Chapter 17-A Ghost?

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Silverspeed's POV
"You know what?I can't even explain to you what just happened,"I said over to Jolt,with a horrified look on his face,
almost if he had seen a ghost...I mean,could I be considered a ghost if I basically came back from the dead?
"Jolt,it's me,ok?Look,you're not hallucinating;alright?"I said,waving a servo in front of his face.
"I get it,I get it,"Jolt said angrily,slapping my servo away."Ok..."I breathed,having to calm myself back down.
"Ok! I think I'm good,"I said happily,clasping my hands together.
"You're ok?YOU'RE Ok?What about ME okay?"Jolt ranted,throwing his servos in the air.
"What?I thought you said that you 'got it',"I said crossing my arms,raising an optic.
"Well I don't.You literally died and then five minutes later you magically get RAISED from the dead!"
"It's better than staying dead,"I shot back.
"Are you two lovebirds going to stop arguing?"A voice sounded in the prison annoyed.
We both stopped,going silent,and looked around.
"Ok first off,we are not a couple here,and who exactly are you?"I demanded.
"Ahem,sorry for that; you two were just being louder than Starscream's rants,"
The voice said again in an almost monotone way."Uh huh..."I said sarcastically,letting out a huff.
"How come you didn't say anything earlier?"Jolt asked.
"I didn't think we would have to,"The voice replied.
"You still didn't tell us your name,"I said coldly."My designation is Prowl,"He said.
"Wait,what!"I said,my optics widening."Why didn't you say anything!"I said,optics still wide in disbelief.
"Like I said,--" "Ok ok,so you were just,listening in on all of our conversations!"I yelled out.
"It's not like I could walk out of this cell,"Prowl defended calmly."Ughh,"I facepalmled.
We all looked up however,to see two Vehicons walk up to our cell,Prowl across from ours.
"Starscream wants you,"One said,pointing in my direction.
"Me?"I asked,pointing a digit to myself.They nodded,and I let out an inaudible,"Oh scrap,"as I stood up slowly.
They opened the cell door,and I walked out hesitantly.'At least this time I could walk,'I thought sarcastically.
"Where we goin'?"I asked them,then suddenly ramming into one of the Vehicons from them both stopping in the hall.
"What's the big deal here?"I said,staring at them."Don't get snappy with us,we're here,"It said,pointing a digit at a door.
The door opened,and they pushed me inside,the door closing swiftly behind me.
"Why hello again,Silverspeed,glad you could join us,"He said gingerly.
"How'd you--" "We have our ways,"He answered before I even finished my sentence.
He looked up at me and raised and optic."When did you get so;spotless?"He asked slightly confused.
"Yes I know,it seemed as though I was nearly dead to a point,
but I don't even know how I got so spotless, to answer your question,"I said with a slight lie.
"Alright then..back to the reason I brought you here,I want to come back to the offer that I made you,"He said.
"And now,I will ask it of you again,will you become a Decepticon?"Starscream asked intently.
"I will also say this again;no,"I deadpanned.
"Perhaps the lives of your fellow comrades means anything to you,"He said casually,rolling his helm towards me.
I narrowed my optics at him."With a flick of a digit,"He continued on with a smirk.
"You wouldn't--you know,scratch that;you definitely would,"I growled.
"Now,I'll ask again,Will.You.Be.A.Decepticon,"He raised his voice.
I hesitated,'He would absolutely kill Jolt and Prowl,but being a Decepticon?'I asked myself.
"Why?"I asked simply."Why you should be a Decepticon,plenty of reasons-" "No,why you want me to be a Con?"I asked.
"Well,we knew there was something special about you,just when Blackout 'fixed' you,"He said.
"When we saw you magically come back from the dead,reinforced those assumptions,"He continued.
"Woah woah woah,you already knew about that?Then why did you ask me about being spotless?"I asked.
"Just to see how honest you were,"He said plainly."Why would I be honest to a Decepticon,"I rolled my eyes.
"Fair enough,"He shrugged with a snicker."You also said that you knew I was special?"I asked weirdly.
"Somewhat;we saw major activity near your subspace,we opened it and saw a gem like crystal lying in there.
Blackout tried picking it up,but shocked him unconscious,so we didn't try anything else with it."
"Whatever it was,we knew it was somehow connected towards you.
At first we didn't think much about it,but later on,we saw its and your;potential,"Starscream explained.
"So that's why?"I said,processing over all the information.
"Yes that's why,now will you or not,"He said,slight annoyance in his voice.
"Yes,"I said simply."Alright,your friends will be kept in custody,but if you try anything funny,
I'll make sure that they'll be scrap metal,"He growled."Understood,"I half-saluted.
"Besides,once your a Decepticon long enough,you'll forget they even existed,"Startscream said darkly.
"Now then,can you tell us information about the Autobot's base?"Startscream asked.
"All I know is that it's an island away from the mainland,"I said.
He tapped his fingers on the desk he was sitting at,humming in thought.
"Alright,I'll let you off for now,Barricade will escort you to your quarters,"Startscream said dismissively.
As soon as he said that,Barricade slipped in,looking at me suspiciously.
I stared back at him,but he finally gave up and took me out of Starscream's 'office'.
We walked on until a hallway of doors were found."Your quarters,"Barricade said simply.
I nodded,and walked in.The door closed,and I heard Barricade's pedesteps slowly fade away.
It was decent.A plain berth in the far corner,with a desk and chair in the other side of the room.
'I'm a prisoner,aren't I?'I asked myself.I could most likely easily escape out of here,
but with Jolt and Prowl still here,I knew for sure they would kill them on the spot...
They knew I wouldn't leave,and I hate it.
Tomorrow-my first day on the job as a Decepticon,never thought I'd say that before...

Helllllo everybody!Ok,I didn't really explain her powers,I know...
Alright,so I'll just explain it here XD 'for anyone who didn't get it...'
-Silverspeed got a crystal from Primus in her dreams-
an actual shard from Primus before Cybertron was destroyed.
(Technically the more powerful version of the Allspark.)
-This 'shard' merged with her spark,giving her abilities,
   -Of which we now know as some kind of healing power-
Ok,I know this kinda got off track from the actual movie 'Revenge Of The Fallen',
But I'll get there eventually..

-Hot Choco

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