take the femme back to our base,and make sure she was al-"
Was all I heard,until my optics offlined,myself falling limp on the ground.

Jazz's POV
"Great,just great,I said carelessly,transforming.
Sideswipe also transformed beside me,watching Silverspeed fly off away from da' base.
"What should we do?"Sideswipe asked."Well,we're not gonna let'er just go,"I said.
"Gather the other bots,I'll try to contact her,"I said,looking over ta' Sideswipe with a serious glance.
"Got it,boss bot,"He said,and raced off around base.I sighed,and tried using da' bond.
"Scrap,Silverspeed,"I said outta anger.She closed off the bond,so I couldn't reach her.
Hopefully,she forgot to cut off 'da Comm links,anyway.
I tried them,and I think it came through,

-Silverspeed?Silverspeed,you better answer me right now-Jazz
-Oh,hi Jazz-Speedy
-You better come back here right now,before I get you myself-Jazz
-Why should I? You can't fly over here-Speedy
-I'll get on a carrier plane if I have to-Jazz
-Well,already on the mainland,see ya laaaater-Speedy

I sighed,turning off the Comm.
I trudged over to the main hanger,seeing all the Autobots inside.
Sideswipe slid over to me,nearly colliding inta' me.I flinched slightly when he stopped inches from ma' faceplates.
"Hey Jazz,I think I found everybody,right?"Sideswipe asked."Yep,you did Sideswipe,"I said dully.
"How'd you get OP?"I asked,curious.Sideswipe smiled,
"I know my way around,"He said.I raised an optic at him,but then walked over'ta OP.
"Hey Boss bot,about,Silverspeed,"I began,but Optimus stopped me.
"We know you couldn't have done anything,it is fine,"He said.
"But,she ran away because of me,"I said lowly."She had her reasons,but now we must focus on finding her,"OP spoke.
"Of course,"I said."Maybe she'll come back on her own?"Sideswipe butted in.
"We can not take any chances,"Optimus said seriously.
"We shall locate her threw her Autobot signal,and make sure she isn't in danger,"OP said louder,so everyone could hear.
"Jazz,do you know about any of her whereabouts?"Optimus asked.
"When she cut off her Comm,she said she made it'ta the mainland,"I answered.
"If she went straight from base,she would be somewhere in the vicinity of the city,"Ironhide said.
"Then we'll start there;Bots,lets roll out-"

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