Chapter 2-Lost and Found

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Silverspeed's POV
I waited for the final blow to come;but it never came.
I opened my optics,to see the bots were actually quite small.
One was green,and the other was red.
Now that the bots were closer,I noticed that they were actually Autobots!
I immediately relaxed,letting out an inaudible sigh.
One of the Autobots said,"Hey!We found 'em!It'sa Autobot femme!"
"Ya,an' she pretty beat up too!"The other bot said.
My vision started to darken around the edges,blurring out some of my surroundings.
The two Autobots then started to get even closer,with concerned looks on their faces.
Then,another mech;a yellow bot with red stripes on the sides,
shoved them away,yelling at them in a grumpy voice.
I couldn't really see much of the details,my optics were blurry,and I was losing consciousness.
The yellow mech turned towards me,and looked over my wounds.
"Dear Primus,"the bot whispered.
Then a wave of shock overtook him,as he looked at my faceplates.
"It couldn't be-Silverspeed?"The bot said to himself.
I recognized that grumpy voice,"R-Ratchet?"I asked in my hoarse voice."Silverspeed...."Ratchet said wide-opticed,not believing the words that came out of his own voice."Ok Silverspeed,don't talk,you're at 12% percent on your energon levels,"Ratchet turning back to his gruff-serious self.
He started patching up my wounds, doing whatever he could.
I could feel myself slowly slipping away from my consciousness,my optics starting to dim.Before that,I caught a glimpse of a Silvery-gray
figure enter the building,before falling into stasis-lock.

Jazz's POV
We 'were at a N.E.S.T base in Washington D.C, when they picked up on'a pod entering the atmosphere.
I silently hoped that it'd be my twin,Silverspeed.We've have 3 pods before this one,and I'm starting to lose hope...
But I would never give up on my twin.I've always went to scout the pods,I have always volunteered to go,and I always will.I won't stop 'till I find my 'lil sis.
The place where the pod was approximately going to land is on 'da East Coast of Florida.
The pod would land in approximately 3 hours.
Me,Ironhide,'da Twins-Skids and Mudflap,and Hatchet,
we're going to find and scout out the pod.
We should be there in about the same time as the pod,if the plane isn't weighed down too much by our 'added wieght.'
We were soon loaded onto'a cargo plane,and we took off for Florida;and hopefully--Silverspeed.

-Timeskip-Jazz's POV
I don't know why we'd need the younger twins on this mission,
other than pestering whoever was in that pod,Primus knows.
We landed 2 miles from the pod's approximate crash site.
When we finally made it to the crashed pod;no bot was there.
All we found was a decent sized puddle of energon,an'da used med-kit.
We looked around for any other clues to show what happened to the bot,but there was nothing."Bots,I think that I found something to help us,"Ratchet called us over.We all walked over to where a small trail of Energon,leading to wherever that bot went.
We transformed and drove swiftly next to the trail of energon,
following the path made by the wounded bot.
A few minutes of driving,I spoke up on the Comm's,

-'Man,whoever this bot was had some serious injuries to bleed out this long-Jazz
-Yes,some serious injuries to their processor to even consider going that long with those kinds of wounds-Ratchet
-Reminds me of someone...-Ironhide
-Shut up,-Jazz

After another 'bit of driving,we stopped at a N.E.S.T. Ariel Military Base.
Lucky for us,this was a N.E.S.T base,so we were let in easily.
We followed the trail that led around the fence;apparently they jumped the fence.Impressive for a wounded bot.
A lot like myself actually.Impressive.
The trail led to some military planes,and a pool of energon next to a couple other planes."Hey guys,come ov'a here,"I called to the,.
They all walked over,'an I pointed to the energon.
"Apparently,this one flies,"grunted Ironhide.

'Speedy was'a flying bot,so maybe-she was here',I thought,hoping it was her this time...
I was brought out of my thoughts by Hatchet speaking up,
"It seems as though the bot flew off in that direction",
Hatchet said,pointing to the runway.
"They couldn't have gone far,they were losing energon,"said Ironhide.
Eventually,we narrowed it down to 3 places where 'da bot could'a gone.
The first place we checked was the closest;nothing.
I was beginning 'ta get worried now,what've we were too late already!

It was burning into my mind the entire time we drove to the next place.We made it to the second place;a warehouse-barn.The twins went inside the worn-down place,while the rest of us guarded the perimeter.
That's when we heard the twins,"Hey,we found 'em!It'sa Autobot femme!,"
said Mudflap. "Ya,an' she pretty beat up too,"added Skids.
At that point,Hatchet stormed into the warehouse,shouting orders to them and shoving them outta the way.Me and Ironhide stayed outside,
despite the temptation to run in an' see if it was Silverspeed or not.

At one point,I couldn't stand it anymore."Hey,'Hide?"He grunted in reply.
"Would'ya mind if I went inside for a 'bit?"Another grunt.
I shrugged,anticipation bubbling inside of me.
I slowly walked inside;just to see my 'Sis OFFLINE in Ratchet's servos!
"NO!"I screeched,running over to Hatchet and my 'lil sis..
Even though she was my split-spark twin,doesn't mean that I can't call her little.
"No..."I said quieter,kneeling before 'Speedy.I felt coolant well up into my optics,as I went to touch her faceplates,my servo was slapped away.
"HEY,"I yelped surprised,pulling my servo to my chassis,glaring at Hatchet offended.
"She's not dead,you moron,she's just in stasis lock,"Ratchet said irritably.
"Although,that was very touching Jazz,"said Ironhide,holding back a laugh-the twins already laughing themselves out of breath.I went from mortified to embarrassed,and I facepalmled to hide my face.
Although,I couldn't say that I wasn't still relieved that she wasn't dead.
"Just glad you care,Jazz,"Hatchet said with'a hint of a smile.
Only Hatchet and OP knew 'bout Silverspeed being my twin 'sis,it was better that way,so nothing could get out.
Even though I seemed to be the usual trouble maker,
she said that I was 'Too over protective'.
To accuse me--of being overprotective--absolutely absurd!
I don't know,was I too overprotective....?

I decided to ask Hatchet about when she would wake up,
"It could take days,weeks,even months before she would be able to come out of stasis lock..."He trailed off.
My optics widened at the thought of waiting months before she would wake back up again."We'll just have to see,"Hatchet said,a sad tone in his voice.
I remembered 'dat Ratchet enjoyed Silverspeed back then on Cybertron.
She had basic medic training there,with Ratchet as her tutor.
Later on,she quit,and joined me in law enforcement.
He was' sad to see her go;but he knew that's what she wanted.

Time-Skip Jazz's POV
We had brought Silverspeed back to a the main N.E.S.T base in Washington D.C,after we stabilized her condition enough to make the trip back.She was put in 'da Med-bay,an' her wounds were mended,after'a couple days of sleepless nights.
Although her body has recovered, who knows when she'd come out of stasis lock..
"Wake up soon...'Speedy,"

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