Chapter 20-Confession

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Silverspeed's POV
I smirked victoriously as I saw Bonecrusher bring himself up,sending a glare in my direction.
I noticed that it was deathly quiet,and that everybody was staring at me.
My optics widened,my mouth slightly ajar as I looked around the room.
Feeling my power burn out,I avoiding my gaze of starting another fight.
"So,how do you feel?"Barricade said,a slight snicker towards Bonecrusher's form.
"Tired,really can't hardly move exhausted..."I rambled with a frown.
"I wonder why..."Barricade trailed,a small stare at the ground showing he was thinking.
Suddenly,my pedes fell under me,forcing me to knees.
"Silver?You okay?"Barricade questioned,a hint of concern in his voice.
"Ya,I'm ok,"I replied softly.
"Maybe using my 'energy' wares me down or something?"I said,pondering in thought.
"Perhaps,"He said with the same tone in his voice.
"So does that mean I can stop now?"I said happily.
"No."He said simply."Aww..."I whined,giving a sad face.
I feel that using my energy or whatever,had definitely wore me out,almost draining the life out of me.
I still had a tired frown plastered on my faceplates,still glaring at Barricade however.
"Fine,I guess we know that the crystal--thing,also helps your stats as well,"He said with a straight face.
"Finally..."I mumbled,rolling my eyes.
"We'll send you on patrol tomorrow,"Barricade said clearly.
"How"I said with a smug smile,leaning towards him.
"How about no,"He deadpanned,looking down at me.
"Oh C'mon,I need to get out,or I'm going to die of boredom,"I pleaded,hitting my head on his shoulder-plates bluntly.
He looked away for a second,taking a deep intake of air.
I stayed still,already exhausted enough to pick my head back up from his shoulder.
"Alright,"He said finally,still not looking at me.
"Ya?"I said with wide optics,raising my head back up with a flicker of excitement.
"That's what I said,"Barricade said blandly.
"Um,well ok!"I said,a permanent smile planted on my faceplates.
"Then go,before I change my mind,"He said staring at me.
"O-oh,yeah!But,where?"I asked with a tilt of my helm.
"I'll give you a set of coordinates to routine,but remember;
if you come into contact with any Autobot,you report it to me got it?"Barricade said seriously.
"Course,"I replied.
"Alright,"He said,handing me a datapad of my routine,as well as placing something on me.
"A tracer,for your location,"He explained.
"Well?"He asked flatly.
I nodded and swiftly ran to the entrance,jumping up and transforming to my alt-mode.
The datapad landed in my subspace,and I read over the routine coordinates.
Honestly,I was just glad that I could get out for awhile,it was pretty fun actually.
But only after less than half an hour went by,it was not fun.
It was not fun to see Sideswipe and Sunstreaker's alts racing in the opposite direction they should be.
I had to tell Barricade,or sooner or later he would see their locations himself.
I had to warn them somehow,but the only way would be to go down and stop them myself.
But first...
-Control here-Barricade
-Ya,there's two Autobots traveling in the direction of the base-Silverspeed
-Understood,glad your on our side-Barricade
'Pfft,ya right'I though sarcastically.
-We'll be sending a squadron to apprehend-Barricade
'Uh oh...'
I dive bombed towards them, pretty sure they heard me,because they transformed quick enough.
I was ambivalent on whether or not to continue on down from the clouds,they couldn't see me right now.
But if I didn't do anything now,some huge squadron would kill them.
I continued on my descent,and they pulled out their cannons.
They started to fire,yet I stayed calm.
I needed my powers if I was going to survive this...
I closed my optics,focusing my energy..
My eyes shot open,quickly evading every shot blasted towards me,nearly being shot but barrel rolled out of the way.
I quickly gained speed,and I saw the worried looks on their faces as they continued to fire aimlessly.
Nearing the ground I smiled in thought as I blasted into the ground,creating a thick haze of fog as I crashed.
Myself was covered in dust and black powder,not affected by what should have been my demise.
I didn't feel much however,and the massive gashes were healing fairly quickly,
but I had to focus my energy to heal it specifically,I noticed.
When the smog cleared,I saw the two of them with glares on their faces,advancing towards me.
My optics widened,as they couldn't see my paint job,I suppose I was going to fast in my alt for them to see.
I couldn't focus my energy on fighting,or else my healing powers wouldn't work.
If I focused too much on fighting,I could feel the past pain as well.
They both came at me with swords,and I pulled out mine as well as I blocked both.
They were mildly surprised,but kept on with more attacks.
"Primus guys,it's me,"I said annoyed,kicking down Sideswipe from slashing me in the chest.
I brushed myself off some,so they could see my real paint job.
"What?"Sides exclaimed."Silverspeed?"Sideswipe cried out.
"Your a Decepticon?"Sunstreaker questioned in shock.
"Obviously not,"I deadpanned.
"But--" "Long story,can't explain right now,you two have to go,"I said,pushing them the other way.
"No!You're coming with us,"Sideswipe said,pulling me by the arm.
"No,you,"I said,taking my arm back.
"What?Why,"Sunstreaker asked.
"Because I said so,"I said seriously.
"But we just got you back,we can't lose you again,"Sideswipe said sadly.
"What?Why are you acting like that?"I joked,raising an optic at him with a half-smile.
"We need you,"Sunstreaker mumbled.
"Ahem,what now?"I asked again."I think I've lost my mind,"Shaking my helm.
"No!We do,our sparks need you,calling for you,"Sunstreaker explained wearily.
'So..they feel the same thing that I did?Well..I guess do,not did..I thought to myself.
Even being around them made my spark flutter...'Oh shut up inside voice,'I thought annoyed.
I felt my cooling fans kick on,and I felt heat rush to my faceplates.
'Oh for Primus' sakes,'I facepalmed mentally,
"Sideswipe being the more immature,was a little more possessive over you,"He shrugged.
"Sunny,"Sideswipe whined,a rush of blue coming to his face.
I stayed silent,digging my pede into the dirt embarrassingly.
"But you still need to leave,a squadron of who knows how many are coming here right now!"I remembered quickly.
"We're staying right here,"Sunstreaker said sternly.
"No-Ugh,"I groaned,trying to figure a way to get them away.
"By the way,why are you glowing?"Sideswipe questioned.
"Well,that's a part of the long story..."I mumbled.
"And it's..healing you?Were terribly sorry for hurting you,"Sunstreaker said guiltily.
"Im healing me actually,I have to...uh..ya,"I said,stopping myself from saying anything else.
"You don't have long,you have to go!"I pleaded.
Then,I thought of something.
"Look,if you die,I'd kill myself because I couldn't get you two to escape,"I said desperately.
They both had horrified looks on their faces,and I had regret covering my faceplates.
Truthfully I might,after I save Prowl and Jolt just because of how sad I was at my..ahem...lovers dying..
So,it was still true in some way I suppose.
"Fine..we'll go as long as you come back,"Sideswipe said with a frown on his faceplates.
"Of course I will,"I said with a smile.
I huddled them both together and leaned my forehelm on theirs,a comfortable silence.
"Don't worry,now get outta here,"I said,taking a step back.
They both nodded hesitantly,but quickly transformed and drove the other way,and just in time.
My optics widened,and looked around.
The jet squadron had arrived,in about 12 in number.
I had to pretend I fought with them,if I was on the ground and next to Sides and Sunny.
I took out my sword reluctantly,staring at it for a second.
Then,I swiftly jabbed it into my chassis,silently dying in the inside as I tried to stay calm.
I did it not facing their direction so they couldn't see it was me who had wounded myself.
I took the sword back up,wincing with gritted teeth as I slid it back into its hold behind me.
I made several more scratch marks with my clawed servos to make it more believable,before they got to me.
"Where are the two Autobots?"One asked.
"Gone,they fled for their lives,"I grinned with a smirk.
"But before they left,stuck me with a sword while my powers were drained,"I seethed,optics narrowing.
The drone nodded with an optic raised,but helped me up none the less.
"Well,don't want to mess with you on a bad day,"The drone remarked.
The drone nodded,and transformed with the rest of his squadron,myself transforming back as well.
On our way back,I had a permanent smirk on my face,that they took the bait.
Even if I did have to fake a slash made by myself,it was worth it.

Sideswipe's POV
'What? Why? How?'All those questions were racing through my mind as I glanced back to Silverspeed's fading form.
"Come on Sides,she'll be fine,"Sunstreaker said casually,he could sense my worried feelings through the bond
"How would you know?"I grumbled angrily.
"Now you're just getting upset at me,"He mentally rolled his optics through the bond.
I growled,my engine rumbling fiercely.
At our high speeds,we had made it back to the place our team were staying at.
It was a simple abandoned gas station,but it was better than nothing.
I had made it first,skidding to a stop;nearly ramming into Ironhide.
Sunstroke had drifted into a parking space,lucky him.
He transformed brushing himself off.
I transformed at lightning speed,searching around for Optimus with my optics.
Ironhide gave me the weirdest look,but I didn't care,I had to find Optimus.
"Hey there 'man,what went up your tailpipe?"Jazz joked with a grin ,throwing an arm around me.
My eyes narrowed as I wasn't fazed by his actions,not responding to him.
"Hey,you okay there?"He asked,waving a servo in front of my face.
"I'm fine Jazz,where's Optimus,"I said seriously.
"Uh,right over there,"Jazz said,concern in his voice as he watched me storm over to Optimus.
"Optimus,I've found her,"I said flatly.
Optimus looked at me with an unreadable face,but nodded once in reply.
"We must head back to base,"He said.
"What!?"I exclaimed in astonishment,staring at him with wide optics.
"A Comm from Lennox,we are needed,"He explained.
"We will find her eventually,but for now...Autobots,roll out;were heading back to base,"

Oh no...the cringe XD
It's all coming back..

-Hot Choco

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