Chapter 22-Under The Sea

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Jazz's POV
"Finally,I can get her back.."I trailed,a sigh of relief filled me.
I quickly walked to Optimus,himself towering over me.
"Hey,Optimus?"I asked him,and he looked down.
"Jazz."He greeted monotonely.
"I have contacted Silverspeed,she's escaped--with some of her comrades as well,"I explained.
"You have?"He asked,his mouth slightly agape.
"Yes,she needs'a cargo plane to pick them up,they'll be waitin' there,"I said.
"I will inform Lennox of this;do not worry,we will find her,"Optimus spoke.
"Thanks Optimus,"I mumbled,and walked off back to my quarters.
I passed by Sideswipe,and he had a solemn look on his face.
"Hey,"I addressed over to him.
He didn't respond,only avoided his optics away from me.
I sighed heavily,shaking my helm.
"Look,if it makes you feel any better,she escaped unhurt,"I said.
"She escaped?"He asked,his optics brightening some."Yes,with some other bots as well,"I continued.
"Where is she?"Sideswipe asked,staring at me like I had the answer to the Allspark.
"Well..I don't want you to go looking for her.."I trailed,not willing to trust him not to go off the island.
"But I need to know--I'm about to go insane,we didn't even save her.."He said,almost choking on his words.
"Hm,were you hit that hard?"I mocked,making his faceplates turn a hue of red.
"No.." He defended.
"Oh C'mon,I know you love her,"I taunted.
"Shut up,"He shot back accusingly.
"Don't worry,I'll make sure to let everyone know about your wedding,"I waved off casually.
"Wait!No!"He pleaded.
"Nah,I wouldn't do that--she said she'd be waiting at th' shoreline with some other bots,"I finally said.
"Other bots!"He said almost offended.
"Oh yeah,didn't I say that?Oh well..."I said with a roll of my optics.
"Jealous now?"I said with'a smug look."No,"He huffed,crossing his arms.
"Course you are,"I said sarcastically.
I strutted off without another word, I hoped I wouldn't have regretted telling him about Silverspeed.
Before I made it back to my quarters,I spotted Optimus yet again,talking to a human.
"Ah,Jazz--I have just told them to fly a cargo plane to their vicinity,"He said clearly.
"Just checkin' in Prime,"I said with a wave of a servo.
After the short talk with Prime,I traveled over to the training room,forgetting about my original plan.
Before I got there though,I heard distant...banging?Coming from the training room.
I peeked around th' corner,seeing the outline'a Sunstreaker pummeling a training dummy.
I decided not to say anything,so I just leant against the wall silently,definitely not a creep.
"What do you want,"He growled stopping his punches,yet didn't turn toward me.
"Well,I didn't want to get pummeled mah'self,"I stated.He scoffed at me,glaring at me in the optic.
"So what do you do now?Get angry at the wall and punch a hole through it?"I said sarcastically.
He narrowed his optics at me,and I rolled my optics.
"Primus,you two were much better when Silverspeed was around,"I said exasperatedly.
He huffed at my words,and I knew I stuck a nerve at him.
"Mm,well I guess I'll leave--I suppose Sideswipe already told ya what I said to him,"I said as I took my leave.
He could feel his intense stare burning at m'h back,but I continued on without a second thought.
Hopefully she'll come back here safe...honestly it wa's her own fault in the first place,but'ah won't count it against her.
She is my twin after could I?
Ya she'll definitely have to do all the scout patrols for a year..

Silverspeed's POV
We all sat on a boulder,blankly staring at the empty beach that had been closed--since some sharks moved in.
A sign covered in red paint read,
"Well,we can take a swim,can't we?"I gestured to the beach.
"What?We might get caught..."Jolt said disapprovingly.
"No one would even be close around here,"I rolled my optics at him.
"But..what are--Sharks?"Jolt questioned.
"Seriously?They're fish,that swim--they can't hurt us,"I said.
I was first to wade in,but the other two were skeptical.
"No one will see us out here,besides if they do,we can always just dive under the water,"I continued.
I could see them both thinking,staring at me doubtfully.
Finally,Prowl stepped out of hiding from the rock,cautiously walking towards me.
I was already chassis high in the ocean,but Prowl only came to the edge of the water.
"Cmon,it's great!"I said cheerily.
He gave a blank look in return,and I rolled my optics.
"Jolt,you better not be a scaredy bot,"I said.
"Am not!"He defended,crossing his arms accusingly.
"Sure,sure--sure,"I said dismissively,and he gave a shocked face,but then turned into a nasty glare.
He stomped out to me,splashing at the water as he stood next to me with a satisfied glance.
"Alright,at least I got you out here,"I said casually,patting Jolt's shoulder.
"Wait,how about we leave Prowl here and swim to Diego Garcia?"I said with a wink to Jolt.
His eyes widened but then turned into a smile.
"Ya,he's just added weight anyway,"Jolt agreed with the play along.
"Added weight?"Prowl said with an offended look."Ya,let's go Jolt,"I smiled as I pushed him over,
making him fall backwards into the water with a big splash.
I laughed at his face,but my optics widened when I saw him going for me.
I quickly dove away deeper into the water after he started chasing after me.
"I'm SORRY OK!"I yelled as he dove for me.
I yelped out as he crashed into me."Geezus Jolt,"I murmured with a hint of anger,getting myself back up.
He huffed with a scowl,bringing himself back up from the water.
I clicked my visor down,and sent him a two digit salute before diving down farther with a smirk on my faceplates.
I didn't need to breathe,but my visor helped me to see much better underwater,we didn't have water on Cybertron.
Although I didn't swim very far,I was too heavy so I sank to the bottom,
my pedes landing on the floor sending a cloud of sand up in the air--er ocean.
"Hey!" Jolt called from the rock he was standing on underwater.
"What!"I yelled back..though our voices sounded quite distorted under the water.
"Prowl said he saw the plane a few miles away!"He responded.
I laughed at his voice underwater,sending bubbles to come out of my mouth.
"You know your voice sounds the same,"He mumbled simply.
"What was that?I couldn't hear you from your mumbles,"I joked playfully.
"Come on!Lets go,and stop insulting my voice,"Jolt scorned.
He pulled me back up to the shallows,and we both walked out dripping wet with saltwater.
"Blegh,this saltwater is going to rust my gears,"Jolt said with a shake of his head.
"See,this is why you don't trust Silverspeed with making decisions,"Prowl said accusingly.
"Hey!"I shot back.
He shrugged,and I glared him down.
Then we heard the most audio-receptor piercing noise come from the sky,and we all covered our receptors.
Is that what all human Ariel flight vehicles sound like,"Jolt groaned.
"I don't sound that bad,"I pointed out.
We saw the carrier plane land on the smooth sand on the large beach,and we saw two pilots step out after.
"Hey Autobots,we were asked to pick you up,and glad we found you because we wouldn't want anyone to notice you,"
One pilot said,pulling up his visor from his helmet.
"Huh,I think I've seen you before?"He questioned towards me.
"Silverspeed?"He asked.
"Danny?"I asked shockingly.
I faced towards the other pilot,who had his mouth wide open.
"Matthew?"I said,my optics brightening in happiness.
"Silverspeed,it is you!"Danny gasped,runny up to me wi a huge grin on his face.
"I thought you guys were mechanics,"I smirked.
"We were,but we got promoted up to pilots because of our supposed good work on you,"Mark laughed.
"Huh?"I questioned bewildered.
"Well,you escaping from the other bots got around pretty quickly among us humans anyways,
and how we were such good workers on you,we were promoted to test flying planes,"Danny explained.
"But--" "Optimus thought it would be best if someone trustworthy could go find you,
but we didn't actually know it was you,you,"He said cheerily.
"Well,I'm happy to see you both here,"I smiled brightly.
"Mhm,guess we better get you three back to base then,"Mark said.
"Oh yeah,forgot about these two;they're Jolt and Prowl,"I pointed behind me.
"Cool,"Mark said,holding a thumbs up in the the air.
Me,Prowl and Jolt all climbed into the plane,transforming to make more space for ourselves.
"Alright,see you on the other side!"Danny said,flipping his visor back in front of his face.
"See you then,"I answered,and they pushed the button that closed the ramp door,locking itself tight in place.
"Here we go!"Jolt said with a smile.
" we go,"Prowl mumbled unenthusiastically.

Twenty minutes later...
"Prowwwwl,you're so boring..."
"I know I am,"
"Well--stop being boring,"
"Maybe I will if you would stop asking me every minute on this Primus forsaken plane,"
"I'm not in it now!"
"You're LITERALLY talking to me right now!"
"Oh my Primus--I'm going to murder you both if you don't stop talking,"
"What? I thought you were a good cop.."
"Have you not seen good cop bad cop?"
"That isn't even the plot,"
"It sounds good,that's all that matters,"
"This is why you don't trust Silverspeed with anything! Look where it got us!"
"It got us somewhere didn't it!"
"It surely got us somewhere,alright,"

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