Chapter 21-Heated Arguments

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Silverspeed's POV
I sighed heavily,traveling back to Blackout's Med-bay.
When I entered with a frown,Blackout's eyes widened.
"Geezus Silverspeed,what have you gotten yourself into!"He exclaimed in horror.
"'s nothing,"I mumbled,taking my arm in one servo.
"This is not nothing!"He said sternly,checking me over for any other wounds.
"Alright,go ahead and sit on the berth,"He said,running his servo through his helm agitated.
I sat down on the berth compliantly,avoiding the stinging pain blossoming though my chassis.
He quickly went to work,welding up the gaping hole that I had made.
He took some other tools,making small patches in some places.
"Tsk tsk tsk,Silverspeed,I thought you could hold your own better than this,"He said casually.
I gave a shocked face,but then narrowed my optics and growled,crossing my arms with a huff.
He laughed at me,giving me a mock face.
"I was just kidding,don't get so beat up about it,"Blackout said,rolling his optics at me.
"Ok,you should be fine now,so go find something better to do than come back here,"He huffed playfully.
I huffed at him,but got up and stalked out of the Med-bay.
After walking down endless corridors,I decided to take a rest,too bored to do anything else.
I stared ahead dully at the gray shaded wall,sighing.
How long would I have to stay here?
Even if I had made 'friends' here,what would I do if I had to fight my fellow Autobots?
What if I had to
I had to find a way to save Jolt and Prowl,so we could all escape before it all goes too far.
I wasn't allowed in the brig,because of obvious reasons,so I had to find a time when they wouldn't be there...
Suddenly,the Comms went onto speaker,and the voice of Soundwave could be heard..
"Decepticons,we have located the shard..."Soundwave boomed,and everything went quiet.
Moments,later,everything went into chaos with all the Decepticons wanting to see the monitors.
My optics widened as I quickly rushed to the brig,avoiding the Decepticon's glares directed at me.
Almost slipping down the rusted stairs,I ran down to see Prowl and Jolt staring at me with curious glances.
"Silverspeed?What are you doing here,"Jolt asked questioningly.
"C'mon,we don't have much time..."

-Back at Base-Sideswipe's POV (Minutes Before)
I slowly drove down the ramp from the carrier plane slowly,my wheels drooped down to a flat.
I was the last from the plane,I made an excuse about something,I had already forgotten what I said.
All I could think about was Silverspeed.The thought was just stuck in my head,like it was drilled into my processor.
It honestly made me sick,not being able to help her,in the hands of Decepticons.
I glanced up to see Sunstreaker in his alt,idling in front of me.
"Hello,Earth to idiot,"He snapped,his engine growling.
"Whatever,"I shot back dully,my wheels sinking to the ground.
"What's wrong with you,"He said,transforming with his arms crossed,narrowing his optics at me.
I huffed at him,and he snarled.
"Answer me,"He growled.
"I don't care,"I snapped,rolling away in my alt,with my flats carrying me down.
I saw from my rear view mirror that he scoffed and walked in the other direction,and I gave a satisfied look mentally.
When I turned a corner,I wasn't expecting an argument with Optimus and Galloway.
I couldn't hear everything,but I turned my engine off and listened from there
"Currently 7 miles...surrounded by..submarine surveillance,"Galloway said snarkily.
We're they talking about the shard?The only remaining piece of the Allspark?
Whatever he said,he was disrespecting the leader of the Autobots with that attitude.
I'd blast him off this planet if it was my choice...
"What if we leave...and you were wrong,"Optimus said darkly.
Wait,did he say..leave?

Silverspeed's POV
"Ok guys,let's get out of here before they come back,"I said,opening the cell doors quickly.
I helped them both up,and we all ran up from the brig,checking if anyone was still guarding.
In the distance,you could see a group of Decepticons staring intently at some of the monitors,
watching Soundwave's pet Ravage land on a military base.
"Well that doesn't look good,"I mumbled,watching the screen for a moment.
"Ok,so where's the exit?"Jolt asked hurriedly.
"This way,"I replied,running around some hallways,the two following me closely.
I stopped abruptly when I saw a stray con guarding the corridor we needed to go on.
Telling them to stay behind,I slowly walked up to the con,his back turned towards me.
I kicked him down,knocking him unconscious.
I gave Jolt and Prowl a servo signal to come on,and they ran over to me.
"Look,the exit!"Jolt exclaimed,pointing to a closed barrier with the exit sign above it.
"Alright,let's go!"I commanded,pulling them to the barrier.
I pushed the button,and it slowly fell down to a ramp,leading outside the base.
We all ran out,feeling the air brush past us.
We all swiftly ran to the edge of the city,hoping to scan alts for the both of them.
Prowl hid behind a rock,I hid behind a tall tree,and Jolt...hid in a bush.Yes,a bush.
Even though this was a city road,not many cars seemed to drive by..none actually.
"Wait,there's one,"Jolt said,watching a blue Chevrolet Volt drive past.
He quickly scanned it,transforming.
"Not too fancy,but it'll do,"I commented.
"Prowl,I think we might have to--GEEZ what IS that?"I yelled out,covering my audio receptors.
Some kind of siren car flew past,with red and blue lights flashing fiercely.
"Prowl,please tell me you didn't choose that as an altmode,"I pleaded.
"I chose that as an alt-mode,"He replied plainly.
"Really Prowl..."Jolt facepalmled.
"What ever you do Prowl,don't.turn on.the sirens,"I breathed out,putting my servos out towards him pleadingly.
"Sure,"He said casually.
"I need a yes Prowl,a yes,"I said,glaring at him.
"Yes,yes,"He said dismissively ,and I huffed out an 'Alright' back.
'Maybe now would be a good time to open up the bond back...'I thought.
'Well obviously,'I thought sarcastically,rolling my optics at my own thoughts.
::Yes,I believe I am in need of assistance::
::Aren't ya all the time?Don't worry,that's why you have'a twin like me::
I could almost hear the smugness in his voice,and I rolled my optics annoyed.
::Well how'a bout you tell your little human friends to come and Pick.Us.Up::
::Yes,Prowl and Jolt,oh sorry,did I not tell you about them yet?::
::Wait,Prowl?Ah,he's my old buddy!::
::Yes yes,so we'll be out by the shoreline,I'll fill you in on some other stuff later::
::So,mind leaving the bond open this time?::

I left the bond,looking back at Prowl and Jolt,both of which were standing patiently.
"Ok guys,we have head to the shoreline up ahead a score mile away,"I said clearly.
"What? Thats like...20 miles!"Jolt pouted.
"Welp,you have your alts,so it isn't that far away,"I waved him off.
"We just got our alts,"Prowl said.
"It's just like riding a bike,"I suggested.
"What's a bike!!"Jolt exclaimed.
"How should I know!"I shot back.
"You said it!"He said accusingly.
"So,"I mumbled,crossing my arms.
"So!"Jolt said,gesturing a servo towards me.
"Oh,slag it all,"I snapped,throwing a servo in the air.
"Exactly,"Jolt said.
"When this is over,I didn't start this,"Prowl said.
"Shut up,"

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