Chapter 7-Prank Gone Wrong

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Silverspeed's POV

"Hey....Uh..Ratc-Oh!Silverspeed!"Sildeswipe said relieved."What are you doing here?"He asked."I was about to clean up Ratchet's workspace,"I said annoyed.
"How about when we're done with our makeover with them?"Sideswipe said with a mischievous grin.
"I thought you were the nice one?"I joked with a smile.
"I can be other things,"He smiled at me.
I blushed slightly.'Great,now I blush at him friggin smiling at me,'I thought embarrassed.
"Trust me,he's the one who starts everything,"Sunstreaker mumbles lowly,
Wow,Sunstreaker actually spoke to be honest,I didn't think he would talk to me.
But when he talks,it's hot.
WAIT...DID I JUST SAY HOT!!!At least I didn't say it out loud...
What is wrong with my PROCESSER!That pang was making my spark malfunction!
But,it was coming from my spark.
So,what was happening?Why was I falling for the Twins?
I absentmindedly banged my head against a wall in anger,and both the twins both looked at me weirdly.
I blushed against their gazes,and turned my head away.
I shook my head,and turned to look at them both.
"Why'd you bang your head against a wall?"Sideswipe chuckled out."Oh um,don't know really,"
I said once more embarrassed.
I shook my head from my thoughts.
"Now,about that makeover..."I trailed off."I could just tell Ratchet to come over here and look at your, 'masterpieces',"I smiled sadistically."Aww C'mon Silverspeed!"Sideswipe gave me puppy dog eyes,
which melted my spark.Sadly.
I mentally kicked myself for being so soft.
Sunstreaker just huffed."I am not doing 'puppy dog eyes',just for you to get back at Ratchet.
It was your idea anyways,"Sunstreaker grumbled.
"Ya,ya,you just tag along because your my twin,but I know you love me,Sunny,"Sideswipe nudged his twin."Don't call me that,and get off,"Sunstreaker pushed Sideswipe off of him ruffly.
I giggled at the both of them quietly.
"Fiiine,FINE,"I said,breaking up the two's arguing."Thanks,Silverspeed,"said Sideswipe,blowing me a kiss.
I blushed at that,gritting my denta at my stupidity.
The two quickly turned back to painting all of Ratchet's tools pink.
'Why did I agree to this?'I thought,face palming.
I have never done a prank in my life.
Im surprised about being so thoughtful about doing this.
Im usually the cool headed,logical twin.
Basically the opposite of Jazz.
Always going by the rules.
But since getting here,I've been a lot more on the 'happy-go lucky' side.
Id usually glitch if someone did a prank,or something completely stupid.
But,I'll go back to my normal self,
after I finish this 'prank' or whatever.
Suddenly,I saw Ratchet coming down the hallway,most likely coming to the Med-bay,which was.not.GOOD.My optics widened behind my visor,and I scrambled back inside to the painting twins.
I also noticed that Sunstreaker was actually using different shades of pink,such a perfectionist.
"Guys,GUYS!"I whisper yelled.
"What?"asked Sideswipe."Ratchet,is COMING!"I rasped,quickly taking a peek out the Med-bay,to see Ratchet walking closer and closer,to US."Silverspeed!Go out there and distract
him for long as possible."He said desperately,looking wide-opticed at me.
I sighed,and ran outside to meet Ratchet face to face."Silverspeed?"He questioned."Uh...uh..just picking something up!"I said happily,randomly picking something out of my subspace.
"Alright,now can I get into my Med-bay?"He asked,raising an optic.I quickly glanced back,and the twins were looking at me with worried faces.
"Oh um,Ratchet?You need to...GO TO THE HANGER,Uh..LIKE NOW!"
I said,pushing him away from the Med-bay.
"Ya,Que said something and...wanted you to go back,NOW,"I said hysterically,
pushing him in the direction of the hanger.
He had a confused look on his face,but turned around slowly and went to the direction of the hanger.
I scurried back in,and looked at them bent over in exhaustion,
giving them a thumbs up.
"Ok,we don't have long,"I said,standing back up.
But apparently,my pede just had to give out on me,
and I fell to the ground,my knee supporting me from completely crumpling to the ground.
I winced,holding back a pained groan from between my denta.
They both quickly came to my side,worried expressions on their faces."Are you ok?"Sideswipe asked,looking me over for any injuries.
He touched one of my wings,and it twitched,it being sensitive.
"Ya,I-I'm fine,"I said stumbling over my words.
I pushed myself back up,only to fall back into Sideswipe's servos."Falling for me already?"He asked,teasing me,my cheeks turning a light blue.
I huffed,"No,"and steadied myself on me pedes,whacking away Sideswipe's servos.
Sunstreaker crossed his arms and chuckled lightly,standing back up.
Then both of them started out right laughing at me."Whats the big deal?"
I snapped,looking at the both of them.
Then I saw that Sideswipe's hands were pink.
I quickly saw,that I now had pink paint on my chassis and a bit on my wings,where Sideswipe had 'caught' me."Ya know,that might be a liiitle hard to get off,"Sideswipe laughed out.
"It's quick dry,permanent paint,"Sunstreaker chuckled.
'Well,this is never com'in off...'I huffed mentally.
"Ok,but you still have it on your hands,"I pointed out to Sideswipe.
"Ya?But it's just on my servos,"He teased,giving me 'Jazz hands'with the pink paint on his servos.
I looked to Sunstreaker's hands,but they were spotless.
"Wha...."I said dumbfounded.Sunstreaker looked at me with a smug face.
"Unlike brother dearest over there,I actually pay attention to not painting BOTH MY SERVOS PINK!"
He growled out over to Sideswipe,whom had his pink servos crossed,and huffed,
"Ya,because you care more about your PAINT JOB!"
They then went into anther heated argument,
and I just looked at them both blankly,
rolling my eyes at them both.
But we all froze when we heard quick and heavy footsteps thundering down the hall.
"Ya think he found out?"I sighed."Probably..."Sunstreaker trailed off.
"Well,we'd better hide before we get eaten alive HERE,"
I said getting louder,throwing my hands up in the air.
They both nodded their heads and starting looking for places to hide.
I looked around quickly,looking around the Med-bay for a spot.
The distant footsteps where now heard as close,thundering pede steps,
coming closer to the Med-bay.I sighed heavily,"Were doomed..."

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