Chapter 23-Heart Broken

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Sideswipe's POV
I paced around Sunstreaker's and my berthroom,spark beating out of my chassis.
My arms were folded behind my back,a frown on my faceplates,hiding my worry.
Sunstreaker was sitting arms folded on his berth ominously,staring at me.
"How long are you going to be like that,I thought we already went over this,"He said sarcastically.
"I don't know,"I snapped at him.
He looked at me coldly,narrowing his optics.
"Don't talk to me like that just because you're scared of Silverspeed,"Sunstreaker snarled.
"I'm not scared,"I defended accusingly.
"You are,you can't lie from me,"He growled.
"What if she doesn't like us anymore,what if she hates us for leaving her,what if--"
"Shut up,you're just over exaggerating things,"Sunstreaker said casually.
"But what if--" "Stop with the what ifs,it'll be fine,"He said with a roll of his optics.
I huffed,but sighed in defeat and sat down on my berth.
But only minutes later,I couldn't stop fidgeting.
I was worried,I was worried about her safety
What if...what if--snap out of it Sideswipe!Not more what ifs!
She's coming back,and..she'll be okay,that's all that matters.
"Heya guys,you coming?We found her!"Jazz said with a bright smile on his face.
"Oh..y-yeah,of course,"I stumbled.
"We'll be right there,won't we?"Sunstreaker said the last part between gritted teeth,glancing at me.
I nodded hesitantly,and Jazz left the room,probably to tell everybody else...
"So?"Sunstreaker asked snarkily.
"Fine fine,lets go..."I said finally.
"You go ahead..I'll be there soon,"I spoke again in a quieter tone.
He scoffed,but eventually left out the room,leaving with a glare;as always.
I put my helm in my servo,sighing as I closed my optics slowly.
I looked up at the door,staring at it pleadingly--almost..
Wishing it to just open up,and for Silverspeed wouldn't happen anyway...

Silverspeed's POV
Once I took one step off the ramp,I breathed in a sigh of relief with a grin.
"We made it guys!We made it,"I said.
"How'd we do it..."Jolt said monotonely.
"I don't even know,"Prowl said with a blank stare held at the ground.
"Wow you guys,"I said sarcastically.
"Jolt,I thought you'd be more happy,"I mocked towards him.
"Believe me,I am,"He said.
I saw Jazz run up to me,and I hugged him tightly.
"Hey Jazz,"I said half-heartedly,a slight laugh.
"Silverspeed,I thought we'd never find you,"He said shakily.
"Oh come now,don't get all emotional on me;I thought that was my job,"I smiled.
"Heh.."He chuckled,pulling me so he could look at me.
He smiled warmly at me,and I gave a wink at him.
"Hey,so the other bots should be here soon,you can catch up with your buds over there,"Jazz said.
"By the way,hey Prowler!"Jazz said,pointing a pretend gun with his digits at him.
Prowl looked dully at him,letting out a deep breath.
Jazz ran off back to the base,and I turned back to Prowl and Jolt.
"Jolt,you know anyone?"I asked.
"How am I supposed to know anyone!?"Jolt exclaimed.
"Oh yeah,you were trapped by the Decepticons..."I trailed,a breathily laugh.
Jolt let out a sigh,pinching the brim of his olfactory sensors.
I could see the small smile on his face though,so I smirked victoriously.
I crossed myarms,leaning next to him where the cargo plane was still landed
Placing my helm on his shoulder,I see him turn his helm in the opposite direction.
"W-what are you doing?"Jolt asked,glancing at me.
I looked at him casually,"Well I'm tired,isn't anyone?"
I could see a tint of blue forming on his faceplates,and I smiled.

Sideswipe's POV
I finally decided to get up and see Silverspeed,so I walked outside the berthroom,
taking a deep breath before walking down the corridors that lead to the runway.
I looked around the corner..and I saw--her.
Silverspeed was there,and my optics brightened.
I went a step further..but then saw her with another mech..leaning her helm against his shoulder.
My mouth gaped slightly,but quickly closed it into a frown.
She kissed his faceplates,and his face flushed blue.
My heart dropped,and I slowly backed away...
I turned around,jogging;then ran into a full sprint in the other direction.
Luckily no one seemed to be in the hallways now,so I took the chance to slow down,heaving air.
I took a glance the other way,but shook my head and walked to the other side of the base.
I continued walking until I reached the edge of the island,staring off into the ocean.
How could I fall for a femme?One..that doesn't love me back...

Silverspeed's POV
"Hey everybody!"I waved as I saw all the other bots and humans crowd around.
Jolts face was still blue from the 'kiss',but he got over it and smiled at everybody.
I saw Sunstreaker leaning against a wall per usual,but what really struck me,was that his twin wasn't there.
I frowned slightly,searching around.
After awhile,everybody got acquainted with each other and Optimus came out.
I could see the shock in Prowl's and Jolt's faces,and I smirked.
"O-Optimus Prime!What an honor,"Jolt said.
"Optimus,"Prowl greeted formally.
"Prowl,I did not know you were a bot that Silverspeed was traveling with,it is great to see you again old friend,"He said.
"You as well,"Prowl replied.
Optimus nodded towards me,and I nodded back with a bright smile,Jolt still with his jaw wide open.
He let us go eventually,letting me take the two on a tour of the base.
"Actually,I believe I have more to catch up with Optimus,I shall meet up with you later,"Prowl said.
"Sure thing,"I said as Prowl joined up with Optimus.
"Hey,so what was that kiss for?"Jolt asked with a raised optic.
"Ha,it was just to get you flustered,"I mocked.
"I was not,"
"Oh,you totally were,"
"No worries,it's fine--it was just for fun,"I smiled.
"Y-yeah,I knew that,"He said arrogantly.

"Okay,I think that sums it up!"I said as we traveled back to the corridor we started in.
"Cool,"He replied smoothly.
"Hey,see you later,"I called as I walked away back to my quarters,he waved back as he went a separate way.
I watched him leave,and I thought about how I didn't see Sideswipe yet.
My mouth parted in thought,and I had an idea.
I ran to the outside of the base,seeing the ocean shoreline in sight.
The only thing we didn't go to was the shoreline,it wasn't very important.
I sprinted next to the shoreline,until a saw the silver frame of Sideswipe illuminated by the sunset.
I slowed my pace,walking up to him silently.
"Hey..."I called to him lightly.
"What do you want,"He snapped coldly.
"Sideswipe?"I asked shocked.
"Leave me alone,"He said again.
"I said leave,"He raised his voice at me,and I took a step back.
"O-ok..."I trailed,turning around slowly.
I glanced at him,and he didn't look at me,only stared with narrowed optics at the Amber coloured sun.
Tears pricked my optics,but I shoved them away,swiftly walking back away with a angered look.
"Well then;be that way,why should I care,"I snarled under my breath.
While going back to base,I saw Sunstreaker walk up to me.
"You seen Sideswipe?"He asked.
"Why should I care about him,"I snapped.
He stood there,unfazed;only with a cold gaze locked onto me
I walked by him without another glance,but felt somewhat guilty about being so rude.
"Fine,he's by the shore;get him if you want,"I said simply without turning around.
I walked away,and I could hear Sunstreaker walking away as well.
I sighed in relief,and walked back to my quarters.I opened the door and faceplanted into my berth.
"What's wrong with my life..."

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