Chapter 3-Salutations

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Silverspeed's POV

I awoke from stasis lock,feeling slightly dead.
All I could see was a bright light.'Am I dead?'I thought curiously.
'Wow,what a way to die;make it to Earth and die.'
"Close anyway,"said a voice..."Ratchet?"
"We never thought you'd never wake up,"He said in a joking tone.
'Scrap,said that out loud,'I thought embarrassed.
My optics adjusted to the lights,and I could see I was in a Med-bay,with Ratchet working on some monitors that were hooked up to me.
"How long was I out?"I decided to ask in a hoarse voice,surprising myself.
"About a month,"Ratchet answered calmly,watching my reaction to the news,
raising an optic slightly.

After a bit,he continued,"Jazz was really worried,you know...he didn't sleep half the time;moped around all day,had to give him sedatives for Primus sake!"Ratchet blabbered on,like he was telling the latest gossip,which made me laugh at myself on the inside.He then put a servo over his mouth,realizing what he just said out loud to me.
I was silent for a moment;"WHAT!I exclaimed,not caring about my hoarse voice,I CANT BELIEVE HIM!I'LL BEAT THAT MECH TO SCRAP METAL!"I screeched,balling a fist in the air,waving it around like a madbot.

"Woah there Silverspeed,"Ratchet said calmly,putting my fist back down to the bed,"Don't use your voice too much,your systems are still rebooting,"He said,
back to his serious tone.I huffed,still thinking about that stupid mech.
Ratchet interrupted my thoughts,when he said someone wanted to see me,if I calmed down first.I nodded,and I saw..."JAZZ!"I exclaimed,"
'Speedy!"He ran over to the berth,wrapping me up on a tight half-hug,being careful not to unhook anything."I'm so glad 'ta see ya 'sis!I thought you'd nev'a wake up!"
Jazz said in a cheery tone.
"Good to see you to,Jazz,"I smiled,my voice no longer hoarse."I'm glad to see you,"he said back."Now,about that 'Not going to recharge and moping around all day and SEDATIVES',thing,"I asked;a glare facing Jazz."Hatchet,why'd you say that 'ta her,"Jazz said whispering over to Ratchet between gritted teeth.
"JAAAZZZ,"I said louder.
He gulped,turning back around,"Uhhh..."
"By the way,why do you call him Hatchet,?"I say pointing over to Ratchet,interrupting Jazz,though I doubt he would have said much else.
He smiled again,relieved not telling about the 'sedatives' thing.
"Well,'it because he throws 'dose wrenches,"Jazz whispered into my audios,pointing over to Ratchet's wrench stash. "I HEARD THAT,"Ratchet yelled.
"1Anyways,Silverspeed should be out in a week or so,"He said,glancing at one of the monitors."Aww,C'mon Hatchet,"Jazz pleaded,clasping his servos together.
Ratchet stared at him blankly,but then turned into annoyance.
"I'll give you three seconds to run,"Ratchet said threateningly,
with a wrench in one servo.
Jazz gasped slightly,his visor visibly raising .
I kept my visor trained on the wrench in Ratchets servo,whom had a serious look on his face."Three...."Jazz scrambled off the floor stumbling clumsily,
looking around wildly for a hiding place."Two..."
"Uh,hey Hatchet,we can talk this out,right?"Jazz tried reasoning with Ratchet,the wrench firmly in his grasp."One..."Ratchet raised the wrench up in the air,pointing straight at Jazz."Uh,gotta go 'sis,see ya later,"
Jazz chimed,while he barely escaped a wrench to the head.
He ducked again running out the door,another wrench flying at him.
The wrench barely missed,landing a solid dent in the wall."Grr,I'll get you NEXT time!"Ratchet yelled angrily,grabbing his wrenches off the floor.
I laughed,now I could see why Jazz called him Hatchet.
"What's so funny,"Ratchet asked,pointing a wrench my way.
"Nothing,"I answered quickly,going silent,not wanting another 'Ratchet tantrum'.He huffed,and went back to working on the monitors and some other machines I didn't know of,every once and a while giving me a glance.
We stayed quiet for awhile,only the beeping of the monitors making any sort of noise.I noticed that his optics dimmed for a bit,meaning he was on a Comm with someone.
His optics soon returned to normal,and not a minute later,
OPTIMUS PRIME walked into the Med-bay.
My optics were going to fall out of their sockets in my visor!This is Optimus Prime!
I had heard stories from Jazz of the leader of the Autobots,OP was a legend!
I knew that Jazz had fought alongside him during the war on Cybertron,but soon after I had been 'shipped off' into space,because Jazz was a big overprotective brother.
Jazz didn't like me to fight in the war on Cybertron,so I was pretty much just sitting in the back lines,doingnothing while Jazz got to do the cool stuff...
that's why it stinks to be the 'other' twin.
Anyways,back to OPTIMUS being in the room.
He walked up to me slowly,a calm tone on his face.
"Hello Silverspeed,I am glad to see that you are awake,"
Wow,he's talking to me! I smiled brightly at him.
He gave a questioning look,but I waved him off.
He continued,
"I came here to tell you important information about events that happened while you were in stasis lock,"he said.
"Wait,so how come I got here later then you all,when I got a head start?"
I asked,I really wasn't sure.
Ratchet got in on the conversation,"Your pod was apparently hit by an asteroid while coming to this planet,so the pod had to stop and repair itself,that is also why your bad had a more 'ruff' landing than some of the others,"
Ratchet spoke in a monotone voice."Oh,"I said dumbly."While you were in stasis lock,we have called Earth our new home,since Cybertron was destroyed.."OP trailed off."Destroyed?"I whispered slowly.
"The planet can no longer sustain life, the Allspark is no more.The Decepticons came to find the Allspark,but we defeated Megatron,using the Allspark,the Decepticons are now scattered across the globe,and we are hunting them down."
"Megatron is destroyed?!"I exclaimed."Yes,a human;Sam,helped us to defeat Megatron,and saved my life in doing so,"OP said.
"So,humans are good?"I questioned.
"Yes,humans have proved to be brave,and courageous species for their size,although we have to remain a secret for the majority of the population,"OP explained.
He continued on,"We are in a N.E.S.T base,a secret Military Organization,where humans know about our secret,but help us out in our missions,
and to keep us a secret to the world,"
"But,we must play by their rules,this is their world,"He spoke in an unchanging voice.
"I see,"I whispered,going over all the facts.
"I hope to see you back on your pedes soon,"OP smiled a bit,and walked out of the Med-Bay,Ratchet turning around,doing whatever he was doing.
I sighed,sinking back into the berth,crossing my arms.
I was already bored out of my mind,and it hasn't even been a day!

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