Chapter 16-The Power Of Silver

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Jazz's POV
I sighed,sinking on my wheels in the plane."What has she gotten herself inta' now?"I asked quietly.
I tried reachin' her again,but she didn't answer."Scrap,"I said angrily.I tried again,but she kept it shut.

-Guys?She opened the bond fo'a minute,seemed like she was hurt bad-Jazz
-Noted,did you find anything about her whereabouts?-OP
-For now then,we will continue on our plan of air dropping into the outermost city-OP
-Yes sir...-Jazz

I cut off the Comm,staying silent.Trapped in a net on a carrier plane in your alt-mode,there wasn't much t'say.
There were two planes taking us to the mainland,driven by some of'a human pilot friends.
I felt sick to my frame,the effects from the bond still panging in my chassis.
"Hey,Jazz?"Sideswipe asked,turning his wheel in my direction.
"Ya,"I said blandly."Think she's ok?"He asked,a hint of concern in'is voice.
"I-I don't know,"I said honestly.Sunstreaker on the other side of Sideswipe,turned his mirror towards me.
"I don't even know where she is..."I trailed."I'm a terrible brother,"I said solemnly.
"No you're not,"Sunstreaker spoke up suddenly.
"You're fixing your mistake,that's all that matters,"He said plainly.
"Mistake?You--you're right...thanks,"I said.

-Autobots,we will be arriving to the mainland in 1 earth hour,-OP

The rest of the ride was quiet,no one spoke a word after the Comm from Optimus.
When we made it to the edge of the city,the pilots opened the hatch,and we all transformed and pulled off the nets.
"Stupid nets,why do we even need these?"Sunstreaker grumbled.
"Safety precautions,"Sideswipe replied."Safety precaution my aft,"Sunstreaker growled out.
I had to laugh at that.
After a bit of regrouping,we all came together at an abandoned gas station in'ah alt-modes.
" what do we do now?"Sideswipe asked dumbly.
"We don't even know where to start,"Sunstreaker mumbled.
"True,but we can't give up yet,I'll try reaching 'Speedy again,"I said.
::'Speedy?Ya there?::I asked::Ya,what'd ya want now?::She grumbled.
::Look,we're here to find you,so it'd be nice if'ya could kindly tell us we're you are::I said sarcastically.
::I-I can't,I'd probably be dead by the time you get here::She said blandly.
::Don't say that!We won't come,but at least tell me where you are...::I lied,hoping she'd tell.
::Fine...I' some kind of abandoned factory,can't really tell because I didn't have the time to look at the scenery::
::Alright alright...but thanks anyway::I said.
::Wait what?I thought you said--:: ::No matter what,I'm not going to stop looking,so ya' can forget about it::I said.
She stopped talking,and I could feel the pain slipping into the bond again.
::You okay?::I asked quietly.
::WHat Do YOu THInk?"She yelled out.
::Okay then,just don't die on me,::I said half-heartedly.::No promises::She replied.
She cut off the bond,and I went on the Comms.
-Guys,Guys!Got somethin' on Silverspeed,says it looked like she was located in some kinda abandoned factory-Jazz
-Rodger that-OP
-Looks like there's one couple miles from here-Hide
-Lets check it out-Sideswipe

We turned towards where an abandoned factory was,following Ironhide.
'Hope this won't take long...'

Silverspeed's POV
'Geez that mech' I thought.'Wont stop trying to talk 'till I'm in my grave!'
"Hey,Um...didn't catch your name?"Jolt asked.
"It's Silverspeed,"I said."Right,"He said quietly.
"So,I saw you;making weird faces,like you were...having a conversation?"He asked weirdly.
"Oh,yeah...about that;my brother Jazz was talking to me,"I replied with a tint of annoyance.
"How?All communications are disabled?"He asked in wonder.
"Um,a twin bond,"I said."Really?Are more Autobots coming?"He said brightening.
"Well,you might be able to be rescued,I think Im not going to make it past the day,"I said honestly.
"Don't say that!You'll be fine!"He said determined.
Although the energon was still bleeding out,so much had been lost that everything felt num.
"Wait,I think I have a Med-kit in my subspace,I was training as a medic back on Cybertron,"Jolt said.
"That's cool,I was once,but left to be in law enforcement,"I said,watching Jolt fiddle through his subspace.
"Here,"He exclaimed,taking it out.Some metal patches and a welder were all that was there in the Med-kit.
"Guess it's better than nothing,"He said.I shrugged.
He pulled out the welder,and took out a patch.
"Let's start with that one,"He said,pointing to the gaping hole that was covered by my servo.
I reluctantly pulled it off,Jolt welding it on.
He used the other patches on the smaller wounds,welding them together.
"There,"He said,pushing the Med-kit to the side.
He moved around to beside me,one pede out straight and the other pulled up some,his back next to the wall same as me.
I saw the still active acid nibbling at the newly made welds,but I dared not to say anything to Jolt.
"So..."He said awkwardly." "How long you think we'll be here,"He said, staring at the bright blue cell bars.
"Depends on if they decide to offline us or not..."I said.
"Great way to put things into perspective,"He said sarcastically.
"Or if we do first..."I trailed.
"We're tuff bots,aren't we?"He said smiling.
"Ya..."I said.I looked back down to the welds,that were already half eaten up by the acid.
I sighed,looking back at Jolt.He was staring at me concerned,until he saw the welds.
His optics widened some,but went back to normal.
"I knew I was going to die here--anyway"I said,wincing as the energon began to flow down once again.
"But--"He began."It's too late for me--tell Jazz-if he ever gets here-that I'm sorry,"I said,
feeling myself go in and out of consciousness for a bit.
"No!But,I just met you,and--"He started,but he stopped when I looked at him with a face.
"Thanks for being here,"I said with a small smile.
He pulled me into a small hug,"Anytime,"He said,gulping down a frown,keeping a smile on.
I felt my spark slow,and my optics went dim,slowly off lining.

-Dream State-Silverspeed's POV-
My optics flickered on,and I slowly got up from my spot on the ground.
It looked like everywhere was filled with stars.
Suddenly,a bright light filled the space,and I shielded my optics with a servo.
"You are awake,chosen one,"A voice spoke.
"What?"I asked out into the light.
"You are the chosen one,"The voice repeated.
"Am I dead?"I asked.It seemed like I had been close to death quite a few times now.
"Not entirely;I had stopped you from going to the Well of Allsparks to speak to you,"It said.
"Wait,are you PRIMUS?"I asked,my optics widening.
"Indeed,"He replied."Chosen one,your friends are coming to rescue you soon,
and I believe it is time to give you the power I had told you millennia before,"He voiced.
"The crystal,"He asked.I quickly grabbed it out of my subspace,and held it out in the palm of my servo.
The crystal was glowing brightly in my servo,pulsing almost.
"You are ready,"He said,and the shard leapt out of my servo,and merged into my spark casing.
The power was intense,I had to go onto one knee to keep my balance.
After it was done,I felt extremely dizzy,shaking my helm."Use your powers wisely,"He said,
and the light slowly faded away,along with the dimly lit stars,leaving blackness.

-End of 'Dream'-Silverspeed's POV
I gasped,bolting up straight.I looked around quickly,to see a stunned Jolt staring wide-eyed at me.
"Y--you're--alive..."Jolt said,still shocked."I can't die that easily,"I said with a smirk.
"And--you're...glowing?"Jolt asked.I looked down at myself,
and I was shocked to see a glowing blue aura around me,illuminating the entire cell.
The aura glowed brighter for a split second,and then vanished into thin air.
I stared down at myself,now perfectly repaired,like nothing even happened.
My jaw dropped,and Jolt looked like he was going to drop dead.

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